[Lex Talionis] Fire Emblem 8R (Playable monster units and MyUnit Test update out now!)

Here is the link to download the Beta of FE8R. :slight_smile:

It is playable on any Windows PC or devices. :slight_smile: Technically this is not a Romhack, it is FE8 built from the ground up in the LT Engine. :sweat_smile:


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I find that really interesting :o going through the memory I’ve found some really interesting things. Like how the deduction of Movement Points by Gilliam is different than any other character. (so far anyway. I keep resetting to see how stable the game is while doing shenanigans lol)

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Hahaha thank you :slight_smile: I’ve been trying my best to make things unique and interesting. :slight_smile: Though I can feel my creativity slowly going down as I am making hundreds of skills, classes, etc. :sweat_smile: At least once stuff is implemented, it’s easier to change it if a better idea pops up. :slight_smile: If you find anything game breaking, please let me know. :+1: There is one big known one that I’m waiting for an engine update for. It’s cooldown weapons and pair up breaking the game when a weapon is on cooldown with attack stance. :sweat_smile:

There has also been some bug fixes that have been implemented and will be out for the next patch


Ok, I got all the class skills done. :face_with_spiral_eyes:With the about 150+ playable classes, that should be around over 300 skills easy haha :sweat_smile: Now just need to finish the monster skills and then can move onto weapons. :grin:

Edit: I haven’t actually updated the files yet, until the monster skills are done. I will try to get that done and uploaded in about 2 days or so. :pray:


These aren’t game breaking but:

A wall in the Tower of Valni is acting weird. You can take it down but it’s target is situated somewhere else.

General doesn’t have a description upon promotion ( I think it’s Gilliam by the colors),

_Female symbol is displayed by the Mage Knight.

And Eirika is facing backwards in one of the beginning talking scenes. I think it’s the one before accessing the world map. I’m sure there’s more but I forgot to take note because I was prioritizing my shenanigans at the time :sweat_smile:

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Oh, good catches! Thank you :slight_smile: I’ll get those fixed before the next patch. :slight_smile:

Ok everyone! Newest big patch is out! :smiley: Skill system is fully implemented! Now every class has their skills, including monsters! :smiley: There will certainly be buff and nerfs to skills down the line, but it will be a lot easier now that they have been implemented.

A few bug fixes have been implemented as well. There is also a few palette updates to boot. All the Manakete/dragon classes now get a temporary weapon upon promotion they can use until I implement their actual weapons, but these should do in the meantime. :wink: So feel free to promote to them now :slight_smile:

I have now started the weapon patch phase of the project. This will be another big patch, with a lot of new weapons created and given to units and enemies. Rewards, shops will be given new inventory, and the tower/ruins will be filled with new goodies too. :slight_smile: So please continue to give your support, as it helps motivate me to make this big project for you guys and myself. :smiley: Thank you so very much! :pray:

Edit: This patch will almost certainly require a full restart in order for this to work properly.


Congrats! Now the game should be like 80-90% completed.
Have you though about changing the growth items? I though about if for a while and given the low level some units have when you get them and the high level you get others later in game, the items could prove OP or utter trash, so maybe changing the effect to plus stats or extra skills could make them more interesting.

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Thank you! :smiley: It’s hard to give a percentage of completion with this project, since I can add things forever over time like more base convos, paralogues, voice acting, etc. haha. :sweat_smile: I’m at least getting closer to implementing everything I had in mind for the project’s original vision. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I definitely have had things in mind for the promotion items/growth items. :slight_smile: Since can only equip one per character, I wanted them to have extra skills, abilities, etc. For example; the guiding ring gives +1 range to magic, or Speedwings give a unit flying. Just different stuff like that so it can really change up how a class or unit is used. :slight_smile: Right now I am in the gathering phase of all the assets I want to use for everything. I can start making the weapons/magic/items once I get a good collection and sheet made out of them. :slight_smile:


Wow, this is really cool! I like most of the unit changes so far, and it’s great seeing pairups play out in a GBA-esque setting. Fun to play, too :smiley: Only thing I don’t like is how big the weapon triangle bonuses are, but most other people probably like that lol. I did see a couple typos (“princesa”, “better offs”), and I noticed the characters’ mouths moving even when they’re saying “…”. No big deal of course, just things I happened to find.

Not sure how much more I’ll play right now, since I’m playing a ton of FE8 already for my own mod, but I’ll definitely come back to it!

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Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it so far. :slight_smile: Did you happen to remember on what chapters the typos were? They were probably in the beginning ones I’m guessing? Since I didn’t make those ones. :thinking: The rest though were script taken from Serene’s Forest (even though that isn’t perfect either and easily could have typos as well).

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Yeah they were both early. In fact, going back over it, it looks like Seth says both lines right before he fights Valter. First one starts with “Franz, ride ahead”, second starts with “Princesa Eirika, we must-”.

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Yeah, that sounds about right. :thinking: I’ll comb through the beginning parts then and see if I can find and fix those. Though just in case, you are on the most updated version right?


Should be :slight_smile: Used the Google Drive link from the post yesterday.

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Ok cool. :+1: Thank you. :slight_smile: At least text edits are easy to do as long as I know where it is at haha. XD


A small update has been uploaded to fix a game crashing bug for Lizard Pirate promotion and Lizardzerker ranged axe animation. The Lizardzerker animation is temporary for now.


Since so many people have been looking forward to it, here is a little peak of the Anima tomes I have grabbed for the project. :wink: I can’t wait to build this and set animations to them. :wink:


I’ve got all the icon sheets into the project and have started on weapon creation! :smiley: I’m just gonna work my way down, so I’m starting with the knives. :3 I’m looking forward to creating all of these. :smiley:


Newest patch is up to fix the major bug with pair up attacks and cooldown weapons. :slight_smile:


As of last update. The game crashes when you attempt to promote. This is an error with the engine, so we can´t do anything. When the engine gets updated we´ll release a patch ASAP.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the inconvenient.