Kyle Emblem (Help i have no idea what im doing)

Kyle Emblem!

Tree Kyle, Kyle, Ghost Kyle, King Kyle, and of course, Roy!

Here’s the story: While Lyon was doing who knows what to the dark stone, he accidentally sent some strange altered magic outside of the castle. This ball of chaos happened to hit our main character. And so every single living being in grado became kyle, and i do mean EVERYTHING. Now its up to kyle to go try and fix magvel, while meeting him self along the way!


Bold. Innovative. Intriguing. Splendid.

amazing concept, cant wait


  • Release patch while its still almost broken (Funni)
  • Wait for 1.0 to be done

0 voters

this will be good

In case you were wondering how everything it is, the only way your gonna be able to tell what unit your using is by stats. Ive messed the whole thing up twice because i couldnt tell what was what