Kooky and semi crazy ideas that you think would be really cool to see in rom hacks?

Summoners gaining the option to summon other classes at random as they level up, similar ot how phantoms get new weapons. For example, at level 5 a summoner gains a 20% chance of summoning an Elder Bael

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And maybe a ghost class which isn’t attacked by enemies but can be counterattacked? or just a class with this skill idk

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Shade+ skill

If you want them to not receive counterattacks:

I also wrote some asm to have enemies unable to be targetted under X condition. So you could have enemies that cannot be targetted or counterattacked if you give them dazzle, too.

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summoner jagen

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A main character ( ie who cannot die or is a game over) who is “cursed” and his curse worses when he feels hate and negative energies. So he should start as a Lord and be the most useful unit due to his very high stats, but all his stats and hp goes down with every level up ( except strength that would go up, in the end he would be the most fragile unit but with a high raw power due to his curse)


I will always stan high defense mages and low defense archers


Assassin emblem:
Control small amounts of groups which is either your main lord is a promoted assassin who assassinates then your crew are thieves or other classes for raiding and shit. The assassin lord and other crew must split in different locations.

Summoner emblem:
Everyone’s a summoner even the enemies

Kaiju emblem:
Control an army of big monsters can destroy villages kill npcs and everyone (was an idea for a hack back then but cancelled cuz demon king’s summons are locked on enemies only)

Dancer lord:
Protect damsel in distress dancer in a dangerous world who is assassinated by everyone and the key of the story. Hack must be really difficult.

From my hack fe incursion:
Large and Open battle field style maps. Open as hell, no covers, no mercy, prepare a defensive formation cuz gigantic waves of soldiers will surround you.

No idea if all of these will be fun


Cool idea, though for a main character, humm losing stats might feels bad?

I’ll be waiting for one of these to pop up from your thread haha

Valkyrie Emblem: You recruit dead characters and the setting its more a war of gods rather than humans wars.


Every single unit you recruits are My Units.
When recruited, you can customize their appearance, their stat and growth, and assign them any tier - 1 class of your choosing.

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sooo a singular PMU?

Yeah, pretty much a PMU but you Pick your own Unit lol.
I mean there are several games where you can customize every single unit you recruited to your team. The only example I know the most is Lobotomy Corporation, but I think XCOM Enemy Unknown also allows you to customized your recruited soldiers i heard?

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Maybe by “dying” they lose stats but gain power

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Some sort of mounted infantry class, so basically a dragoon. It can use a mount to move around faster, but has to dismount to actually fight, or atleast receives some significant penalties when fighting while mounted.


Add a mode where instead of permadeath, characters are penalized by losing stats instead. Basically a mix between casual and classic