I've been reading this forum for months, might as well make an account

Hello everyone! I’m Peter, I’m a huge Bionicle and Mass Effect fan, but when I want to dive into a fantasy setting my go-to’s are D&D and Fire Emblem.
I’ve been playing Fire Emblem for about 10 years and I’m really excited to be part of this community.

I was first introduced to the series when I downloaded the Awakening demo from the eshop in a moment of extreme boredom. I then played through Shadow Dragon, Awakening, the three routes of Fates, Echoes and Three Houses. I also played Heroes for a couple of years but that was a miserable experience.

My favorite game is Echoes, I absolutely love the artstyle, music and overall balance of the game. I also very much enjoy Fates and Three Houses for their more casual approach and freedom in army building.

I’ve been reading threads and playing romhacks from this site for some time now, I have to say I’m extremely impressed with the talent displayed on this website!


Spectre Status Recognized.


Cool. You sound pretty paragon!

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Bionicle fans unite! Unity, duty, destiny! :smiley:


Welcome Petersheikah hope you enjoy your time here

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We embraced these gifts and, in gratitude,
we named our forum home Fire Emblem Universe.

…Oh, yeah, welcome to FEUniverse, Petersheikah!

Edit: I’ve added brother Brober as Toa Lewa.


I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel.

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You really gonna make him Onua when his pfp is Pohatu?

Also can I be Lewa?


I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favourite store on the Citadel

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Thanks for the welcome everyone, I feel at home already!
Now I just gotta figure out how this trust system works and why it won’t let me reply to anything that’s in the “discussion” category

You need to reply to someone else’s thread to gain additional permissions. Seems silly that it won’t let you reply in certain categories, but permissions come quickly.

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Onua was closer to the screen, I guess. ¯l_(ツ)_/¯


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