
[Deleted Thread For Personal Reasons]

[This project is protected by the following copyright licence: CC BY-NC-ND.
Any content showed here cannot be used for commercial uses, editing or any other request like this + the license right itself.
As an extra, As rightful author of this content, I prohibit anything related to sharing, downloading, editing or whetever the CC license would not cover. Not complying with these right will result in a cease-and-desist, followed by a lawsuit]

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Not a lawyer or anything, but shouldn’t you be asking the permission of each individual artist instead of making a poll? If you’re using it to keep track of who’s allowing what, asking the creators of the assets you want to use would probably be better. And I imagine a lot of the people who contributed to the FE Asset Repository might not even see this thread anyway, so asking directly would yield the best results.

Anyway, good luck with your project!


A lot of things from the repo use vanilla assets as a base and just edit them. They would not be legal to use even with the permission of the artists that edited them.

Something like this looks close enough to vanilla that you couldn’t sell it.

You should use something from this website as placeholder art:

Later on you could hire artists once you’ve made a lot of progress with everything else.


:warning: illegal :warning:

No, please don’t.