How easy game balance?

Hello this is brother

My brother and I are working on a game project but the player testing came and said the new project is very easy.

Are easy games good? Should we try a lot to make the fire emblem game difficult or is it okay to make it easy?

We don’t want too hard, but we don’t know if people here like too easy. For example, they said that maps are too straight lines. You simply walk forward and kill the enemies with the main character and that’s easy.

They said the enemies are very weak and their positions are bad. Is it worth taking a lot of time to redesign, or is this kind of fire emblem acceptable?

How many of you enjoy easy games? Is it different for easy fire emblem games?

I think it’s important to distinguish between easy and boring.

I think easy games can be fun if they are satisfying to play or have other elements that keep me engaged, like the music or the characters.

With FE, everyone has a different tolerance for difficulty so I think it’s good to have multiple difficulties where possible.


Easy can be fun when your feel empowered.

Like in wario land games or in the end game of some fire emblems

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ok thank you

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