General QnA topic

What is the inside of an onion like?

Am I getting prepaid for portraits Iā€™m supposed to be making for you in the future?

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whats your address

Will my project be a success?

ā€¦ He said anything.

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No wonder my men call you as ā€œThe Suckerā€ ,look at you!

Show us what you can do, Sucker! Pick your Killer Axeā€¦and kill!!!

Will you ask people to make MY sprites now?

Why did my wife leave me?

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Are you evah going to reply? :slight_smile:

Would you date a Spotty Bulbear?

Welcome to Chairā€™s Ask Me (almost) Anything!

Unlike those QNA threads thereā€™s no guarantee Iā€™ll answer.

Ask away, or donā€™t. You do you.

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Where did Sme put the funny?


They didnā€™t give it to you, clearly

How did you come up with your user name?

When I got a PS4 back in 2014 I had to come up with a username so I did the lazy thing and just used a noun/adjective random generator.

I didnā€™t get Reliable Chair, but I had Reliable (something canā€™t remember) and then (something canā€™t remember) Chair and thought itā€™d be a funny combo.

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When are you quitting your chronic april fools project and moving on to a far more serious hacking venture?

Idk man, Chesterā€™s pretty serious. Heā€™s on a quest to save the world with his buddies.

Sounds like something a man named Chester using Chairā€™s face would say.

Feel free to ask questions about me and my life and how it is going.
Post must be at least five words short. Please, thank you.


Why are you so great.