[GBAFE(7)] Music Insertions

I just keep finding things that I have no idea about:
Is there a way to make an animation loop? Like, the shaman cape or something?

Tucked away in the Documentation folder of FEditor Adv is a txt file called “Class Animation Creator” that lists some of the less obvious features. Directly from the file:

About looping frames/commands:

The 01 command has been hacked to allow looping of the frames and commands prior to it. To utilize this, an “add loop marker” button will allow specification of which location in the animation to begin repeating each time the 01 command is reached without the animation continuing beyond (normally the game loops back to the 01 command itself). Specifying a loop marker in a script is as easy as having a line with “L”, but the “L” line must come after a “C04” or “C05” line.

The long and short of it is that the game will loop from the L marker to the C01 command, rather than simply staying on the last frame before C01. An example from a script:

3 p- frame12.png
3 p- frame13.png
3 p- loopframe1.png
3 p- loopframe2.png
3 p- loopframe3.png

So here, L denotes a looping group of frames. The game will go through the 3 frames, then hit the C01 command. Rather than keeping on loopframe3.png, FEditor will go back up to the L flag and loop again. Note that you cannot loop until the “C04” or “C05” commands have been called, so be aware. Once the opponent’s health has stopped decreasing, the game will stop looping and continue with the animation.

I feel like someone should make an in-depth animation creation guide that goes over the niche deets for features like this

Yeah, that worked, thank again. I seem to have another issue… (why do I keep having so many issues… I guess I can blame it on RNG, right?)

I was typing events for a chapter of one of my hacks, and for a while, the chapter progresses fine, but then at a certain point, the battles start getting really screwy.
First, the game starts by making it so that the enemy does not attack in battles. For example, my mercenary doubles a mage who can counter, so I initiate the fight. My mercenary hits the first attack, then goes for another attack, dealing no damage(I would assume because this is supposed to be an enemy attack, and so the enemy cannot deal damage to themself[without the aid of Devil Reversal, at least]) then my mercenary attacks again, dealing normal damage, killing the enemy. The next battle goes on the same way.
After that battle, on the enemy turn, they attack NPCs, and the battles work just fine. Then, we get to another screwy part.
An enemy mage at let’s say [13,13](because I forgot the coordinates), moves to attack my “Mage Knight,” resulting in a normal battle. After the battle, I notice that the mage at [13,13] is still there, and proceeds to attack my “Mage Knight” once more, the fight progressing normally. After the battle, the mage is still at [13,13](and there are two mages that attacked me which came from [13,13]), and the process repeats once more, with a mage still at [13,13](glitch in enemy movement makes instant enemy spawner?). Then, I have my Horse Slayer(unit,custom) attack the mage, which results in this screwy battle:

Any ideas? It only seems to occur after a certain turn(something after 5, I think.)
If this is important, here is some other information:
Events offset: 0xCAD824
Chapter ID: 0x0E (11, Another Journey[Hector Only])
Lyn’s Mode
I will post the events if necessary.