Fire Emblem The Prophecy Of Flames

I have caught wind of this bug. My apologies for the inconvenience. I’ll try to fix this as soon as possible!

Just for my record, have you started a new save file completely, or are you replaying the chapter from an earlier save?

I have updated the patch file with a new one that should work.

Edit 2: So it turns out that it was because the seize event had a different end event than the chapter itself somehow. Everything should be fixed right now! Thanks to @Armory for helping me figure this out!


I have also caught a softlocking error. Right after watching all the pre-battle events for Chapter 2x, the game locks up by removing all enemy units that were there. The map becomes empty and no input works.

I’ve resumed the chapter, restarted it and skipped all the dialog but it still happens. Too bad, because so far the hack seems very good despite the so far obvious similarities to Sacred Stones’s story.

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I’m sorry to hear about the softlock error. I’ll try to replicate it myself and fix it. When I do, I’ll release a new patch so that you can continue playing if you want!

I was already ready to blame the emulator (JohnGBA) on Android, but I’ve imported the save to PizzaBoy, too, and the same thing happens.

Here is my sav file, hope it helps with the debugging.

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Hello everybody!

Just a quick update here for you all! Fire Emblem The Prophecy of Flames has been updated to version 1.4.2. @Armory did some playtesting of version 1.4.1. and discovered some bugs, which (should) have been fixed in the new patch! The new version is available via the Drive link that is posted all over this thread. The bugfixes include:

  • Jarred leaving the party constantly in the early game. Jarred should be part of your party permanently now, as previously I Thanos snapped him from existance with the delete command… Whoops…
  • Two units from chapter 2x should now carry over their levels and inventory over to chapter 5x. Once again, the delete command was to blame!
  • The transition between player parties in chapter 2 and chapter 2x should be going more smoothly now.
  • Not per se a bug, but Lyanar’s map sprite should now have its proper, recolored hair.

If you find any new bugs, please report them so that I can fix them!

Once again, thanks to everyone for playing the game and checking the project out! Until the next one!


Unfortunately, this update hasn’t fixed my freezing bug in chapter 2x when the first player turn begins :frowning: I’m wondering if I somehow managed to break my save by using an incompatible emulator or doing something odd in-game?

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Ah, I’m very sorry to hear this. It could definitely be an emulator issue. Does the new save file I shared with you also freeze chapter 2x, or is that not the case.

As far as I know, there should be nothing you can do in game that bugs out chapter 2x, as that game makes a party switch. The fault would be with the way I structured the events, not the way you play the game!

Your save indeed let me play and finish 2x but now after entering the world map when I go to the menu, all I can see is this:

I feel like I should just restart and play your hack on mGBA on PC or something. It will probably be more stable since others managed to play it just fine.

What the heck? Okay, this is not supposed to happen haha.

Maybe replaying it would be for the better yes.

Hey can tell does it have support and paired endings, it’s ok if it doesn’t just asking out for curiosity

Heya Brax! I am planning supports and paired endings, but they just have not been implemented yet.


This happened to me and I’m playing on mGBA

Hello everyone! I’ve taken some time to look deeper into the party switching issue and everything surrounding the party switching should have been fixed. I do not know how your saves will react, so please beware that you can possibly run into issues.

You can access the new version (v.1.4.3.) is accessible via the same Drive link that has been plastered all over this thread!

Feel free to DM me or make a post on this thread if you run into any issues again! I want everyone to enjoy my game without bugs!

Thank you for your patience!


I gave this a try, and I had a lot of fun with it, would love to see more!.
I hope you will proceed with it and wish you all the patience and motivation!

Some general remarks:

  • talk bubbles would be nice, as a QoL
  • I like the traditional interlude at the world map between chapters
  • the archive is very well written!
  • I’m not a fan of the Wind animation (Wind edge), there are certainly better options
  • Best unit: Emma, no doubt.
  • The music is awesome, a lot of great stuff! And Golden Sun battle tracks!

I can only say, keep it up!

Remarks to chapters, probably spoilers...


Prologue I

  • Sirland looks very young, like he is the same age as Tim. It’s a bit odd that he is so young, and talks about old times and battles…

Prologue II

  • nice hint in the archive to go into the woods
  • support convo text from vanilla game (Tim + Sirland), I think there are a lot of vanilla supports mixed with new ones, also in the following chapters.
  • strange event after beating Gorrum: a new boss appears at the bottom right corner of the map, and is immediately teleported to the first boss location (couldn’t see a warp staff :wink: )


  • How does he know the name of Sevan, at this point in the dialog? Was not mentioned before, I think.


  • Right at the beginning there are so many supports, what’s going on?

  • Gustav appearance is a bit misleading, as it shows that he wants to talk to Emma. I tried to talk to him with Emma, which is not possible. Only Tim can talk to him.

  • Mace was not auto promoted from villager to another class, I did level him up to 10 in chapter 3, yes, boss abuse :wink:


  • This was a great effect, you should definitely make this sound loader!

  • A crash to the start screen happens during battle prep: open and close the support menu, reproducible.

  • After this, the next dialog box (“is everything alright”) is auto skipped. This happened also at other dialogs, did not catch them all…

  • Typo

  • No health bars for the monsters?

  • I wouldn’t exactly call the monsters “Neutrals”, also the line is too big to fit on the screen. But “Monster Phase” is also too long…

  • It’s not clear that this is the boss, which ends the map…


  • Typos:

  • Not sure what it is, but the eyes of Drake are looking strange to me…

  • Yes, this is a disappointment, two missing spaces. :wink:


Hey Cath, thank you so much for all of the feedback! This is really appreciated!

I’m also very happy to hear that you enjoy(ed) the hack! I’m still working on it by the way, just not at a super fast pace. :laughing:

I’ll make sure to work your feedback into the next patch! Once again, I really appreciate the feedback!

As for the questions that you've asked (spoilers):
  • Supports are still vanilla, as I want to focus on the main story chapters first and the rest of the dialogue in game later!
  • I might have to age up Sirland a bit, huh? :joy:
  • Also, the whole teleporting boss thing is a bug. I thought it was fixed! :sob: I’ll have a look at the event that predates it!
  • Supports are gained very fast in the hack, as I’ve heard quite a number of FE players (both vanilla and romhack players) complain about the slow Support speed in the GBA games.
  • I’ll look at Gustav and his recruit convo again. I might just turn the Emma talk option into the recruitment conversation for him with Gustav. Reason Tim recruits Gustav, is that when Emma dies, you can’t get Gustav anymore.
  • Mace does not auto promote, because last time I checked it with my rom, the promotion was bugged. I’ll fix this in the next patch!
  • Thanks for reporting the chapter 4 crash!
  • Monster health bar and phase image issues have to do with the 4th allegiance patch, which can be wonky at times. I’ll dive into it. As for the boss monster, I’ll make sure he has a boss icon next time!
  • I’ll have a look at the other issues and typos as well!

Once again, thank you so much for playing!


Just one other thing, in battle prep for chapter 6, I tried to use the Master Seal on Mace or Heame, and after the promotion animation is finished, the game crashes to the title screen.
Happens also when you just cancel the promo screen.

Another one: chapter 6 starts with an empty title:

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Hello everyone! First of all, Happy New Year!

I’ve released a new version of Fire Emblem The Prophecy of Flames, version 1.4.4. to be exact! This version mostly tackles some issues that @Cath has mentioned in their post, but it features some recoloured sprites and some altered conversations as well!

This is the first version that contains a support conversation (that I’m satisfied with) too! Let Jarred and Tim have a talk!

The patch can be found in the Drive folder, the link to which is at the top of this page.

Thanks as always for your patience.


Soooo, hi! First of all, congratulations for your progress! It has been a very fun hack until now, the story feels like something I would read on the official games.
But I wanted to tell you that I found a bug on the animation of Scotland while using lances, it’s like he appears and disappears, it’s only a visual effect though, it doesn’t affect gameplay.
Don’t know if this is just on him or all Paladins.

I also noticed a Typo, the boss in chapter 2 has an Steel axe called the Steal axe. Idk if it was intentional, if it was, good pun!
I think that’s all for the moment, I’ll let you know if I find something else.

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Thank you for playing the hack and sharing the feedback!

The steal axe was an intentional pun haha. Just a brigand with a special axe!

I’ll take a look at the Palading animations because that cerrtainly is not what we want!

By the way, I also found a bug on the support screen, when I enter the screen and then go back to the prep menu the game crashes.

Oh, I also leveled up Mace to level 10 on chapter 3 and he doesn’t promote at the start of chapter 4, is there a seal to promote him or it wasn’t intended?

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