Fire Emblem: The Lonely Mirror (Full Game - FE8 ROM Hack)

On the last chapter. The game has been fun, here are my thoughts/suggestions.

The Angel Wing should come in an earlier chapter.

Ch 3x: Maybe add a one or two more green units to make this chapter more survivable or allow the user to start with three units instead of 2. This chapter depends alot on rng and so many things going perfectly to complete with a character getting killed. I dread playing this chapter on Maddening Mode.

Ch.12: This chapter is very dependent on if you leveled atleast two or three of Myles, Caspian, Boone, Liang or Roxie. It would be better if Helga, Benji or both show up here instead of Rob or with Rob. Helga can move further which helps in protecting the different spots in the fort and Benji can attack from range. It won’t affect the story much really.

Rob is more of a deadweight because of his terrible speed and there are a large portion of axe and magic users in this level.

Ch.15: Wise sometimes glitchs out and does not move towards you if you come into his range. The other wyverns around him don’t have this problem. This happened to me with Winifred where the Wyvern with Iron Lance moved and attacked her but Wise stayed in his position and flew to his death when the monsters showed up.

Maybe move him down to a position where you can reach him on foot rather than on a mountain.

Ch.19: The issue is with the green unit on the top because he has an axereaver but can still die easily to the centaur with a droppable silver axe. Also, making the centaur so close to the green unit almost makes the silver axe unobtainable unless the green unit gets killed. Not sure if this is intentional where you want the player to choose between saving the green unit or getting the silver axe. I think you can swap the centaur with a monster somewhere else on the map or move the starting position of the centaur closer to Leah’s position (the fort to the left of the armory).
This way, you incentivize the player to risk moving Leah or Brett to kill the centaur if they want the Silver Axe or play it safe and protect the green unit on the top left.

Ch.21: Devante’s range is too wide, maybe reduce it a little or move your starting position 1 - 3 squares up. The big issue with this is the village in the middle. The starting position of the pirate at the bottom makes it difficult to get to the village unless you use sleep or a long-range magic tome to halt the pirate. The pirate having better resistance than defence doesn’t help.

Ch.23: maybe reduce the reinforcements a little bit especially close to Edith.

Ch.26: Maybe give Ozias an Elixir because he dies too easily unless you have a Physic user with a long enough range. Amanda moving makes the chapter more fun.

Ch.27: Shane loves to die by the Sniper to the right. Maybe spawn him with one less green unit so it takes him longer to kill the enemy units on the top left.

I like Ch.8, 16, 20 and the final chapter for various reasons.

Ch.8: for the interesting chapter design which forces you to be proactive unless your three characters may die.

Ch.16: How realistic the situation is. If you get put in jail, you definitely will not get to keep your weapons or stuff. This chapters makes you have to be a bit more strategic.

Ch.20: The chapter design and unexpected surprise makes this chapter fun.

Final Chapter: I have seen a similar gimmick in the final chapter of a previous hack but I like the extra effect from the boss.

Amanda’s epilogue info made me chuckle :rofl: :rofl:

I plan to play on Maddening Mode next and I dread playing some of these chapters especially the ones with heavy enemy density or reinforcements like Chapter 8.


Thank you for the detailed feedback chapter by chapter, @FE74ever. This is really helpful for me, and I will be incorporating much of your feedback.

I will see how the game feels when giving this on Ch28 instead of Ch30. I do not think this item should come too early though, but it would be good to get more use out of it.

I have decided to buff Rob by making him a slightly higher level. I am also giving Rob a Slim Lance at the start to improve his speed and hit chance. Rob also needs some buffs as he is consistently ranked low on most tier lists. Helga and Benji will be staying in the chapters they join. I don’t think it would make sense for Caden to want Joseph traveling alone.

Interesting. I tried to make corrections to the positioning here. Hopefully this will be corrected.

Regarding Ch19, I made some edits based on your suggestion. The silver axe should be easier to obtain, and I put some distance between enemy and the watchman.

I switched up some of the placement on this chapter so it is easier to defend the village in the middle of the map that gives hammerne.

I did many edits on Ch23. I reduced the number of reinforcements and made the enemies that start near Edith considerably weaker.

I made a lot of changes to the enemy placements and AI and will be trying out something a little different with Ozias’s character. He kind of is one of the worst units in the game - if not the worse as it stands. I plan to change him more into the Est archetype that he is designed to be, yet also improve his survivability. Ozias should become a zero to hero character instead of zero to mediocre at best.

Chapter 8 really isn’t too bad on Maddening. I personally find Chapter 7 more difficult, but that’s because I can be impatient about checking the ballista range. Prelude 3 should also not be much different on Maddening. I tried to keep it mostly consistent between the difficulties as there is some rng on this chapter. I think the hardest chapter is Chapter 27 personality.

Happy you enjoyed it. :smiley: Amanda is certainly amusing. Never expected she would be the most popular female character.

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Happy to hear my feedback helped.

Finally, a useful Rob… Crazy Scenes :rofl:


Eh… I don’t know about that… At least, not yet. Rob’s new base speed is mymidon level though, so it could be interesting to play around with.

Making armor knights competitive with the movement penalty is a challenge. They have traditionally been a not great class in Fire Emblem.

I tried putting in enough defensive maps in this hack and the Halberdier promotion can be decent for either Grant or Rob. They both can work fine on a team. Boone is pretty much a much better armor knight if you think about it.

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Armor Knights tend to bad if there are some magic units in a couple of the maps. The reason is usually because almost all magics users tend to have good speed except dark users who compensate with a high magic stat. It also doesn’t help that are special weapons that are effective against them (armor slayer, heavy spear…)

I only had one good armor knight which was Wendy in FE6. I lucked out in one playthrough and she got good speed growths which along support with Ogier and Lilliana made her a juggernaut.

Unfortunately Armor Knight = Moving Punching Bag

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I forget, do Armored Knights still have sub-Infantry Mov in this game? It’s been a while since I played it.

The solution I’ve found to work the best for Armored units is to give them the same Mov as Infantry, but harsher terrain penalties. That way, while they still have the worst mobility of all the class types, they won’t be as likely to fall behind unless the terrain in the map is especially rough.

It also helps to give them access to more weapon types than other class types in the same tier, so that they stand out more and aren’t just Infantry units with theoretically better stats.

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Armor knights do have sub-infantry move in this game and to me that makes sense as if they have the same move, they are really no different than a soldier.

I do like the thought of giving armors more weapons though. It is always nice to be able to utilize the weapon triangle. If I did that though, that would mean I would have to rethink some of the class promotions. Grant is a pretty fun Halberdier… Hm. I will change armors if there is support for this change.

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I think it’s almost impossible to make armor knights great since they are antithetical to they way most people play and create FE, giant maps that require quick units to get the chests before the enemy thieves do or time limits. Armor knights represent turtling tactics in all their glory and FE (especially hacks) are a giant middle finger to that way of playing.

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I am always in support of changing armor knights base move to 5. I really liked @VonIthipathachai suggestion of giving them harsher terrain penalties to balance them out. I also think if you alter their stats so that their speed is frankly average at best they still present differently enough from infantry by being able to effectively tank, but aren’t likely to double except perhaps late game.

You don’t have skills in this hack (which I actually like after playing a bunch of hacks, I find people just throw em on and it just makes everything way too convoluted) otherwise I would suggest giving them pivot but keeping 4 move, so they can effectively ‘leap frog’ 5 move characters to hop in front but it requires smart positioning from the player to effectively utilize.


I am not sure if I like giving the armored classes +1 movement but give them harsher movement on terrain. I think that could equally become annoying on certain maps. I can certainly play around with it. Honestly bringing an armor knight is pretty fine on most maps in this hack. They do well on P, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17B, 22, 25, 26, 27, and 29 as there are places for them to set up and do their job.

I am thinking maybe giving armor unit specific accessories or access to many weapons, which could allow them to do their job better.

Thank you! One of the first decisions I made when starting this hack was no skills. They can get way too convoluted as you wrote.

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I really should try this hack out sometime… but school is a harsh mistress…
I must say though, you’ve certainly got my attention.


Hope you check it out when school lightens up for you. It is a fun game, and I tried to give it a lot of color.

I have a lot going on right now outside of my “Fire Emblem world,” but perhaps when you get to this, I’ll have an update that addresses some of the feedback or ideas people have shared to make it an even better experience.


I noticed another issue. During the Prelude chapters, you can’t access the supply. This can be an issue during Prelude II because if you kill the Enemy that has the chest key or door key while your character has 5 items and you send it to supply, you can’t get the treasure or free Lael.

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So, back again. I have been busy with my exams, but I have been playing when I had the time. I finished the version I was playing, chapter 29 being the last playable one. I promoted everyone at level 20 except Benji (no Master Seals left) and Shiloh/Riley (I think they didn’t exist in this version) or Sterling (played normal mode). So here I go. Sorry for the long text:

-Chapter 25. This is the chapter when you nees to realise that leveling up characters to level 20 before promoting or choosing units to 100% supports has no place in the game anymore. So difficult with all units so far away… Once they got together I managed to control the map (even had time in the last turn to go for the boss). Didn’t expect Cobalt dying. He looked unique, in the sense that it made me thought all the time he would be recruitable. Fun chapter once you get your people together.

-Chapter 26. Recruiting Ozias can be really difficult, due to him possibly dying on the second turn if he’s not lucky. I would give him some Elixirs. Reaching him while surving this episode with only males so you can recruit Amanda is also hard. Once Amanda started moving I thought she was going to simply going to go away from the map. What a terrible surprise as I saw her moving to my units. Once I recruited Ozias I had to run back from the door at the botton left, run through the forest and enter through the door on the right. There I managed to kill all enemies moving except Amanda. I placed all my units out of Amanda’s range except Rob (General), and tanked her until her weapon ran out (healed Rob with Liang and rescued him every turn, basically doing nothing in those turns with the rest of the team). Once she was not a problem, I got to finish the rest of the chapter. Liked it a lot.

-Chapter 27. Recruiting Shane and Amanda is hard, because it means you’ll have to send half your squad to each place. Once you have Amanda, you can clog the tunnel a little bit down and to the right of where you can get the Strike Rune. I found this crucial once the enemies started moving. If you manage to get them stuck after that wall, you’d be able to get the chests in the map. Boone or Amanda are good to tank this, but I took their weapons so they wouldn’t kill units, meaning I could level up to level 20 Faith and Parvatti. The guard amulet is essential so the boss doesn’t crit Boone if you choose him. I’d add aome kind of reward for keeping alive the green units, as I managed to do so thinking there would be and I endep up looking as a clown for saving them.

-Chapter 28. To me, this chapter needs some changes to enemy respawns. I went to the left and clogged the entrance with Boone, and there’s nothing they could do. I watched as enemies respawned for almost all points in the map and died one by one against Boone. The enemies spawning to the left were massacred with my units, as I outnumbered them. When the reinforcements whined down, I took my squad and killed the rest of them… and it felt like the rest of the map was empty. I feel like this chapter would benefit more from reinforcements spawning once you cross certain zones in the map (the zones with the runes for enemies in the superior part of the map, the stairs to enter the rooms to each side). If you crossed the room at the botton left, you’d get enemies spawning in that place for x amount of turns. That would help to make the map feel alive, and not like you already finished. The idea I was against in chapter 24, where enemies would spawn (in your own turn) when you moved through a certain point would work so well here, because it makes sense storywise (they are illusions. She’s spawning them as you get closer to the Black points (don’t remember the name, sorry).

-Chapter 29. I agree with some of the thing said before. The ship needs more defense. I once saw how it was oneshoted by a promoted Gargoyle that x2 it. There was nothing I could have done, since the gargoyle had just spawned and the ship was full health. Also, the damage done by the ship is too low. Leah’s mother would get one shoted to by Shadowshots by units that had just spawned, making impossible to reach them in time, which was annoying (I’d say that her resistance should get a little boost too, but you can rescue her till you destroy those enemies). Fortify is the key in this chapter. Also clogging the bridges helped me get through it, with Amanda, Boone and Liang (last one was dodging left and right). Got to promote Helga and Roxie in this chapter, and gave Roxie the dreamcatcher, as she had the lowest overall of all my units (I have an Excel sheet where I keep track of all my units attributes and supports chapter by chapter. Overall is just ((PV + Power + Skill + Speed + Defense + Resistance + Luck)/7). That way I keep track of which units I need to be more careful with. Roxie had some rough levels in the beggining).
About the houses in this level… maybe one of them could give you something useful? Maybe another one just spawns a zombie as you visit it (the person living there turned). Give some incentive to visit them.

And that was it. I’d probably wait like 2 weeks to start the full version, to see if you implement some changes. Some final notes:

-I ended up buying 11 Master Seals in chapter 24. I got all the ones I could steal or by opening chests. That means I was short 2 Masters Seals (Benji and Shiloh/Riley. 3 if you count the hard mode exclusive character. That would mean you’d need to buy 13 Master Seals to promote everyone, which using the Silver Card would end up costing 65000 gold. I would make some enemies drop gold so this amount doesn’t look as impossible as it does. Also I’d make more Master Seals available in chests or by stealing from enemies.

-Once again, I hate when they make me choose a character over another one. I like it storywise, but I hate not being able to have both units at the end of the game. I can’t talk how to do so with Shiloh and Riley, as I haven’t seen those characters, but with Wanda and Tanya I would make one of them recruitable in the same way Lionel is recruitable. I’d make the one who ends up not chosen a monster in the same chapter as Lionel, with Shane being the one character required to talk to them (after Lael got in contact). For Tanya I would choose a Gorgon, and for Wanda a Tarvos. That would make for an interesting way to recruit the other part. I know you have a lot of characters in the game, and you probably won’t use that character in the 3 episodes left, but I think having them all and purifying them would be a great option storywise. Also, it gives Shane something to do.

-I would add the location to secret shops in the Runeguide pdf. Also some support guide, where we can see which character can have support conversations with who.

-I’d love for you to find a way to implement something to do like 3 support conversations in the preparations for battle, so we can 100% that, as I don’t know if it is possible with the great amount of characters in the game.

-Recruitable Cobalt. That’s it.

-The story. I liked it a lot, but I was a little bit lost with Devante and the Proclaimers. They are trying to kill youbthe whole game and suddenly they are not so bad… It was a little confusing. Maybe it needs a lil bit more of the organization realizing that Devante is being consumed and that they were wrong. Also, Queenie escaping every now and then to talk with Devante (when he is trying to kill the squad) feels weird. Someone should notice it. Lael joining should cause some trouble to Queenie, as she reveals she was so close to his brother. Joseph being more suspicious couls be the way to go, as it gives his character something to do.

-This is a grip with all Fire Emblem games, so it is normal that it happens in your game too. Some characters get lost in the shuffle. Despite the connection to Lionel and the White Lions, Ariel feels like she’s just there. Saoirse feels like she’s just there for her chapter. Shane feels like he’s there only to be saved by Wise in chapter 27. Brett is almost non existant after the time-skip, to the point that I’m not sure if he was someone important or not… While other secondary characters like Wise, Joseph, Myles, Queenie feel important to the story and like they are there, other fade away completely and end up being just another soldier in your army. I get it, is impossible to give character development to every character, and maybe support conversations help this matter (the version I played had barely any support dialogue). I wish support conversations worked like in Awakening, where you don’t have the 5 conversation limit, because I truly love the characters you have created, and it would make all the characters feel more alive, but I get that it can’t be done without something like the support system between battles I talked about or something like a Tower of Valni, or how it could mess up Support bonuses. I wish there was a way, because I truly love the characters in this game.

-Tower of Valni or something to play after the story is finished. Please!

I think that’s it. I am so happy I can contribute to the game, because I thinks you did an awesome job. Can’t wait to hear what you have to think about all the things I said in thia message. Once again, sorry to all of you for the long message. And sorry for any mistakes you may find in the text (getting used to this phone keyboard).


@FE74ever, you are correct that it is possible to not be able to free Lael if you toss two of the door keys into the Supply. However, Lael will join automatically at the end of the chapter if you happen to not free her during the battle, so there really isn’t any harm in not rescuing her. It certainly makes things easier to rescue her because she can heal your team.

As for the chests, you are also correct that you would miss out on the Shine and Lancereaver if you dump the chest key. I don’t think this is the end of the world if that happens. One of my play throughs, I actually did this action to see what it would feel like without Shine/Lancereaver… Honestly, not much different.

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Hope your exams went well, @TheAnyel. No problem about the long text. Thank you for spending the time to give your thoughts on the remaining chapters.

  • I can imagine Chapter 25 being tough if all your characters were naturally lower in level, because you were leveling everyone up. Glad this chapter worked out.
  • I am planning on changing a lot with the reinforcements and placement of enemies on Chapter 26 that I hope improves Ozias’s chances. Happy to see Rob getting some action. :slight_smile:
  • I did add an extra distractor enemy for Shane to deal with, so that should give an extra turn. It is hard to recruit Shane. Amanda isn’t terrible to recruit on Chapter 27. The hard part really is deploying all the boys.
  • I haven’t heard too much about the reinforcements in Chapter 28, but I will have a look at them.
  • I have already improved the defense of the ship on Chapter 29 to make it survive better.

It doesn’t seem too practical to allow people to use Wanda and Tanya in the same play through just based on the story. I can see Shiloh and Riley being both available though. Having small choices like this gives incentive for replay to check out the other characters. If I was to give access to Shiloh, Wanda, Tanya, and Riley, I would make the player give something in return or have a new game+.

Probably not in this game. I have to draw the line somewhere. He could appear in a sequel or prequel in some form.

I like to think of there being many factions within the Proclaimers with each faction being run by one of the Harbingers Five. Those under Devante were extreme in there actions. Loretta was more focused on research. Reizo was political in his actions, but was scared to make much of a move because Amanda. Queenie kept an open mind and sought out alternative options, and Astoria was balanced in politics and research, but ultimately agreed with Devante’s methods due to running out of time.

It is very difficult to go for a completely ensemble cast in a Fire Emblem game. The hope is to tell some of the other character’s stories through supports. I tried to make every character have their moment though. Some characters had more of a moment than others.

Not opposed to this, but that would take a lot of time to implement. I will focus on refining the game from the collective thoughts of the community first.

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The thing with chapter 28 it not that the chapter is impossible or the reinforcements make the chapter difficult. Try playing it like I did, clogging an entrace to the bottom left (with someone like Boone or Amanda). You’ll see how the enemy destroys itself, and after that you’ll barely have any enemies left.

It also makes sense that the reinforcements were summoned, instead of appearing from stairs, as they are ilussions (I saw recently a gameplay in the last chapter of Sacred Stones were the player used Lion against the Ephrain and Eirika. Lion would spawn monsters every turn, and that’s exactly what I am refering too, enemies in chapter 28 should not “spawn”, they should be “summoned”). I hope I expressed myself a little bit more clear this time. I’ll repeat it, I don’t think the amount of reinforcements is the problem. I think it lies on the spawn animation and the conditions for their spawn (turn based instead of passing through x point in the map).

Now I understand better the whole Proclaimers thing. Thank you for the explanation.

The thing with Cobalt is that his model stands out, and the time he is given in cinematics makes him look like he’s on the verge to drop out of the Proclaimers to help The White Lions. Furthermore, the map in chapter 25 looks similar to the one where you recruit Jaffar and Nino in Blazing Sword, which by association could make you feel like Cobalt is the guy dropping from the bad guys group who needs some help. If he needs to die for the story, I think he needs to have a stronger connection to the group we are controlling, so his death is more meaningful. Otherwise, he’s just another guy in the Proclaimers. The only one who feels bad about it would be Reizo, because the player didn’t interact with him. Something along the lines of Cobalt as a green unit who goes up to Boone and warns him that the building is surrounded. Where he tells him to group up and run away as he guards the south entrance. After that, when he’s killed in that episode the player would feel a stronger connection (just another suggestion).

Totally understand the whole character and trying to give everyone a moment. Maybe some extra talk conversations in some maps between some characters would help (like Pent and Louise in FE Blazing Sword, or in Sacred Stones where you reunite Eirika and Ephrain in chapter 8. Conversations like those but with the less important characters). But, as you said with Valni, the first thing to focus on should be refining the game. Just giving you more ideas for the future.


Glad I could explain the whole Proclaimers relations better, @TheAnyel. I really should look into the dialog more to see if there are ways to articulate it better in the game.

I have heard this recommendation before, and I think it could be a good idea to give more life to some of the lesser developed characters. I specs about characters that haven’t even been fully integrated yet due to not completing enough support conversations. I hope to get more of these out in future patches.

Yeah, a couple tower maps could be a fun addition in the future. I will certainly play around with the idea. I’d want to integrate it well or it to make sense. I do have a possible idea - just got to figure out why all the characters want to be on some new adventure after the epilogue. I suppose it doesn’t need to be canonical.

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Character Spotlight: Wise

There were quite a lot of contenders in the character popularity poll, but between Myles, Silvan, and Wise, I felt Wise made most sense for a spotlight on 14-February given his ways… I will call the second -place finish in the character popularity a three-way draw. Congratulations to Wise this time.

Wise is a nobleman from the Ashmonte family – one of the four houses that govern Burga – and is behind his older brother, Shane, to being the head of the house.

Wise grew up never being “good enough” compared to Shane, which led to a rocky relationship between the brothers. The constant reprimanding to be like Shane eventually caused Wise to follow a different path, and he would eventually use his noble status for personal gain and popularity as a male idol, which in succession hurt House Ashmonte’s reputation.

After House Zerendi got the honor and was elected to be the next ruling house in Burga, Winifred eventually appealed to Wise’s ego and desire to be loved in order to gather intel for the White Lions. Even though Wise was initially misled, he ultimately found a greater calling to save Burga, and he forged a bond with Joseph, which allied their nations.

Outwardly, Wise constantly reassures himself and others of his ability and worth and is often pointing out his successes for all to see, proclaiming to be the most handsome man in Aurumasse, or the best wyvern rider of all time. Deep down, however, Wise developed many insecurities due to always being compared to his “perfect” brother.

Despite being high maintenance among other nobles as well as his personal relationships, Wise shows a lot of love, devotion, and loyalty to his country and the people he cares about. Wise is flirtatious, fun-loving, creative, spontaneous and wants to enjoy life with the people he loves.

Wise has beautiful brown eyes, short and flowy brown hair, and he wears a scruffy looking goatee. Wise’s armor color scheme is a deep blue with gold trim. The wyvern he rides is also gold in color.

Growth Rates:

HP Pow Skl Spe Lck Def Res
60% 35% 50% 55% 45% 30% 40%

Unit Analysis:
True to a wyvern rider, Wise has high bases in both Power and Defense and good Skill and Speed. While Wise may seem like a typical Wyvern Rider, his growths actually reflect that of a Pegasus Knight. As Wise levels up, he can expect to see a lot of growth in Skill, Speed, Luck, and Resistance. This will cause Wise to feel strong and tanky in the mid game and fast and dodgy in the late game.

Wise’s class options are Wyvern Knight and Dragonmaster. While Dragonmaster will further improve Wise’s Power and Defense and provide access to axes, the Wyvern Knight class is the superior option given Wise’s growths and potential. The Wyvern Knight class also gives access to the pierce ability, which gives Wise an ace against very defensive enemies and even Dracbolla. As an innate Wyvern Rider, Wise will always need to worry about bows and thunder magic, which are super effective against all his class options. Despite the concern, Wise does possess decent Defense and Resistance at higher levels, which will allow him to shrug off low level bow and thunder attacks without much concern.

Overall, Wise may go through an awkward phase in the mid game with a stat spread that may make it unclear of how best to use him. By the late game, expect Wise to excel in just about every stat. With his innate flying class utility and movement, decent availability, access to piece, access to Dorado (legendary monster killing spear), and a solid stat spread, Wise may just live up to his claim as the best wyvern knight of all time – at least in the context of The Lonely Mirror. While other innate fliers do have some advantages over him, Wise is a consistent, reliable flier who will prove his worth on any team.

Support Options:
Wise has the coveted Fire affinity and has the following support options:

  • Eamon - Wind
  • Winifred - Dark
  • Joseph - Wind
  • Wanda - Dark
  • Tanya - Thunder
  • Shane – Wind

Even though Wise has a high base power, he is going to want support bonuses that boost his offense in order to offset his poor growth in power. Unfortunately, Wise doesn’t have many options when shopping for support affinities. He clearly likes wind affinity boys and dark affinity girls. Tanya also provides thunder bonus.

Wind affinity is the only option Wise has for an offensive support boost, so Wise is better hanging out with the guys.

Joseph is probably Wise’s best support option as it is mutually beneficially, and Joseph is able to match Wise’s movement after promotion to a dark griffon. Eamon is a decent alternative choice to Joseph. Eamon appreciates the fire affinity from Wise and has a mounted promotion option.

Shane can be a decent support option for an optimal Wise, and because Shane shares the same class, he can keep up in movement. However, Shane is one of the last recruitable units available, so Wise will not have much time to benefit from the bonuses. For this reason, Joseph or Eamon are the better primary support option for Wise.

Winifred, Wanda, and Tanya can all be decent secondary support options for Wise. Even though Tanya’s thunder affinity is arguably more suitable for Wise and his role on the team, Wanda and Winifred have better movement classes and will likely see their bonuses contribute more.

Popularity Poll:
I intend to continue doing character spotlights each month. As it stands, I plan on doing Silvan and Myles, because they seem popular. Vote for your favorites and tell me why you like them. your favorites and tell me why you like them.


great title for what day this was made, looks interesting may give it a shot when I have the time. The portraits looks a little unfitting though, I suppose that is a given if someone doesn’t want to spend a long time redoing graphics in their style or perfectly recreating the art style. Still I don’t want to judge it based on the artistic clashing.

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