The creator said he was busy in real life so dont w8 on it being finished anytime soon!
New patch will be released before the end of the year.
Merry Christmas to y’all!
Finally Malitia got a revamped portrait thanks to one of my friends. What do ya think?
This took way too long.
Version 1.55
-Fixed a bug where the switch on chapter 4-9 didn’t work
-Fixed a bug in wich seizing the marked tiles in chapter 3-4 didn’t trigger the end event
If there are any more bugs, send me a savestate in wich the bug appears, I found out that the emulator mGba is the one with less problems, I reconmend to use it to play the rom
-I’m still trying to find out the issue with the convoy in part 2, meanwhile, you can use the convoy of part 3 and 4, wich is the one that combines the convoy of both parties, still, try to not use the items you found in part 1, it ruins the intended experience of the game
-Updated many portraits
-Extended the story
-Added chapters 1-5x, 2-5x, 3-2x, 4-4x, wich are chapters where you talk to units and/or shop, I still need to write all the dialogue
-Added more reinforcements in hard mode
-Fixing minor incoveniences like wrong camera movement, playable units that cannot be shoved, wrong music playing etc
-Some maps have been overhauled, but I’m not done yet, I’ve still 4-1x, 4-2x and 3-1x to rework, you can still play them, but they are undercoocked.
-The boss of chapter 1-3xx will appear on turn 11, and will try to escape, kill him before he does to win the chapter.
-2-5x was a gaiden, now it’s a chill and shop chapter, before you could get Gleipnir, but due to the convoy problem, you will get it later.
-Added a secret, let’s see if you can find it
Sorry for being late, but I had a lot going on, hopefully I will manage to write everything I need to before February, rigth now I’m writing this I’m still searching for game breaking bugs, if you find out some, contact me on Discord.
To all who have played chapter 3-1x, did you liked it game play wise?
- Yep, it’s fine
- Meh
- No, change it
0 voters
Hopefully the writing gets done soon; I’m looking forward to playing it!
Me too I’m waiting on supports cuzit will be just my luck I wanna support the people who aren’t written lol
While I’m fixing bugs, I found out that the rooster is still too big, so I’m asking, while replying to this comment, wich unit do you like the least (except the starting group of chapter 1-1 and 1-2)?
I need to remove some units.
I found out that if you have more than 51 units, the new units you recruit will disappear, I’ll try to fix this.
Killing player units won’t solve this. I think I’m gonna use Vesly Unit Expansion hack.
Yea, I ran into a bug in 3-2 where the game would crash on turn 2, maybe new units tried to spawn. I could not progress and was forced to restart. I will wait until the story is rewritten to try again. Looking forward to it.
Forgot to add killing of a player unit on turn 1 did not help.
For the moment, when you encounter any serious bug, like this one, I suggest to stop playing, I will finish the story before fixing bugs, not because I don’t think they aren’t important but I really need to finish the writing. Next patch will (hopefully) have all supports finished.
Thank you. I will be glad to return when the story is finished, and maybe the bug will accidentally be patched.
Version 1.57
-Finished writing supports.
-I changed up some classes. The griffon riders are removed, in their place,
an axe wyvern Knight appears. That’s the second promotion for Arnand.
Sika and Machali don’t promote to griffon and wyvern knight, instead they can
promote to Deva and Harrier, for this, Deva can use swords and Harrier can use
lances, but they lose access to staves. I think it makes sense that the
pegasus classes promote to pegasi, it never made much sense to me
that Vanessa and Tana could promote to Wyvern Knight, (in their supports
they still talk about their pegasus even after promoting to Wyvern Knight).
Next time I’ll finish writing the story and fixing some chapters and
hopefully I’ll be done. Oh yeah, I also need to write battle quotes, damn.
I still need to fix gaiden chapters, and fix bugs, but hey, if you don’t
mind having units disappearing in the late game, you can read some supports.
Also, I think I’m almost out of memory, the deva and
harrier have no battle anim for swords and lances.
But this is the least of my concerns.
1.57? I check download there 1.55. where 1.57?
I put it rigth now, it’s called
Are the gaidens skippable rn?
Yay supports are done I can finally start the hack! Does this mean the PE are done too?
PE? I don’t understand.
I suggest to skip the gaiden 4-1x, 4-2x, you can play the others.
Oh sorry! PE=paired endings