[FE8U] [UPDATED] [v1.01] [27+ Chapters] Ragefest VI: The Return of Kris

You need 12 alpha points from the 16 total that you can collect in the game to achieve the perfect ending.

How would I get the other ending that isn’t the perfect or the good one?

You can do the Sophia, but no Grapefruit ending. There is also the no Sophia and Grapefruit ending, there are also at least 3 endings you can get via a special secret chapter. And one last ending, well it’s an event, by having two specific characters in your party. Also, if you don’t pay back your parents (if you didn’t steal the ring from the museum) you can have the Marc’s ruined house special convos at the end of the game lol.

I’m not sure that sentence makes sense in my head leaving me a bit confused, both give the points if you select the right choice in the latter part, that how I’m interpreting it, does 7a has an alpha point I can gain if so how, I know for 7b you have to leave sacrificing a possible archer

Sorry, didn’t mean to confuse. :sweat_smile:

You did interrept that correctly however, 7b CAN give 1 alpha point. I emphasize “can” because you have to select the right options when prompted by the story to be granted the said alpha point. Otherwise, you don’t get any lol.

As for 7a you get 1 alpha point when you just start the chapter, no worries no hassle.

Where does Elphin normally spawn in chapter 16? I can only see the Plotta guy.

Elphin only spawns if you didn’t go to Ch. 15x. However under normal circumstances, his spawn location is 16X, 10Y.


Chapter 7A


That’s crazy

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Yeah that is fixed for next patch. Which is coming soon, we just need to test it before we deploy it :+1:

man im so impatient do i really have to uhhh uhhh do something else /j

Ok, im pulling your chin, but i eagarly await (and hope i dont have to restart the save! lol)

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Feel free to PM your .sav file and I can fix it for you in the meantime. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you. I’ve been geniunely having fun with the romhack, now not to draw comparisons but it reminds me of dies emblem a slight smidgen

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You’re welcome! I’m glad you are having fun! :smile:

Another scenario in which dmg nullifying proc skill is horrible to fight against:


4 gold knights popping out of nowhere. With 60% chance for Great Shield and Nihil, they might as well be invulnerable, fighting them would require popping my Stone and Sleep uses. My Nihil counters are spread thin with only 5 Nihil available across 4 paths.

Also what happened to the prep screen for c27? I cant really continue until the prep screen is available for that chapter.

Am i bugging or did Rinnosuke just up and vanish because I recruited Reimu? Is that intentional

For Ch. 27 it is intended to not have a prep-screen, because we wanted it to be an extension of Ch. 26.

Yes, that is intended :grin:

With all due respect, no chapter should ever be a continuation of anything if it means I don’t get a checkpoint after a hour or more of playing. I have status staves to restock and deployments to change.

Sorry for being pushy but is there a reason why that’s intended?