[FE8] [WIP] Fire Emblem: Infernal Blade [v0.6.0] [20/31 chapters]

Sorry what i meant is a map showing them where they are

I know. That was the best I could do to help. Now someone who is able can at least map out a few locations.

1 Like

Sorry for this being very quiet recently, the hack isnā€™t dead, just development is a bit slow. In the meantime, I have released a new patch which adds functional supports, as well as a few changes and fixes.

This might be the last patch again for a while, possibly until the next portion of the story is done, which I donā€™t know when that will be.

V0.3.1 Changelog

-Changed Chadwickā€™s portrait (goodbye based headband).
-Supports are now in! (Vanilla text is still in, but characters now have there support partners for real now).
-Re-adjusted the bishops stats in chapter 13.
-Fixed Armory placement error in chapter 14.
-Adjusted reinforcements for chapter 17.
-Re-adjusted enemy stats for chapters 16 and 17.
-Re-adjusted monster stats.
-+2 base Str and Spd to Ruben.

Download here!


Not often I do dev ā€˜blogā€™ lol, but here we go. Thought Iā€™d do at least one as Iā€™m sure people are wondering what Iā€™m doing with my hack currently.

At the moment, Chapter 26 is done and playable except its writing, and will probably be included in the next patch which will involve the story from prologue to Chapter 20ish, that then leaves me with two more chapters left to complete, 27 and the Finale. 27 will likely just be a seize chapter, and will likely contain a wide range of enemies that the player has thought throughout the hack.

The finale however is the interesting one, I am not entirely sure whether itā€™s a one part map with multiple boss phases OR a two parter map like with vanilla SS, Iā€™m gonna leave a poll up to see what you guys think.

In other news, Iā€™m currently playtesting the game to really see if the game is balanced in terms of how tough the enemies are. I donā€™t want the game to be mega easy nor hard, somewhere in between as my goal is to make this hack completely accessible/appeal to everyone. Lastly I have been thinking of this too, and thats should gaidens be added?

My idea with Gaidens is that they will not reward experience and be maps where the player controls units who arenā€™t recruited to main story cast, again, I am quite curious to see what you guys think. Right now, none are planned, but its something for me to think about.

I think thatā€™s everything, famous last words lol, have a good day and week everyone!

What do you think the final chapter should be?

  • Final map with multiple boss phases
  • 2-part final chapter like in vanilla SS
0 voters

Thoughts on potential gaidens?

  • Gaiden chapters with no rewards?
  • Gaiden chapters that give no experience?
  • Have none, the game is fine as it is
0 voters

Looks like people have voted for what they want, yes to gaidens it isā€¦

Anyway! Another post to explain what will be involved in the next patch/update, which will have story done up to Chapter 15, as of this writing, up to Chapter 12 is done. The first thing Iā€™d like to mention is that Iā€™ve decided to cut some of the playable characters, to make some room for 1 or 2 playables in the gaidens that will be planned in the future. The next thing is that you guys may be wondering why the minimug thing in the top left of the screen in-chapter is vanilla, the next patch will have a MMB (credits to the creators), so no more going into the stat screen just to see what characters have equipped.

Speaking of gaidens, I have decided to make them not involve the main party and only involve two side story characters that wonā€™t join you in the main story, at the very least, 2 or 3 will probably be planned and added in a later update after this next one.

I am also deciding to add a difficulty switcher, which will first appear after Chapter 2, largely cause some may find the game too easy and wish to change to hard mode and vice versa. What has bothered me which I am also changing is to give certain promotions at least D ranks in all weapon types, for example, the warrior gets D rank bows instead of E.

The game itself is coming together for sure, but very slowly admittedly, as always, feedback is appreciated through this thread, pming me or by messaging my Discord _armory.

Thanks for reading! (if you have made it this far, that is, lol)



I bring some news, on the latest patch, it needs just two more chapters of writing before I release the next, and also, will have nearly the whole game playable from start to finish EXCEPT for the final chapter which will be a challenge to event, but Iā€™ll manage, hopefully.

Now, when I say whole game playable, I mean everything will be pretty much done except writing post chapter 15, as I said, after the next patch, which I still cannot give a release date as of yet, the project will sadly go on a temporary hiatus as my team partner who does the writing, said he is very busy with other life projects, unless I can find someone to takeover writing but that seems unlikely, pm me if you would be interested.

Thanks for reading yet again, hopefully next I post on here will be the next patch itself.


Quick post just to say that thanks to @Gultykappa the link to the patch had broke so that should be fixed now.

Hello, it took me a little while, but I am proud to say that version 0.5.0 is now out! This is a pretty big update, and yes, I jumped up from 0.3.1 to 0.5.0, bite me. The download link will be updated in the OP.


-Story is complete up to chapter 15, new gaiden added (8x).
-Some chapters have been redesigned, most of them being the earlygame.
-Certain character modifications, including newly named Konrad.
-Modular Minimug Box is added, credits to the creator!
-Added a difficulty switcher before each chapter, appears after Chapter 2.
-More animations overhauled such as Hero and Paladin.
-Warriors gain D rank in Bows instead of E upon promotion.
-Druids gain D rank in Staves instead of E upon promotion.
-FalcoKnights gain D rank in Swords instead of E upon promotion.
-Certain playables have been removed entirely as the game bugs out with too many characters on the select screen and to make way for gaiden only characters, some will make cameos as bosses or NPCs.
-Certain portraits have been changed or altered palette wise.

Fire Emblem - Infernal Blade.emulator-10
New title screen!

Iā€™ve also added a recruitment and secrets guide in the link.

Whilst this is a pretty big update, I have to say that I donā€™t know when the next update will be, and some newly added dialogue may get some slight alterations in future updates. There are only two chapters left that I have yet to make, then itā€™ll be all hands on deck on the writing, in the meantime, hope you all like it, and enjoy the new gaiden chapter!


Hey, I hope people are enjoying the game, I recently got suggested a potentially new name for one of the lords. This name being Xavion. At first I thought it sounded really cool, but at the same time, Iā€™ve been so used to calling him Xander that Iā€™m kind of 50/50 on whether to make that change or not.

Iā€™m slowly going back to developing the next arc of this game, and in the meantime, Iā€™m going to do a poll on whether or not that new name will be in or not.

  • Xavion
  • Xander
0 voters

And also, said lord has a newer, better portrait, credit to @Retrogamer!

Xander - Armory, Retrogamer


Looks like people love the name Xavion, the poll will still stay up for another week.

In the meantime, Iā€™ve recently made a brand new discord server, not only is the server for the hack, its also open to anyone who plays FE. join it to stay up to date on the latest updates and beta test the next version once that is ready.


Hello! Iā€™ve closed the poll now, and with it, I have released another new update, this is mostly to accommodate the name change from Xander to Xavion, there are some other name changes as well, but not too many, and I just wanted to change them after some time.

As for progress, well, I am in the midst of writing chapters 16 through to 21, which is the chapter where Xavion gets his super-duper-good sword, I am currently on 20, and should hope to get these last two chapters done, and get eventing underway. I am hoping to release the next batch of chapters within the month. If not, then expect one before the end of the year.

Iā€™ve also potentially decided on a goal for a full release of the game, I am hoping to get the full release ready by mid 2025, granted, for now, unfortunately, I am on my own working on this project. So if you are talented in something, like maps or portraits, and arenā€™t already making something with someone, then please, feel me to let me know via FEU, or by my discord, which you can access through this page.

Thanks for reading! You can download the newest patch in the dropbox, hopefully with no problems, lol.

EDIT: Some of the new talk conversation had some format typos, these have now been fixed, just an oversight on my part, and that I probably rushed them a bit.


ā€˜Then expect one at the end of the yearā€™, well that was a complete lieā€¦

Okay, allow me to explain, for those that donā€™t already know, I own a youtube channel so I decided to showcase my hack on it for a second time. While I was doing so that took up a lot of time and I was not able to reach my goal, however, I did manage to get chapters 16 to 18 complete.

With that said, I am releasing a new patch as of today, check the changelog at the bottom of this post for details. Iā€™m still aiming to get a full release ready by this year, and the next update may see some more exciting changes such as better maps, as some of the ones in the game already arenā€™t necessarily amazing, Iā€™ll admit.

As for writing and eventing, Iā€™ve only got the lategame to do now, which is pretty much everything after chapter 21.

v0.6.0 changelog

-Strength is now just renamed as Power.
-Chapters 16 to 18 are now complete.
-More portrait adjustments/changes.
-Added brigand reinforcements in chapter 3, theyā€™ll target the villages.
-An arena has been added in Chapter 10 bringing a grand total of 3 arenas in the hack.
-Both villages are now visitable.
-Xavion loses his starting vulnerary but starts with an Iron Blade to conserve use of his PRF, in turn he now starts with D rank in swords.
-The boss now moves and has a swordreaver, the chapter is now a rout map.
-One of the brigands is now an archer.
-Dialogue text adjustments.
-The map is still the same but provides a better challenge.
==Chapter 1==
-The loredump/intro text at the start of chapter 1 has been removed.
-Added some hard mode reinforcements in chapter 1.
-The boss should now move if he is the only one left alive.

Download here! [v0.6.0]