[FE8][WIP][25 Chapters][+13 Gaidens] Fire Emblem: Restoration Army (Attempt 3)

Happy New year! It’s the new release!

So the change log:

Brief Respite:
  • Math was done and brief respites have been edited to only ask you to send units home when you have a number units specific to that chapter
  • Some brief respites will only ask you to send 3 units away instead of 5
  • There are overall more brief respite chapters, but a player is less likely to encounter them during a playthrough, and less units are sent away
Ambar and transformations:
  • Ambar’s base stats were made worse.
  • Ambar upon completing his various trials will gain the ability to transform into a force of nature. Rather than simply having an animation for each creature, Ambar can change into that creature’s class and gain increased stats and weapons for 4 turns, or until the player manually changes him back to his base class.
  • Transforming does not take his turn, so he can use increase/changed movement on the same turn he transforms.
  • There are currently 4 transformations in the rom, and there will be 6 in the final release.
  • Ambar going with Silas or Ryne dictates what transformations he will have access to.
Phoebe the Merchant:
  • Lizard boy is gone. He has been replaced with Phoebe.
  • Phoebe the merchant has been added to the rom. She is a supplier unit with access to bows and lances. She also has access to a unique mechanic similar to the merchants of fe fates. While holding a red gem her stats are increased. She can chose to use her red gem which gives her a massive stat boost for 2-3 turns (its random how long).
  • She can be recruited in chapter 10x of Silas story in place of carnelia (if you don’t fight both factions OR have Ambar with Ryne)
  • If you miss her there she can be recruited in Silas Ch15. Abandoned Port
  • If you send her away you get a different skill from her personal skill, it is purposeful
Potions and Teffen:
  • Teffen has lost access to the convoy until he is level 5
  • Potion Generation by Teffen doesn’t happen at the start of the map, but instead can be accessed via a menu command. In addition this lets you shop for specific potions you want on each chapter instead of receiving a random one. (Feedback on the cost of potions would be helpful)
  • Potions are unsellable, but you can buy them in the chapter. Their effects have been modified and have different durations. Ex swiftness potion now grants +3 speed for 3 turns. Precision potions gives +15 hit and crit for 3 turns
  • Instead of gaining a summon, teffen (after ch14 ryne, if the right item is obtained) gains the ability to use his potions in an AOE effect.
  • New character Phoebe
  • Ash now has the solidarity skill
  • Annabeth is now a trainee (can promote into occultist, ninja, and mercenary)
  • Quinn gained an alternative promotion option (unlocked in ch 6x)
  • There is now a hidden event for Gus to become a wolf rider rather than Gus joining by riding on a wolf
  • Colin once again has access to the mage class as a promotion
  • Ryne now has access to the arcanist class as a promotion
  • Helena is now an occultist instead of shaman
  • Bridgette can now dismiss her supply convoy by talking to it
  • Bridgette can no longer wield lances
  • Yverna’s base stats have been increased
  • Carnelia (the dancer) is now available on both Silas and Ryne route. Whichever route you did not send ambar on. She is available earlier on Silas’s route than Ryne’s, however she comes with more skills and at a higher level on Ryne’s route. If Ambar dies before chapter 7 then she is only available on Ryne’s route.
  • Everyone’s stats have been tweaked a little.
  • Red Gem cost has been lowered
  • New toxic tome has been added, it poisons on hit
  • Animation for rune sword has been changed to remove visual bug
  • Berserked units now gain +10 str
  • Thunder magic is no longer effective against armored units
  • Ice magic is more accurate than it used to be, and is now effective against armored units (this may make griffin riders too strong and in that case i will nerf them)
  • Mountain light magic (wolf spirit, cat spirit, etc…) has been buffed
  • Occultists as a class have changed. They are now dark only magic users and are high damage and fast with very low defenses. Like Brigands of dark magic. Lady occultists can now become dark fliers.
  • Shamans have also been changed to be slower and have higher defenses and more skill. Shamans play better with teams than Occultists
  • All shamans now can promote into chieftains
  • Sorcerer now wields dark and anima, rather than all magic types.
  • Ballistician is now a separate unit from armored Archers. The only ballistician in the game is Archer, and there are 5 different ballistae that she can wield in combat.
  • Bow Armors have gained stat increases now that they no longer have access to carryable ballistae
  • Chieftain has access to light, dark, and axes instead of just axes.
  • Ryne X2 and Silas X2 (ambar quest 2) have been added to the rom. Ryne’s occurs after Ch10 if conditions are met. Silas’s occurs after Ch10x if conditions are met.
  • Ch 6, Ch10x, and Ch13 have been updated.
  • Ch6 Nolan is it more likely to die prior to turn 7
  • Ch10x an additional deployment spot was added and several enemy units made weaker. The player has one more turn to complete the chapter objective.
  • Silas Ch13. Reinforcements arrive later into the chapter. This should make the ending harder.
  • Silas Ch15 allows the player to control all of the crew members rather than have them be green units.
  • Ch6x Annabeth can be recruited by Finn
  • If you visited chapter r11x when you get to chapter s13 the game would loop you back to ch s12. That is now fixed
  • Bug where the background breaks when you recruit carnelia after not recruiting her the first time in chapter 10x no longer occurs.
  • The merge item patch has been added back into the rom
  • Broadly the player receives less money throughout the game
  • Chapter title issues have been fixed
  • Nidori’s combat sprite has been fixed
  • A bunch of portrait changes and fixes

There are also a lot of small changes that I didn’t remember to document. Honestly I didn’t do everything I planned, but with work starting back up in full force, I wanted to release what I have done.

Thanks to everyone who has played and provided feedback! Have a good year!


This is really cool

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Thanks! I can honestly say i planned it from the beginning.

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For some reason Christen can’t use any bows

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I will fix later today. Thanks!

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Any Chance for updated recruitment guide. Im trying to recruit percy but either the right house on chapter 2 is bugged as it cant be visited or its no longer required for percys recruitment.


Thanks for pointing this out I’ll take a look, and put together an update recruitment guide either later today or tomorrow.

Edit: There was a missed flag replacement. It is fixed now and percy can be recruited in chapter 3, if you visited in chapter 2 like before. If you already visited the house in ch2 you can just restart chapter 3 and it will work. I’ll update the recruitment guide later today.

Final update: The guide has been updated with new classes and characters. I’ll add more secrets as I go. Restoration Army Guide - Google Sheets