(Previously know as attempt 3)
What is this?
This is part 1 of a FE8 romhack I have been working on since December. Part 1 features 17 playable main chapters with 6 side chapters and full cast of new characters in a completely original story set on the continent of Rechul following the coup of the royal family of the Kingdom of Balyra. It is titled Attempt 3 as it is my 3rd attempt at a romhack that is to my liking.
At this point I need playtest feedback on the hack so I can better tweak and balance the chapters that are to be added later.
- Dynamic and interesting map objectives with variable lose condtions
- SkillsSystem (though the number of skills in this hack is relatively low)
- Str/Mag Split
- 63 units! 16 trainees!
- Splitting your army into smaller groups for spilt chapters
- Fists, daggers, shields and ring items
- Trainee units and unit flexibility
- Monster and transforming units
- Maps with dynamic objectives
- A plethora of new classes and items
- QoL stuff (resuming a map takes you back to the start of the turn)
- Secrets (Secret items, characters, events, skills. Reading what the characters say will point you in the right direction for most of these)
- Lots of balance changes
- A more punishing magic triangle ±20 to hit and ±2 dmg
- Anima triangle (Wind>Thunder>Fire>Wind) with water as neutral
- Light is effective against monsters
- Map palette changes
- Third faction green units
- Dorso
- A lot of other features!
This hack is significantly more difficult gameplay than FE8. You are playing a group of plucky underdogs and for most of beginning of the game you will be outmanned, outsped and outgunned by your enemies. That said this isn’t a kaizo game or anything.
- The hack is meant to be played on hard mode, as that is the narrative that I was going for. If you choose to play on easy/normal and find chapter 0 and/or 1 not challenging enough for you, I suggest you try hard. The opposite is also true.
- Generally gaidens are harder than main chapters. They will give you great rewards, but don’t get too greedy (if you are playing on hard).
- Easy and normal mode both provide you with a jaigen unit which is not present in hard mode, but on easy mode the jaigen unit you gain access to is stronger.
- This hack is ironmanable, but I don’t suggest doing a blind ironman on hardmode
Other Stuff:
- Weather events mostly doesn’t affect infantry units, but do affect mounted and flying units severely.
- Calvary have had their terrain costs raised on certain tiles. Stairs for instance cost cavs more move.
- Armored units have had most of their terrain costs reduced or eliminated.
- Each character has a personal skill
- Trainees all gain a skill at level 10 and the skill is unique to the specific trainee character, so you can think of it as a second personal skill
- Most T1 foot-locked classes have a movement skill (shove, smite, pivot, etc…) learned at level 1
- At level 10 T1 classes learn an additional skill
- T2 classes learn skills at level 5 and level 15
- Bosses/named NPCs will also have personal skills.
- Some weapons and/or items grant skills when equipped.
This hack tells the story of a group of young villagers, brigands, mercenaries and other miscreants recruited by a squire to fight to restore the royal family to power, as they make their way to a resistance stronghold.
Chapter 5 LP
This chapter has been changed a lot, however this LP will give you a vibe of the game.
Future Plans:
- Continuing the refinement of the hack and adding paralogue chapters as I go
- Completing and refining the final few chapters
- Support Conversations
- Trainees can promote after the completion of chapter 4.
Known Bugs:
- If you abandon a summoned unit on a escape map, issues have been reported in resummoning that unit later
- There is an issue with seeing choices on the my boy emulator. This does not occur in menus but does occur during choices you make during chapters (like the choice to follow either Erika or Ephraim in FE8). This does not occur with visual boy or mGBA.
- If there are two enemy teams on the map, the enemies who move during the green unit phase will be able to move past player units. This a limitation of using skillsystem and having 3 teams on the map at the same time in gba.
[Game Guide)] (Restoration Army Guide - Google Sheets)