[FE8] (Submissions Closed!) Oh God, It's another Generic FE8 PME! (Ft. 10,000,000,000 Erika Fire Emblems)

cant wait to play this Erika-filled PME

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yup lmao

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God seeing this knowing i couldnt have put in one of my main units jeez this is gonna be blue hair nightmare if someone adds Ephraim and his just like “HOW MANY SISTERS DO I HAVE?”

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Replacing: Glen
Unit Name: Niklas
Unit Flavor Text: Viviana’s brother and fellow adventure seeker.
Gender: Male
Portrait: (expect standard czechball things)
Class: Swordmaster
Affinity: Fire

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Replacing: Ismaire
Unit Name: Ephraim
Unit Flavor Text: The prince of Renais. He is man of great honor and bravery.
Gender: Male

Class: Great Lord
Growths: (400 points can be distributed, only 1 growth can be 200% or higher)
HP: 95%
Str/Mag: 75%
Skl: 65%
Spd: 55%
Lck: 50%
Def: 35%
Res: 25%
Affinity: Fire
Boon: (+2) SPD
Bane: (-2) RES

  • Siegmund
  • Spear
  • Killer Lance
  • Master Seal

Death Quote: Forgive me, Eirika.

Literally just Normal Ephraim lol. He has been buffed a bit to compensate.

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edited in a few things for boss Tsuya

maybe make him have his death quote be…
“… Forgive me as a brother, Erika… there are… too many… of you… i… just wish i could have been there for you all…”

: p


Since this PME is almost close to having all slots full, let me submit more bosses. We’ll see if this is the one that ends up being finished.

Boss Template
Replacing: Zonta
Unit Name: Petrarch
Unit Flavor Text: Some dumb jerk that’s way over his head.
Gender: Male

Made by Garytop

Class: Mercenary
Affinity: Fire

Boon: (+2) RES
Bane: (-2) LCK


  • Iron Sword
  • Light Brand
  • Vulnerary
  • Energy Ring

Battle Quote: Hahaha, come at me, you naive fools!! Once I’m done with you I’ll be hailed as the greatest hero in all of Renais. No, wait, more than that, I’ll be hailed as the greatest hero in the world!! Hahaha! Come, fools, go after me, I’ll end you right here and now!
Death Quote: Guh. I’m… Invincible… [Half eyes close] The best… Her… [Full eyes close] In… Th… Worl… …


Boss Template
Replacing: Binks
Unit Name: Smugrika
Unit Flavor Text: A smug Eirika that thinks she’s the real Eirika.
Gender: Female

Made by Sterling Glovner

Class: Lord
Affinity: Ice

Boon: (+2) DEF
Bane: (-2) SPD


  • Iron Sword
  • Killer Edge
  • Lancereaver
  • Body Ring

Battle Quote: Hey, what do you’ think you’re doing? I’m the real Eirika here, you should follow me, not ‘your’ Eirika.
Death Quote: But… I’m supposed to be… The real Eirika.

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Replacing: Mansel
Unit Name: Ryoma
Unit Flavor Text:
Ryoma will wait patiently, for 13 turns.
After that, he will begin his assault.
Gender: Male
Portrait (by Garytop):

Class: Swordmaster
Growths (Just for flavor):
HP: 60%
Str: 55%
Skl: 65%
Spd: 65%
Lck: 55%
Def: 35%
Res: 35%
Affinity: Thunder
Boon: Spd
Bane: Res
Inventory: {No Items}
Death Quote:
Ugh… I can’t die here!
I have to retreat… but
my people still need me.
I have no choice…
The in-game lore reason is that Ryoma waits to study your army’s strength.
If the player still hasn’t beaten Yasher by Turn 13, he says enough, brings out his Raijinto, and proceeds to solo the rest of the remaining enemies by himself.
Oh, and he’s also supposed to be an ambassador for Rausten or something, but that’s obviously not important for the plot like yeah.

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Replacing: Klimt
Unit Name: Symon
Unit Flavor Text: The current head of state of Carcino. Him and Kazimir do not get along.
Gender: Male

Class: Paladin
Affinity: Fire

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animation bases n’ stuff added for Florian (use the alt crit for Florian’s Swordmaster animations) and Zhannochka, will add these to my other folks soon

edit: now Terje, Clara and Tsuya have animation bases too (as in apply the palettes to these for my characters)

edit 2: Viviana now has animation bases too

edit 3: now all my bosses have animation bases too

Ok, since there’s very few units left in the PME, these’ll be my final units for it. Unlessnobodyhastakentherestoftheremainingslotsforoneweek,ifsothenI’llsnatchmoreoftheseforforgettingaboutthisPME,gowildwiththembtw.

Without further ado, here they are.

Replacing: Bone
Unit Name: Flesh
Unit Flavor Text: A skeleton that’s been revived recently to stop Eirika’s army.
Gender: Male

Made by Glaceo

Class: Pirate
Affinity: Dark

Boon: (+2) RES
Bane: (-2) DEF


  • Iron axe
  • Hammer
  • Dracoshield

Battle Quote: Huh!?
Death Quote: Arr…

Replacing: Saar
Unit Name: Polo
Unit Flavor Text: A commander of Grado that specializes in light magic. Rude but focused.
Gender: Male

Made by Trybel

Class: Monk
Affinity: Anima

Boon: (+2) DEF
Bane: (-2) LCK


  • Shine
  • Lighting
  • Elixir
  • Guiding ring

Battle Quote: Here’s where your journey ends! Die!
Death Quote: I’ve been outmatched… Long live Grado.


Replacing: Morva
Unit Name: Yekiegurin
Unit Flavor Text: The second in command of Yasher’s regiment.
Gender: Male

Class: Ranger
Affinity: Dark
Boon: Skill (+2)
Bane: Resistance (-2)

  • Killing Edge

  • Killer Bow

  • Body Ring (set to drop when killed)

Battle Quote: Eh. You’re just a larger swallow. Hope you like critical hits.
Death Quote: Hah… 'tis only the beginning…
Palette: (blue hair, red clothes)
Animation Base: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Ranger-Reskin] [M] Shoulder Pad by Fiuke_Bnuy at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Replacing: le Wight Boss
Unit Name: Lunik
Unit Flavor Text: He’s the guy who took over the seemingly abandoned fort.
Gender: Male
Lunik Ramadani_96_96

Class: Sage
Affinity: Dark
Boon: Magic (+2)
Bane: Speed (-2)

  • Elfire

Battle Quote: Imagine besieging an abandoned fort, instead of just waltzing in and declaring yourself captain.
Death Quote: Well that’s just brilliant…
Palette: (brown hair, black robes with red trim)
Animation Base: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Magi - Nature-Type/[Sage-Custom] [M] Gaiden-Style by Spud at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub


Btw i just noticed that czechball singlehandedly provided half of the roster for the PME lmao


i did a bit of creating (:P)

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Replacing: le Maelduin Boss
Unit Name: Kostyantyn
Unit Flavor Text: A literal mute.
Gender: Male

Class: Sniper
Affinity: Ice
Boon: Skill (+2)
Bane: Luck (-2)

  • Longbow (set to drop when killed)

Battle Quote: …
Death Quote: …
Palette: (yellow hair, blue clothes)
Animation Base: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Infantry - (Bow) Snipers and Ballistae/[Sniper-Reskin] [M] Royal Sniper by Meteor at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub


and just like that, i think that’s all the slots filled

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well, lets see how erika emblem goes


did a few more edits and tweaks to Yasher

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Imagine if someone that dislike erika played this cuz a buddy of their sent them this with no context XD