[FE8] (Submissions Closed!) Oh God, It's another Generic FE8 PME! (Ft. 10,000,000,000 Erika Fire Emblems)

Name: Harold
Replace: Vigarde
Class: General
Description: A proud knight hailing from Grannvale. Sent by King Dannan to aid Grado.
Portrait (by UltraxBlade):

Affinity: Dark
Boon: STR
Bane: SPD
Inventory: Tomahawk, Brave Axe
Battle Quote: Guh… No, calm down. They’re nothing more than a couple of Eirikas!
Death Quote: Oof! How… How could I fall to… a few motley soldiers…?


resubmitting bc no one else has taken Cormag (so far):

Replacing: Cormag
Unit Name: Viviana
Unit Flavor Text: A young pegasus rider who threw herself at the first chance of heroics.
Gender: Female

Growths: (400 points can be distributed, only 1 growth can be 200% or higher)
HP: 60%
Str/Mag: 50%
Skl: 50%
Spd: 90%
Lck: 50%
Def: 50%
Res: 50%
Affinity: Fire
Boon: Speed (+2)
Bane: Strength (-2)

  • Elysian Whip

  • Steel Lance

  • Spear

Death Quote: Of course, stupid little Viviana, threw herself into danger without considering the consequences…
Palette: (yellow hair, blue armor)
Character Ending: Viviana would disappear from the public eye, in search of more heroics. Though, she had still left her mark on the continent’s history.
Animation Bases:

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I love how this entire PME devolved into Eirikas vs Jugdral generics


Well, really want to help this PME come to fruition, so here’s one more playable unit!

Replacing: Myrrh

Unit Name: Lyre
Unit Flavor Text:
A young member of the cat laguz tribe.
Trying her hand at the art of thievery.
Gender: Female
Portrait (by Quotedotlass, FE8 recolor by me):
Lyre {Quotedotlass}
Class: Rogue [Since we already have Metna as a Manakete]
Growths (400%):
HP: 70%
Str: 35%
Skl: 85%
Spd: 90%
Lck: 60%
Def: 25%
Res: 35%
Affinity: Thunder
Boon: Lck
Bane: Res
Inventory (A Rank Swords):
*Silver Sword
*White Gem
Death Quote:
No… I… Is this…
the end… for me…?
Animation: [Rogue-Reskin] [F] Repal +Staff Catgirl
Character Ending:
After all her trials and tribulations,
Lyre came to the conclusion that thievery
is just not for her, so she came back to
her tribe, living free and wild in the forest.
Her experience did give her superb agility.

Extra: The lore reason she has Rogue’s Locktouch is that she picks the locks with her claws.


it’s Viviana, not Viciana

also it’s czechball, not czehall

Name: Coulter
Replace: Cyclops
Class: Wyvern Lord
Description: A proud knight hailing from Thracia. Sent by King Travant to aid Grado.
Portrait (By UltraxBlade):

Affinity: Light
Boon: STR
Bane: RES
Inventory: Brave Sword, Silver Lance, Spear, Horseslayer
Battle Quote: Heh heh… What a pity it is for you Eirikas, that this is where you all die!
Death Quote: Gaaah! May Thracia… rise in glory…

Other Changes: Moves to attack units in range.

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Thanks to a lack of interference from other people, all 7 Zyne faceswaps are now fought in a row if you take the Ephraim path.

Name: Papilio
Replace: Tirado
Class: Wyvern Lord
Description: A proud knight hailing from Thracia. Sent by King Travant to aid Grado.
Portrait (By UltraxBlade):

Affinity: Ice
Boon: DEF
Bane: RES
Inventory: Silver Sword, Elixir
Battle Quote: Heh… Allow me to teach you Eirikas the terror of the Thracian wyvern riders!
Death Quote: Thracia… Glory to… urgh…

Other Changes: Moves to attack units in range.

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Replacing: Fado
Unit Name: Fado
Unit Flavor Text:
The devoted king of Renais. Worried[.]
about most of the continent turning into[.]
his daughters.
Gender: M

Class: General
Growths: 310%
HP: 85%
Str/Mag: 60%
Skl: 40%
Spd: 30%
Lck: 25%
Def: 45%
Res: 25%
Affinity: Fire
Boon: (+2)
Bane: (-2)
Silver Sword
Silver Lance
Silver Axe
Master Seal
Death Quote: As vanilla
Palette: As vanilla


Replacing: Riev
Unit Name: Yasher
Unit Flavor Text: A military general who has lost all his faith in humanity.
Gender: Male
Yasher Kabaev_96_96

Class: Paladin
Affinity: Anima
Boon: Resistance (+2)
Bane: Skill (-2)

  • Silver Lance

  • Short Spear

  • Axereaver

  • Knight Crest (set to drop when killed (swap with Talisman for chapter 20))

Battle Quote:
(chapter 19) They’ve… cut through our numbers…? Never mind that, you shall perish here.
(chapter 20) I’m ready to just wipe the slate clean.
Death Quote:
(chapter 19) …pushed back…? We musn’t fall here, retreat at once!
(chapter 20) …did not… underestimate… you…
Palette: (grey and dark purple armor)
Animation Base: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Paladin-Custom] [M] Leo's Helmetless Duke Knight at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Replacing: Murray
Unit Name: Spinzar
Unit Flavor Text: The brigadier left to guard the gates.
Gender: Male
Spinzar Bhatia_96_96

Class: Wyvern Rider
Affinity: Wind
Boon: Defence (+2)
Bane: Speed (-2)

  • Steel Lance

  • Hero Crest (set to drop when killed)

Battle Quote: You shall not pass!
Death Quote: Fly… you fools…!
Palette: (silver armor, green hair, tanned skin)
Animation Base: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Pegs, Wyverns, Griffons/[WR Reskin] [M] Repal by UltraFenix at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Replacing: Hayden
Unit Name: Frederick
Unit Flavor Text:
A stern and caring man from[.]
another world. Seeks a way home.
Gender: M
Frederick {Garytop} F2E
Credit to Garytop
Class: Great Knight
Growths: 400%. By some miracle.
HP: 110%
Str/Mag: 65%
Skl: 55%
Spd: 50%
Lck: 40%
Def: 55%
Res: 25%
Boon: Def(+2)
Bane: Res(-2)
Silver Sword
Silver Axe
Silver Lance
Master Seal
Death Quote:
Damn my carelessness! For the sake of my liege,[.]
I cannot fall here…[.]
Forgive me! Retreat is my only recourse!
Frederick Palette

Misc: So the way I see it, this is post-game Frederick, while the Nah I submitted is pre-recruitment.


Someone already took Tirado. My dumbass forgot to put Tirado’s replacement on there.

realized someone else already took, pls ignore

added Axereaver to Yasher

@ColeTheOne i already subbed a replacement for ewan

I can’t wait to do a “Erika Solo” or something lol.


You could maybe even joke about it. I could easily see her as someone with an interest for the ancient dark arts. Maybe being more knowledgeable in dark magic than an actual shaman. But she doesn’t use it because: “Have you seen what dark magic can do to people… I would basically be doing self harm and I’ve been told that is unhealthy. I already feel enough harm to last me a lifetime in this wicked war.”

I now kinda want to write that support. Lol.


Replacing: Breguet
Unit Name: Naoya
Unit Flavor Text: A bladesman who fell in with the wrong crowd.
Gender: Male

Class: Myrmidon
Affinity: Light
Boon: Speed (+2)
Bane: Resistance (-2)

  • Light Brand

  • Iron Blade

Battle Quote: I always wanted to try my luck against some honest-to-the-divine opponents.
Death Quote: Well that went as badly as it possibly could have…
Palette: (green clothes and hair)
Animation Base: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Infantry - (Swd) Myrms and Swordmasters/[FE7 Lyn-Reskin] [M] T1 Awakening-Style Myrmidon Alt at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Replacing: Novala
Unit Name: Tsuchime
Unit Flavor Text: A ruthless mercenary who will do anything for money.
Gender: Female

Class: Mercenary
Affinity: Ice
Boon: Strength (+2)
Bane: Luck (-2)

  • Steel Sword

  • Angelic Robe (set to drop when killed)

Battle Quote: So my company failed to do its job… Must I do everything myself?!
Death Quote: Dammit, divinedammit! Why does this-
Palette: (royal blue hair and clothes)
Animation Base: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Infantry - (Swd) Mercenaries and Heroes/[Sword Custom] [F] Mercenary-Myrmidon Fusion Edit by 7743 at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub


Replacing: Pablo
Unit Name: Kazimir
Unit Flavor Text: An uppity Carcino military leader who wants his coup d’etat.
Gender: Male
Kazimír Pletánek_96_96

Class: Halberdier
Affinity: Fire
Boon: Defence (+2)
Bane: Resistance (-2)

  • Steel Axe

  • Steel Lance

  • Hand Axe

  • Javelin

  • Halberd (for chapter 13 Eirika route (bc Pablo appears on both chapters 10 and 13 on Eirika’s route) replace with Hero Crest (and make both of them drop when defeated))

Battle Quote:
(chapter 10): Prepare yourselves, you’ve seen nothing yet!
(chapter 13): Told ya’ I’d be back! Ready for round 2!?
Death Quote:
(chapter 10): Argh… I’ll be back… Just you wait!
(chapter 13): May your woes be many… and your days few…
Palette: (fuchsia hair and cloth, blue armor)
Animation Base: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Infantry - (Lnc) Soldiers, Halberdiers/[Custom Lance] [U] Sentinel by Nuramon at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

Replacing: Aias
Unit Name: Virge
Unit Flavor Text: A broke sellsword, in desperate need of some cash.
Gender: Female
Virge Kaljurand_96_96

Class: Falcoknight
Affinity: Ice
Boon: Speed (+2)
Bane: Luck (-2)

  • Steel Lance

  • Slim Lance

  • Javelin

  • Swiftsole (set to drop when defeated)

Battle Quote: sigh I just needed the money, ok? Don’t exactly have a lot of cash on my own…
Death Quote: Pl-please don’t kill me, I’ll hand you this thing I found!
Palette: (cyan hair and armor, white pegasus, black mane)
Animation Base: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Pegs, Wyverns, Griffons/[Peg T2 Base] [M] Falcoknight Outfit Repal +Weapons by Camus Regan at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub

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I believe that all playable units is done with Wii already making a Ewan replacement;

And if bosses aren’t done, then there should be just one or two left maybe?

So I’ll help by working on the remaining NPCs!

Replacing: Messenger
Unit Name: Leila
Unit Flavor Text:
A royal spy and messenger of Frelia.
She always has a blank expression.
Gender: Female
Portrait (vanilla FE7 portrait with recolor by Eldritch Abomination):

Class: Thief
Affinity: Wind

Replacing: Dara
Unit Name: Erk
Unit Flavor Text:
A veteran sage currently hiding in Caer Pelyn.
Shares important findings regarding the war.
Gender: Male
Portrait (by CavalryUnits, frame fix by me):

Class: Sage
Affinity: Thunder

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is that erk and lucius fused

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