[FE8] Skill System v1.0 - 404 skills done, more on the way

Should the thread title be changed to account for the 200 skills milestone, or are we waiting until 255?



Hey @Leonarth I think from his earlier post about the triangle in the form of making a list that can be configured to allow the dark and light to have its own triangle within itself like the anima one that was created.

Ok I guess that makes more sense, but it sounds completely unrelated to any already existing skill, or the skill system.

I understand I was just trying to decipher what it was from his statement and that is what pulled from me anyway.

The anima have it owns triangle because it have fire, thunder, wind and may be water or ice. Isn’t light is just light and darkness is just darkness? I can’t think anything inside them like anima or am i just too dumb?

I was thinking backwards. I though that I could somehow use shadowgift and lumina to make certain tomes “light” or “dark” while replacing the normal “dark” and “light” weapon ranks with the other anima elements, creating a sort-of tellius system. This, of course, was a horrible idea. Sorry for causing such confusion within this topic, I’ll try to be a little less retarded next time I come up with an idea.

I can’t seem to figure it out, but how do you edit the numbers of the skills? Like if I wanna change deathblow to +2 instead of +6?

For buildfiles - check the source file (.s) and find the value (should be clearly commented). For example here’s a snippet of the source for Death Blow, titled “BlowCheck.s”

ldr r0,=0x203A4EC @Move attacker data into r0.
add r0,#0x5A @Move to the attacker’s attack.
ldrh r3,[r0] @Load the attacker’s attack into r3.
add r3,#0x6 @Add 6 to the attacker’s attack.
strh r3,[r0] @Store attacker attack.
b SkillReturn @Attacker’s attack. Redundancy? Nah.

In case it wasn’t obvious from the comments, you can change the 5th line to “add r3,#0x2” to get +2 instead of +6. Make sure to compile the source after using devkit.

For febuilder - There’s no real method. 7743 might be able to add some kind of functionality but it’d be a hell of a lot of work.


Hey, I love this patch, amazing work. I was hoping to also use the Change minimum damage from 0 to 1 patch, but sadly that one doesn’t work with the SkillSystems patch installed. I guess SkillSystems changes how damage is calculated, or something. If anyone knows how to make minimum damage be 1 with SkillSystems installed, I’d love to make use of that. Thank you all kindly.

That’s a FEBuilder issue, really.
The Skill System in it’s original form can be modified easily to add anything you want, but when installing with FEBuilder it becomes very tricky to change anything.

You will need to figure out where the battle calculations loop (or the proc skills loop) table has been inserted to, you would then repoint it so you can add an entry to it, which would be a pointer to your min damage 1 routine.

I’m really not sure why that change would be incompatible with the skill system though, the skill system calls the vanilla power calculation routine.

I think that SkillSystems can’t use at the same time because it hooks up the routine.
As you can see from the patch implementation, it is implemented by rewriting the following routines.
Perhaps one of these is hooked to the skill system first, so it doesn’t work properly.



This patch is realized not by intervention in the damage formula but by intervention in the damage evaluation part.
Therefore, even if any one of these evaluation parts competes, it does not work correctly.

I assume the 1d12 and trace skills don’t work? I have never seen them do anything in my testing.

They were too buggy and not interesting enough for me to want to go back and fix them so they were removed. We should probably just remove them and the icons and all, unless someone else wants to take a stab at it.

allright good to know. I was just going to use it on joshua anyway as a character skill. guess i’ll give him lucky seven instead.

The Skill System has been updated to include as an option a very large engine hack…
A complete strength/magic split! :tada:
Based off of @Kirb’s FE8 str/mag split based off of @Tequila’s FE7 str/mag split with miscellaneous work by @RobertFPY , @Pikmin1211 , and myself.
Toggle use of this in “Engine Hacks/Config.event”
Included are 2 CSV tables that allow you to set character and class magic stats.
The Magic stat is stored in 0x3A of the character struct.

New Modular Stat Screen is installed by default with growth display functionality.
Display All Weapon Ranks is included.
Easy set-up of a fuly-functional “Spirit Dust” magic statbooster (with a reworked prep-screen item use page): define the item icon ID in “Strmag/_Master Asm Installer.event” and the item ID in “Strmag/Str Mag Split/Installer.event”.
Magic stat is used for spells in combat.
Reworked level up screen to incorporate Mag.
If you define ExpandedLevelUpScreen in “Strmag/Str Mag Split/Installer.event”, an expanded level up screen will be used. This screen, however, has minor yet noticeable graphical issues.
Rally Magic skill is implemented.
All of the various sources of magic debuffs are accounted for (including adding a Seal Magic skill).
An edit of Magic Sword Rework that uses Magic at range. Go to “Strmag/Str Mag Split/Magic Sword Rework/MagicSwordRework.event”



This has been extensively tested, but please report any bugs. Enjoy!


Is there a post where I can learn how to do all of this “.event” stuff?
I would love to try this.

If you’re referring to constructing a buildfile, it’s right here.
If you’re referring to eventing for a chapter, it’s right here.


Thanks to, Kirb, Tequilla, RobertFPY, and Pikmin1211. And thank you also, for working on this! I’ve been looking forward to this!


By the way, there’s a miscellaneous fixes pull request coming soon for Strength/Magic. I found some small issues like one in the prep screen usability for the statbooster, some magic sword stuff, etc