[FE8] Modern c-skillsystem (2.2.0-beta)

The tome faire skills have been split up and integrated now, just FYI.


some optimized skill mapanims


Beautiful additions, bring it on with the unit menu skills :partying_face:

Also for anyone not keeping up, we’re at 80% in terms of skills ported from the ASM skill system. Not long to go now until we have pretty much all of them.

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Since too many new features have been added recently, so the original plan on publishment was overturned. For now, it is decided not to rush to publish LTS version based on 0.5.x-rc version, but publish new development version 0.6.0-alpha, and continue to release new test versions with new features added (such as 0.7.0, 0.8.0, etc).

For now I think better not to plan on LTS publishment in the short term, which means that game designers cannot get a stable version and need to participate in testing, but they can quickly get access in more new features in exchange.


New release published

Release v.0.6.1-alpha


This is a GODSEND my dude, you’re like the second coming of the FE hacking scene, amazing stuff


@Mokha I’m just finishing up the ShrewdPotential skill inside BoosterHook.c that adds +1 to stat boosters consumed by the user, but I’m having to make some assumptions about the MAG stat booster as Magic Dust isn’t currently functional.

With that said, will the case for the MAG boost work here or not?

#if (defined(SID_ShrewdPotential) && COMMON_SKILL_VALID(SID_ShrewdPotential))
    if (SkillTester(unit, SID_ShrewdPotential))
        switch(GetItemIndex(item)) {
        case ITEM_BOOSTER_HP:
            unit->maxHP += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
            unit->curHP += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
        case ITEM_BOOSTER_POW:
            unit->pow += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
            UNIT_MAG(unit) += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
        case ITEM_BOOSTER_SKL:
            unit->skl += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
        case ITEM_BOOSTER_SPD:
            unit->spd += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
        case ITEM_BOOSTER_LCK:
            unit->lck += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
        case ITEM_BOOSTER_DEF:
            unit->def += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
        case ITEM_BOOSTER_RES:
            unit->res += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
        case ITEM_BOOSTER_CON:
            unit->conBonus += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);
        case ITEM_BOOSTER_MOV:
            unit->movBonus += SKILL_EFF0(SID_ShrewdPotential);

it is not a wise choice to force binding on item index.

True. Since users might decide to create their own stat boosters, it makes more sense to just check the stat boosts returned by the item itself and increase the unit’s stats directly for any of those boosts that > 0.

I’m considering remove external DrawMapActionAnimation and StatScreenfx later. These two patches does nothing to do with kernel. Users can install them manually.

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I wanted to ask. Do you guys plan on implementing the Gaiden Magic system as a feature, like default SkillSystem has?

This is not in todo list for now, but not for sure in the future. Although I tend not to plan on it, but that’s not a decision.

I think it’d be nice to have some external quality of life hacks that could be enabled in a config file. They might be disabled by default, but personally I like many things being included with a config and therefore very easy to use.

I was also wondering: can the str / mag split be turned off in a config file with c skillsys?

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Loving the new layout for skills. Now we can fit the full 23.

Adding the arts was a nice touch too.


Although it is theoretically possible, I don’t think it’s worth the effort.

The whole system for this project is actually origined from a reworked str/mag EA buildfile. Thus actually I prefer to say this project as a “morden str/mag split patch that has a skillsystem kernel” rather than a “modern skillsystem that supports str/mag split:rofl:

Modifications to this feature are scattered in every corner you can imagine. Since this feature is so fundamental, and the modifications are so numerous, I prefer to suggest you brainwash yourself:

Ohhhhhhh yeah it is a BUG that muggles I$ forgot to support str/mag split in vanilla GBAFE!


Rather than disabling it entirely, it just needs to be hidden. A separate magic stat is only viewed on the stat screen and during levelup, so they can be hidden without too much trouble. Then, one only has to write code that copies the pow stat into the mag stat periodically. I think it’d be worthwhile to have as a config, anyway.

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Couldn’t it be hidden via MSS?

Sounds like a feasible solution, maybe later we can add this

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New release published



We’re down to 35 skills left to port now. I think I’m done personally.

What’s left are either gimmicks, unit menu movement skills (that I can’t do) or skills like Bargain that need files from decomp that haven’t been implemented yet.

I’ll pass the torch on porting and let someone else do the rest :sleepy: