[FE8] Life of Seiros (11/? chapters, Act 1 done)

I see, then I’m going to try to replicate it. Hope the first five chapters went without an issue at least.

Ah you mean these new portrait for Indech & Ernest in this Sep.23 version already ?
It’s not like those in Oct.3 version I downloaded.
Maybe this can be a clue?

Yes, they are in the Oct 3 version. Odd then, does that mean that the download link didn’t update, maybe?

I’ll update the link again in a bit, perhaps there was an issue with the upload to Google Drive.

EDIT: Alright, I have uploaded the patch, hopefully this one should be updated and not have the issue. Really sorry for the inconvenience :worried:

Finally it goes well. Thanks a lot

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Good to hear, and hope you’re enjoying the hack!

on screen shot chapter. why does johanna do -10 dmg?

Huh? What do you mean?

i think she does very little damage. I’d suggest buffing the gauntlets might and if possible shifting them to be lances. If the intended design was for her to be good against low def enemies her targets would be sword wielders, but she has unreliable hit against them because gauntlets are axes.

2 more suggestions would be low might but crit proff brozens for use against high crit enemies and the hit rates rn are very shaky. I think buffing hit rates would be good since in hard mode i find killing as many enemies as possible to be absolutely essential.

oh also any plans for shoves and other movement skills? I found during turn 1 a lot of my units specially the 2 lords cannot reach

Ahh I see. Gauntlets are brave weapons so I assumed that balances our their low mt, but I can look into buffing their Mt. Same thing on hit rates, with the higher stats they are a little shaky on Normal too so I can buff that too.

Interesting thought on bronze weapons, right now you get a hoplon guard on chapter 6 to help with the Hussar units but that obviously only works on one unit at a time.

Wasn’t planning much on adding shoves thus far, but maybe :thinking: I have been really conservative on skills thus far as you can see.

inherently brave weapons are hard to balance yea, tho she can barely do more than half an archer’s health at least on hard, that’s less than a single hit from one of the cavs. my idea would be to make her have decent damage and good bulk as a semi armor knight unit. Early game hard really needs bulk. I like the difficulty tho it’s pretty challenging.

Glad to hear it, I’m always a little anxious about this hack’s difficulty because I’m not all that good at FE, at least I don’t think I am a pro at it :slight_smile: And yeah, these are good ideas too.

Okay I’m back. I’ve finished the hack, i think chap 8 is still wip? Because of the enemies in the wall. Anyways I gotta say I really enjoy the maps and gameplay, on hard it’s pretty tight just the way I like it.
I think the story is written well too, though certain segments can be long with double convos happening. Even so I didn’t think the exposition of the dialogue was forced in that it makes sense in the scenes for rhea to be asking these things and for the other characters to explain.

Aside from my last comment as feedback, I think unit balance is something you should monitor onwards, aside from gauntlets girl, there isn’t much incentive on training early archer vs their master on the horse. He not only have a horse but also a good prf and crest while early archer in my experience never doubles, has no crest and has low damage.

Other than that i suppose one thing i usually notice is the lords not reaching any enemies turn one, since their positions are fixed. It’s probably not too much of a problem but yea a nitpick from me.

I think this is a quality hack. I prefer a bit more non vanilla stuff but if it does stick close to vanilla it can be a pretty solid experience


Welcome, visitors from FEE3! It’s currently midnight my time and the video on Life of Seiros, presenting its ingame introduction, is now up!

Much like many others in the event, I celebrate the video’s release with a fresh update to the hack! The download link (the October version) has been updated. There’s been some unit balance changes, such as for Indech and Johanna, some portrait fixes, some rewritten dialogue, and, most importantly, a new chapter finished!

Chapter 8

Perhaps a familiar environment to those coming here from the LoS FEE3 video.

FE8 - LoS.emulator_01FE8 - LoS.emulator_02FE8 - LoS.emulator_03FE8 - LoS.emulator_04

No new playable units are added to your army in this chapter. Well - this isn’t exactly true, you do get a unit, they’re just… not very playable.

Burn with righteous revenge

FE8 - LoS.emulator_06
FE8 - LoS.emulator_05

Finally, as I always say - I hope you enjoy the in progress hack and give it a try, I’m always waiting for feedback and thoughts!

Yep, chapter 8 was WIP on the release prior to this one! It has been completed now. Very glad to hear the kind words, and as for the issues with balance, that’s something I’m trying to look into. Johanna has been buffed on this release, with more HP, defense and stronger gauntlets (I’ll look into switching them into lance classification later too, possibly), and Indech is also on the radar because I agree, he really dominates once he joins in.


Oh, we got a new version of Life of Seiros? Nice! I’ll play it when I get home :smiley:

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Hello! It has been a while, almost a month, but I’ve got out an update for the hack once again! I’ve decided to update the October patch download, so if you want to try it, you’ll have to download the October patch link again.

What’s new this time?

Chapter 9

This is a sort of “final chapter” for a sort of Act 1 - there’s not really a timeskip or something similar after this, but it’s a major shift in the story, and a battle against one of the main villains, so I may as well call it that way. The eventing is slightly more interesting here than usual, and I enjoyed writing a few of the hopefully oomph scenes.

There’s no new recruits in this chapter, but to compensate, since the character list has become a little tight, there’s a new recruit added to Chapter 5 instead!

There’s also been some tweaks, graphics changes, so on and so forth. Hope you all enjoy it!

(EDIT: Updated the download link with an emergency fix for a possible softlock in Chapter 6. Will rework that scene in the future, but for now I just removed the most likely cause of error to prevent people from getting stuck. Also fixed Ernest auto-recruiting after recruiting Lestek, was a flag error - 11/29)


Hello again! It has been over a month, hope everyone had great holidays, and I am now back with a new patch! There’s a new download link (2025 Patch) on the original post.

What’s new in this update?

There’s been several balance fixes. Ludovica has been buffed somewhat to be less frail, Rhea in Chapter 8 receives a regeneration skill to prevent her from dying too quickly on hard difficulty, and hard difficulty bonuses for enemy units have been reduced. Chapter 6 now has additional green units near Indech to increase his longevity.

Several portraits made early on have been updated to have less graphical errors and be closer in quality to later portraits.

A new music track has been added for the prep screen.


Chapter 10

There’s been some eventing involved regarding the map’s gameplay, namely the seizure of forts across the map to cut off enemy reinforcements, and also:

The conversations for this little mechanic for this chapter, Rhea getting to talk to basically everyone in your party to preach to them and boost them, was why this chapter took a while longer. :sweat_smile: Couldn’t even manage to finish two of them before release, so any Childeric and Lestek fans out there will have to wait for a later update to see how they’re converted to the faith.

Accounting for the lack of recruitable units in the previous two chapters, you receive four this time.

Thank you all for the patience, hope you enjoy the new patch, I’m looking forward to the feedback, and until next time!


DAT portrait spotted

Indeed, credited here:

I saw it while looking for portraits for Emerie’s band of misfits and this one fit into what I wanted :ok_hand:


I needta make more mugs lowkey haha

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what if i sketched a random for you to make into a mug

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