[FE8]HoloEmblem: The Search for Seiso (42 Chapters) [v.1.7] Out Now!

I heard this from other players, they said this hack has too many hidden elements, including A-support bonuses. Can someone give me a list of these hidden things(except support bonuses)?I would like to make a guide for this hack in Chinese. Thanks

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The creator is going to release the guide along with the next update

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I would have to think about if any prf weapons were locked, but characters have often been locked in mainline FE games. The Samsons and Arrans of various titles where you can only get one of the two units in your run.

FE6 has the whole Bartre/Echidna and Yuno/Dayan choices. FE7 has the Wallace/Geitz and Harken/Karel choices. Fates was all about choosing sides, and even in the Revelations route you don’t get all the characters as there are a few that are exclusive to the other routes like Scarlette and Izana (Also you can argue the Shura and boots choice is influenced by this one choice only mindset). Echoes has Deen and Sonia. Three Houses has characters that are locked from ever switching to certain houses so they are exclusive to the house you pick.

I feel locking characters is a step up from locking a prf, so it doesn’t bother me as much. Also I probably missed a few games as I haven’t played all of them or remember every choice.


Iirc I messed a lot of support bonuses and I think they are still capped to 5 support each? So you need to carefully pick who builds up support with each another. For A rank supports, some give skills, some give exclusive personal weapons, and etc.

For example, Mumei A rank support with Fauna gives Mumei the Nature Rush skill and an auto level to Fauna.