I was actually unware of that i’ll amend that immediately!
Yeaaa some portraits need reworks
I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it! Thank you for playing!
I was actually unware of that i’ll amend that immediately!
Yeaaa some portraits need reworks
I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it! Thank you for playing!
Having never played Thracia, I do like the scrappy nature of the hack to the point of the game I am at, and have been using captures often to get two range weapons alongside special weapons you don’t normally see in shops. I use all of my money at pretty much every normal shop or secret shop if I find it since I know the shops aren’t usually back to back.
I can definitely understand where some of the map design criticisms come from even if I haven’t reset on many of those maps. I am curious if I will fair better on the 21X chapter that keeps getting brought up.
I haven’t really run into any bugs yet and I am still using a somewhat outdate patch I think 1.2 mostly because I wasn’t running into any issues and was tired of repatching lol.
If I had one complaint it would be not having enough torches or torch staff prior to fow maps. I don’t think I missed any torch items before the 17X chapter, and I could manage with my thieves but it was a pain especially when next map sells torches lol.
This was done intentionally lol
I’m glad you’re enjoying the game so far!
Hello Thread it is I Hatsuru
I have contemplated this for a bit, but feasibly NG+ would take while to make. I am more or less concerned with how much space left that I can use.
If I were to make NG+, then I would need to rebuild the rom from scratch (which isn’t a huge deal but it will take awhile while also breaking saves). However, I thought of an alternate idea, making trial maps availiable at the end of the game.
NG+ in my mind would feel more or less like a rehash of the main story, just with stronger enemies and story changes when you beat the game.
Trial maps would functionally work as the gaiden setup. You may have a select few (or all) units on certain maps and win the objective. There would also be story implications after the game is beaten.
Which is why I am creating this poll to plan ahead. Would everyone prefer NG+ or Trial maps instead? Or I can try to rebuild and make both (it will take awhile).
I am currently on Ch24. May I ask if Shiori Novella has been included in this hack?
Is unpromoted Nene supposed to get terrain benefits?
I got back to the point where I had the Lightning Axe again. I tried using it again on Marine and it freezes before she does any attack animation. I tried using it on Noel next, Noel does an attack animation but then it freezes after the attack animation and the enemy that died disappeared. When attacking with animations turned off it is usable, but with animations on, it seems the Lightning Axe will freeze during battle.
Just wanted to add more context now that I tested it again using someone other than Marine.
I heard that ch7 (azki-sora chapter) priests had sleep and silence staves in Seiso mode.
I’ve been playing on Yabai mode and I don’t believe any of them had sleep or silence, maybe someone could confirm this, it could be an error from the difficulties, or maybe my ROM was just bugged?
What version/emulator are you on? Out of curiousity, I tried using the weapon on Marine myself and didn’t run into any issues on 1.2/VBA.
using the current 1.4 version, same Visual Boy Advanced Emulator.
How sad, I had to kill Aqua. I’m guessing I didn’t have her and Sora fight in ch13, if what I see in the thread is correct. And I think I had every character until this point too, boooo.
Ch20 done at least, not a fan of the warp traps either.
ch20 I think the warp traps were kinda funny as in it looks scary but you can also decide to send half of your army in there to clear the enemies.
Ch20 That’s basically what I did in the end yeah. In for a penny, in for a pound. I did realize that my nuclear Bae or my t3 Noel could have potentially solo’d there though, as long as their 1 non-stealable weapon lasted
Also interesting thing happened after 20x. After another surprise t3 promotion after a very easy map, I decided to do it again, because I wanted to “waste” a Holo Emblem as basically just a statbooster.
When I initially cleared the map, Matsuri was a Cavalier, and promoted to Master Knight. On my second go around, she was a Great Knight, and didn’t promote to MS… but she seemed to have mysteriously gained another +5 to just about every stat somehow. And of course if I wanted, I could use the seal to get her to MS after, and effectively gain Great Knight and Master Knight promo gains as well as the mysterious +5 of everything but magic I think, which, uh… takes Matsuri from 20-22 to 30ish. Here’s an Imgur album of the weirdness https://imgur.com/a/BtQsNju
I checked the event and if I’m reading it right, the game checks what level you are. If you aren’t above level 9 you don’t instant promote to Master Knight and should just gain a random amount of stats up to 5 plus the promotion item. If you meet the level requirement, you promote and get the stats up to 5 added on separately. So if you don’t have the T3 promotion item in her inventory or convoy, that’s most likely a bug. I’m not even sure if that event should have promoted you in that class or if it was supposed to do the second non promoted event.
I have the promo item, I guess I just didn’t expect to gain stats on a character without seeing it happen then. Neat!
So I have been using Flare, started out as an archer, promoted into a sniper, then into a marksman, and just gotten to an A rank support with Noel, and then allow me to promote to a general, who can then promote into master knight, I am confused, I can just promoted Flare 4 times.
That’s Flare for you. One of the most broken units in the game.
What I did was early-promote her in like Chapter 7 or 8 into a Sniper for the +3 Strength. I was legitimately surprised when I had the option to re-promote her into a General upon the A-support, which I did in Chapter 9. With a 50-use repairable Ballista she basically can trivialize much of the game on her own. Come Chapter 21 and I re-promoted her again into a Master Knight, and at this point she’s basically a hard carry with insanely high stats.
Unfortunately not.
Justice, Advent, Regloss and Flow Glow are not in the game.
No, however she’ll probably keep them.
Very odd, they should spawn regardless, but I will take a look.
Aqua is more or less a secret character like Ollie, but I can understand the frustration. I can put a small hint in that chapter.
Just to reiterate what BlazeKnight said If Matsuri wasn’t above level 9 in that chapter she gets a small stat boost and a master seal instead of auto promo to a Master Knight.
That’s intended. Though I guess I should nerf Flare/Noel slightly and her prf slightly
Poll will close in two days. If you haven’t already, please consider voting!
Then may I ask if you have plans to include these characters in future updates?