Absolutely love the retro feel, the transition from map node to battle scene is very cool.
Wondering if this was perhaps the wrong class, t2 rather than t0.
Also not sure if I should be able to go back for that node.
Dunno if there’s a way to change this, but galeforce on assassin makes it so the map doesn’t end immediately when assassin gets a kill, have to awkwardly wait again.
I think this is a bug, trainee classes should only be super trainees on hard mode.
If the node at either side of the fourth row (Nodes 8 + 12) don’t generate a way to enter them from the front, they become accessible from the back. When this happens, consider it like a bonus optional event.
I’ll see what I can do about this. The game currently doesn’t start the transition from Battle Mode to Node Selection until the end of each faction’s phase.
Wonderful hack! I love roguelites and I’ll definitely be keeping up with this thread for updates. I chose to play as an archer for my first run, and I’ve made it to floor 12 as of writing. There are a couple balance changes that I think are worth paying attention to, but overall super fun.
My main criticism is that i think the post promotion section gets a little too inflated if you’re playing a weaker class. Both of the bosses I faced doubled and one rounded me, and I was only able to defeat the first one because they were a flier and I connected a 48% devil bow attack (the silver bow was too weak). I do want to go back and play with other classes like revenant but I would be shocked if they could make it through floor 10 in the current build. Beyond that I’d love to see more experimentation with the weapons the player has access to, it’s a little odd to see a hack with so much effort put into all these other aspects still have the short bow be a weaker iron for 3 times the price lol.
This is incredibly original and addictive, nice work! I went with default Bonewalker and only got to lvl4 so far but I unlocked 2 units so I’m still pretty happy.
I was wondering though is there a reason why Charon’s movement is only 9? This is a minor nitpick but I feel it would be simpler and quicker if you could arrive at the next node in one swift move.
Anyway good luck for your future updates, I’ll definitly try to unlock everything there is so far.
I can definitely understand the feeling. All of the starting classes are capable of finishing a full run, but its very dependent on getting good luck with available events.
Revenant is equivalent to something like the Deprived class from Dark Souls. Fully capable of taking on the game, but requires lots of planning, even more luck, and possibly some hub zone development.
Without a doubt I think that some items need a rebalance, whether that be the stats or the cost. I’m more than open to suggestions on item changes. I’ll keep a note of the Short Bow going forward.
I think I may be able to give them some additional Mov, but I’m unsure if I’d be able to give them an amount of Mov that would be able to reach any given Node. From what I remember, after a certain amount of Mov the game starts to create some unintended side effects (most importantly causing soft locks). I’ll do some more research and see how far I can push it.
Had a lot of fun clearing normal mode. 40% sol and pavise gaming.
Ephraim seems cracked, higher base speed than every single playable, higher str than everyone except Gonzalez and higher defence than everyone except Gatrie, and he starts with 45 use armor/cav effectiveness. He has no bad matchups.
I think it be nice if Charon had higher move/always event that refreshes his turn so it doesn’t go into enemy phase.
Anti-monster weapons more cost-efficient than basics despite having same stats and effective coverage.
The berry sale options in secret shop are way better than stat booster counterparts making them obsolete in the same shop.
Dragonspear feels too expensive for what coverage they have over classes.
Slim sword and slim lance seem generally useless.
Secret book/goddess icon are way too expensive for what they give.
Wish vulns healed for more than 10, or there was another common vuln tier that healed for more, since once HP gets 60+ healing is kinda annoying even with the green AI healing.
I do wish that the hack went more into custom weapons. Most weapons being vanilla doesn’t offer that much strategy in terms of weapon loadout besides loading up on reavers/killers/effectives.
This doesn’t seem to have been reported yet, but recruiting a unit outside of the tavern does not bring them to your battle preps, is this intentional?
On top of that
All of the Berry Seed descriptions currently have dummied out text; maybe replace the text with the effects of the seeds?
This is super good! Having completed a run as Myrmidon/Swordmaster, I loved it! In terms of balance, a few things:
Yeah, monster classes look fun, but oh god. That is… not great. Bonewalker is servicable but revanent is just awful.
After promoting, things do get a bit inflated. I felt like if I hadn’t loaded up on a rediculous amount of strength early on I would have just been dead.
Green units… they serve a purpose late game. They’re meatshields. They’ll die in one hit, seeing as most are level 1, unpromoted.
The final boss is a monster in terms of stats. Off the top of my head I think he had like… 27 def/31 res? That hurt my brain to see lol.
All in all really good, I cannot wait to see the “story mode” you have in mind. That seems super neat.
I’m not sure how I would go about something like that, since during Node Selection you only have one controllable character. I think you’d need at least two for an infinite unit refresh event to actually work. Or at least that’s how things would work if you were trying to use something like a codebreaker code to set a character’s turn status to “has not moved yet”.
The scarcity and effectiveness of healing items within the labyrinth is meant to counteract how generally busted healing items would be in your typical roguelite. Especially with Elixirs, having an item you can hoard multiple of that completely heal you is kindof broken. I consider fishing the compromise. You’re able to get a handful of fish each trip back to the hub that heal the same as a Vulnerary, plus they increase Max HP. The hub area in general is meant for the player to fine tune the difficulty of the labyrinth to their liking.
I agree that there is an oversaturation of basic weapons that don’t offer much. I’ve added effective weapons, slim weapons, and stat boosters to the list of items to give a look over. Maybe shuffling around the shops inventories could help with viability.
All Nodes that are close to the Battle Window should automatically move Charon out of the possible enemy range before starting. I’ll take a look through Dorothy’s events. I probably gave one of them a Longbow and forgot to take it away.
I added the other bugs to the list, thank you for letting me know.
They definitely should be, I’ll add it to the list of bugs.
Added to the list of bugs!
I’ll try to get out a 0.7.01 patch with as many bug fixes as possible as soon as I can.
Hey Vesly! I’m having a bit of an issue getting this to work. Regardless of the type of Always Condition, I can’t get the event to actually run. I thought it had something to do with only having one controllable unit, but I tried adding the event to base FE8 and couldn’t get it working in the prologue either. Am I goofing up something here?
I’m checking for Flag 18 first so the event only runs during Node Selection.
It needed to be above the game over event -_-
I’ll shuffle some stuff around so it doesn’t interfere with everything else.
I been enjoying the game so far. 2 things tho. 1. Maybe let Charon have infinite move inside the labyrinth. Also 2. How do I use hero password (the minibosses I unlocked)
I’m currently working on a couple ideas for ways to let Charon cover more ground without causing bugs.
The passwords that Mini Bosses provide can be used at the beginning of a save file, during character creation, to unlock that character as well as 1 Skill Scroll containing that unit’s innate skill. Passwords are input using the Name option (then use it again after password confirmation to have the effect + the name that you want). Only one password can be used per save file.