[FE8] (Full-Length) [COMPLETE] Eligor's Spear version 3.3 (47 Chapters)

Thanks for reporting, it turns out I had removed some tile change data from that map, and therefore events that require tile changes like the village were not behaving properly. I have now fixed it.

I read through the equipment guide and found no record of obtaining a Brave Sword for defeating Leanith on Ch.6 Showdown at Sevna.
This was not simple. Why do this in lunatic, idk. But, do we receive more items from doing stuff like this?
Leanith seems to be unbeatable but with CAREFUL planning you can beat her and get a Brave Sword as a reward. Was killing her this early intentional?


Yes, it is intentional although she does not die here in terms of story. There was some other player who also received it in an earlier version.

There are not many such cases, so enjoy your well-deserved reward!

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Still playing this, what a ride so far! Reached the gaiden, what a fun and chaotic map!
I managed to steal the boots, but missed a lot of other items :wink:



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I don’t think it even is possible to get everything in that map, but picking and choosing what you want is more interesting any way.

No way… :wink:



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Thanks for catching that. It seems I have another trademark - all sorts of inexplicable typing errors.

Is it error right?
When i check info unit, some only wirte [PlaceHolder]???

Those are not done yet. Once they are, it will read what it’s supposed to.

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Hi, I noticed in the Ironclad City of Raugus if you destroy the wall, both ballistas will be part of the wall and not accessible anymore. (Cannot add screenshot as being a new user currently)
Is this on purpose?

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Hi, and welcome! Yes, they get blocked off intentionally.

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Alright, then I’ll try a different approach. Thanks for the quick feedback!

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In chapter 3x, at my first try, Renaida got killed at turn 3 by these two guys.
This was just bad luck, i suppose, no way to prevent this.



Just a small typo:

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Haven’t posted any updates in a while, so I might as well take the time to do so now.

First and foremost, I’m thinking of releasing a patch in like 2-3 weeks from now, that’s the tentative timetable anyhow. It will fix all the typos thus far - thanks to everyone who’ve pointed these out. There’ll be some other small touches and updates as well. Last but not least, a good chunk of the new supports will be available - not all of them, but many of them. There are some things with supports we’ve been experimenting with, one of them being:


That’s right, the main trio - Skylar, Avanni and Camian - will have different B and A supports depending on the route you’re playing, and you’ll be able to choose which ones to view in the Support Conversation room. Of course, as this is still experimental, not all of them will be ready by the time I’ll release this patch, but they will be completed later down the road.

Unless something urgent appears that needs to be addressed immediately, there will be one more patch after this, maybe sometime in September or October, that’ll have all the remaining supports as well as character endings and the guide entries among any other things that might need to be added or changed. After that, it might be time to call it [COMPLETE] for real and stop any and all updates.

Thanks for reading!


Hotfix time, I had accidentally broken the end event of ch11x Rest of the Wicked, so that should now be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Edit: So, upon further inspection, I apparently made an oopsie and got a test build mixed up with the patch I had released - that is, this error I’m talking about was only in the test build and not in any of the public releases. However, if you still somehow faced this issue, this new patch would fix it.

I’m still going by the schedule I outlined in the previous post. You may download this patch if you wish, but the more substantial changes and additions will be implemented in later patches.

Idk if anyone else has reported it but I encountered a bug in chapter 3. I had Fransis tank a hit from the boss in melee and when the boat moved their character models overlapped and I couldn’t move him away.

Hi, and welcome! Regarding your bug report:

While you can check for units, that might be problematic if you consider generics.
It’d be a little long but you could just have many commands like these, and there’s no need to check units. In Fire Dark I have an elevator which does this for at most 4 units at a time, and I can’t really say I noticed lag.
You could add more checks if you wanted, such as if the unit is on water or is a flyer.

I’m not sure which command you’re using, but if all you wanted to do was prevent the boss from stacking you could just use MOVE+ENUN and he won’t move to the same tile another unit is on.
You could also use the :Add Event: Returns coordinate or nearby empty coordinate patch if that doesn’t work, then pass the result to slotB and have the boss move to that coordinate.

Hello, just downloaded the game and having a lot of fun and enjoy this rom alot! but was curious, is there a map or guide for secret shops? saw in the earlier comments there was maybe plans for it or an idea it could be in the making and wanted to see if it was made. thanks!

I ended up checking for each player unit as there are not that many at that point of the game. I might try your suggestion for a cutscene where the unit positions are fixed. Thanks!

Hi, and welcome! No, there is no guide for secret shops. Each chapter that has a Member Card on an enemy also has a secret shop somewhere in it.