[FE8] (Full-Length) [COMPLETE] Eligor's Spear version 3.3 (47 Chapters)

Long time ago, the remote continent of Amasea was ruled by fearsome warlords. The divine saw no choice but to intervene, and so put an end to the warlords’ tyranny. However, crypts of said warlords still remain scattered throughout Amasea. A collector of rare items and artifacts, Grismond, intends to add one of the warlords’ weapons - Eligor’s Spear, to his collection. This task falls on a trio of thieves: Skylar, Avanni and Camian. Little did they know that obtaining the Spear was the easy part. In doing so, they unknowingly put into motion a cataclysmic chain of events…

Download link (Patch to FE8 / Sacred Stones US ROM): Version 3.3.


  • 47 Chapters in total (4 pre-split chapters, 19 in completed route, 17 in new route, 7 postgame maps)

  • Maps with varying objectives and gimmicks

  • Route split with both routes having their own unique characters - except for few

  • Quality of life features such as viewable growths, visible combat stats even when
    animations are off and the ability to Talk and Support without ending the turn

  • Multiple difficulty settings each with their own changes and differences that
    alter the gameplay experience more holistically/ as a whole

  • Split promotions for unit variety

  • Enemy variety even within the same class

  • Increased Weapon Triangle effectiveness from ± 15 hit to ± 30 hit to incentivize proactivity

  • Bows that have Weapon Triangle Advantage against all three magic types

  • Traversable world map providing means to resupply,
    so don’t fret if you forgot to do shopping during the map!

  • Hand Axes and Javelins that you can never double attack with

To Do:
  • Custom World Map
  • Custom Battle frame
  • Custom Title screen
  • Supports (for new route characters)


Age/Content Rating

Age rating for this project is 13+ / Teen. In terms of dialogue, the game should feel relatively close to what you’d expect from a Fire Emblem with some more bad or strong language peppered in.
There is no graphic violence, excessive profanity or nudity.

Bad/strong language involves uses of words such as “hell” and one-time use of a slur.
This happens during the ending scene of the chapter “Full Circle”.


This game has three difficulty settings: Normal, Hard and Lunatic. Aside from the few first and last few chapters, players can change this setting at the start of each chapter. More information on difficulty settings themselves can be found down below. There are no difficulty-based story changes or character recruitments. With that said, expect some small dialogue changes on Lunatic mode: since there are changes to reinforcements or AI on Lunatic, there are dialogue changes to indicate this.

In addition, players can swap between Casual and Classic modes. This is done in Options menu:
Dead = fallen units will stay dead, Revive = fallen units are revived at the end of each map.
To make sure you don’t face any issues, avoid swapping between these two modes after a unit dies.


This is the lowest difficulty setting this game provides. It’s not necessarily a cakewalk. Enemies have weaker stats compared to Hard and Lunatic modes, and most maps have slightly fewer enemies as well. If you’re unsure about which difficulty to choose, this setting might be the best option for you. If the game gets too easy, you can always increase the difficulty. Expect this difficulty to resemble typical Hard modes.


This is the difficulty around which the game is balanced. Hard is challenging in its own right, but less so than Lunatic. Compared to Normal, Hard has more enemies with slightly higher stats. Enemy equipment is also more varied, so be on the lookout for any nasty surprises! Expect this difficulty to be on par with most Lunatic modes.


Lunatic mode introduces plethora of changes to many of the chapters. This includes, but is not limited to, enemy stats, composition and equipment, but also to bosses’ AI as well as reinforcements. This difficulty is intended for those looking for a grueling experience that pushes you to your limits- and beyond them. However, if you chose a difficulty too high for you, you can always change to a lower difficulty setting. Expect this difficulty to go beyond Lunatic modes.


Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Intelligent Systems

Mugs, Maps, Map Palettes, Status Background, Save Menu Background, Weapon Icons,
Eventing, Story, Map Design:

Assisting developer/ technical advisor:

Writing, Supports:


FEBuilder GBA + patches*:

Other patches:
Drumfix, Range-Animated weapons list installer & Select Weapons Use Ranged Attack Editor,
New Game Music On/Off, Map Danger Zone (Select: Toggle), Convert Chapter Titles to Text,
Add Event: Force Recue to event, Toggle New Game Intro Cutscene, Toggle Health & Safety warning, Saving in Tower and Ruins, Enable to control the enemy (for debugging)**, CSA_Creator for FE8U_ver2

circleseverywhere & 7743:
CasualMode (Ver:GameOption), Actions After Talk (Cotemporary Style),
Actions After Support (Cotemporary Style)

circleseverywhere & Tequila: HPBars_with_warnings Cache

Show Heal Amount, Modify S-rank Limits, Add Event: Set Unit State Conditions (UNCM),
FE8 Battle Stats with Anims off

Magrika is Now Canon: AI: prevent healer mistarget

Gryz: Enable Faster Movement by Holding A, Fix Weak Promoted Enemies

Brendor: Remove Pierce glitch, Monster weapon fix, Add Event: Difficulty Switching

Brendor & 7743: Remove Enemy control glitch

Agro & Brendor: 16 tracks, 12 sounds -patch

Stan: Dancer AI, Fix CAM1/CAMERA2 going out of bounds, LeaderAI fix

Leonarth: Disable Stat screen Platform, AddEvent: GetKillerUnitID

Add Event: Character Retreat, Remove Link Arena Option, Set Preparation store pricing, Toggle Gender-neutral cavalry rescue, AI: Minimum Accuracy for Targeting with Status Staff,
Toggle Trainee Automatic Promotion, Fix sound of Aircalibur, sound of dragon stone,
sound of sword of seals, Show Record at Under status, Additional AI: Talk AI,
Preparation Screen: Display chapter name rather than purpose,
Silencer activation rate, Silencer activation rate vs. Boss, Extend Item Icon List length

Aera & 7743:
Add Event: Give the unit experience points 20191015,
Deny Deployment from Preparations Installer + editor,
Add Event: Simple Escape event 20200305

Kaito & 7743: Add Event: Lose item (all units and transporters)

Hextator: Custom animation (01/48command hack) patches, Anti-Huffman

Autocursor fix, Ignore changing music with flag 0x82 (fight with Demon King),
Adjust Mode Coefficient Experience Gain, Passive Boosts (no-stack)

Vennobennu & 7743: Gain Support At Various Ranges

Alusq: SOUND_NIMAP2 (Native Instrument Map)

kao & 7743: Multi-Class Pick Skill Installer + Editor

TR143: RNG Randomizer

v: Item ID1 & 2 which changes to money when stolen (Begin + End)

https://github.com/ngmansion/FE8/tree/master/escapemap: COND Check whether all members have withdrawn, Set Preparation BGM By Chapter (port by 7743)

Chap@FE8_GIRLS 09.10.01
Great Shield last class, Skill Pick

FE8_GIRLS: Toggle World Map Monster Skirmishes

Shuusuke: Demon King summon level type

Shuusuke, Sme: Debug: Change the control of enemies and/or NPCs**

Sme: NosResire

Vesly: Show Manage Item Menu on world map even before clear Ide Village in Easy mode

Snakey1: Fix front dodge glitch

Scraiza: Switch portrait images by class, flag. 20231104 Installer + Editor

7743, Runa: Switch unit’s description by class, chapter, flag. Installer + Editor

Custom Commissioned Battle Animations:
Sphealnuke: Banshee, Dullahan

Custom Commissioned Music:
Ristar (Joshua):
SoulCalibur II - Into the Whirlwind, Windslash
SoulCalibur III - Armed with Valor
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen - Normal Battle (Bitterblack Isle),
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - Gogmazios Phase 1 Battle Theme
Planescape: Torment - Fortress of Regrets
Information Society / Legacy of Kain: Ozar Midrashim

Battle Animations:
Intelligent Systems: Magic Seal
Russel Clark: Mercenary (F)
Glenwing, Keks_Kreb: Assassin (F) hoodless
Black Mage, Temp, Eliwan: Halberdier (F) 2.0
Black Mage, Temp, Wan, Eldritch Abomination: Bard Elffin + FE7-8
TBA: Halberdier (M) 2.0
Black Mage: Fighter (F) short hair
Temp: Warrior (F)
GabrielKnight: Hatless Mage (M)
GabrielKnight, BatimaTheBat, EldritchAbomination: Troubadour (M)
Blind Archer, Archibald, BwdYeti, Skitty, Temp: Phantom battle animations
Lisandra_Brave, inkling, genocike: Pegasus Knight (M)
Velvet Kitsune: Summoner (F)
Velvet Kitsune, Author_Pendragon: Summoner (F) Palette fix
FEif hack development team: Eirika-Style Isadora Doubleblade
Skitty: Great Knight Repalette
Nuramon: Hero (M)
Nuramon, flasuban: Hero (F) armored + short hair
Greentea, Nuramon: Legault assassin
Nuramon, MarioKirby, Wan: Pirate (F)
Pikmin1211, Maiser6, Skitty, GabrielKnight: Cath P Repalette
Pikmin1211, Maiser6, Ukulele, SD9k, Temp, Black Mage, Wan: Rogue (F) Repalette Upgrade
Pikmin 1211, Isaac, DerTheVaporeon: Valkyrie (M) Non-religious
Alusq, maiser6 [original by flasuban]: Improved Fe10 -style soldier (F)
Alusq [original by flasuban]: Improved Fe10 -style soldier (M) 2.0
Teraspark: Monk (M) & Monk (F) Repalettes
Team SALVAGED: Cavalier (M)
Team SALVAGED, flasuban: Cavalier (F) edit
Team SALVAGED, Leo_link, Pikmin1211: Paladin repalette
Team SALVAGED, flasuban, Leo_link: Paladin (F)
Iscaneus, Nuramon, flasuban: Knight FE10 - style
ZoraminaFae: Hawkzerker (Lance)
MrNigth, DerTheVaporeon Patriarch (M)
Serif, eCut, Skitty, Pikmin1211: Natserker (F)
eCut, Skitty: Brigand (F)
RiriK: Great Knight (F)
Spud: Magic Seal Magic animation
Shin19: Dark Druid Vanilla Magic Fixed animation
Teraspark: Entombed Magic animation

Custom Spell Animations:
SHYUTERz: Godspenst, Divine Sigil, Dark Sigil, Blood Sigil (recolor by Zarg), Luce
SHYUTERz, HIROTO: Poison Breath
SHYUTERz, The_Big_Dededester: Duskalibur with alternate sounds
Arch: Dulam
Puppet: Iceshock
Scraiza: Vertical Thunder Blast, Javelin Rain
Struedelmuffin: Miasma
St jack, Aegius, Purple Mage: Electro Ray
Mikey Seregon: Tornado
Orihara_Saki: Jormungand, Rauðrblade
Seal (Sacred War): Rangarok v2, Divinestone
lovemachine, Mikey Seregon, The_Big_Dededester: Alondite Wave, Ragnell Wave
lovemachine, Mikey Seregon: Sword Wave, Radiant Alondite and Ragnell Wave
HyperGammaSpaces: Sagittae

Map Sprites:
Intelligent Systems: Magic Seal Standing + Moving sprites, Dark Druid Standing + Moving sprites
Rasdel: Female Mercenary Standing + Moving sprites
flasuban: Fe10 -style soldier (F), Ranger (F), Pegasus Knight (F), Wyvern Rider (M) & Wyvern Rider (F) Lance Standing + Moving sprites
flasuban, Tordo45: Cavalier (F) revision Standing + Moving sprites, Paladin (F) revision Standing + Moving sprites
flasuban, Nuramon: Knight FE10 - Hybrid -style (Lance) Standing + Moving sprites
flasuban, Mikey_Seregon: Pirate (F) Standing + Moving sprites
Alusq: Fighter (F) Axe Standing + Moving sprites
FEGirls: Warrior (F) Axe Standing + Moving sprites
Dei, dondon151, blood: Amelia Halberdier Standing + Moving sprites
Teraspark: Monk (F) Standing + Moving sprites
RobertFPY: Assassin (F) Standing + Moving sprites
pikmin1211: Mage (M) hatless Standing + Moving sprites
WarPath, pikmin1211: Smaller Monster Standing sprites
pikmin1211, DerTheVaporeon: Berserker (F) Standing + Moving sprites (moving map sprites slightly edited by Zarg)
Pushwall Smaller Fleet & Phantom Standing sprites
Blood: Wyvern Knight (F), Great Knight (F) Standing + Moving sprites
DerTheVaporeon: Valkyrie (M) Non-religious Standing + Moving sprites
DerTheVaporeon, Author_Pendragon: War Monk Staff Standing + Moving sprites
Skitty: Brigand (F) Standing + Moving sprites
The Blind Archer: Halberdier (M) Standing + Moving sprites
SHYUTER: Wyvern Lord (F) Lance Standing + Moving sprites
ZoramineFae: Lancezerker Standing + Moving Sprites
ZeroXA: Troubadour (M) Standing + Moving Sprites
VelvetKitsune: Summoner (F) Standing + Moving Sprites
Zarg: Long-hair Thief, Long-Hair Assassin (M) Standing + Moving sprites
Zarg, daemoth Galleon Standing + Moving sprites
Zarg, RobertFPY: Rogue (F) Standing + Moving sprites
Sphealnuke: Banshee Standing + Moving sprites, Dullahan Standing + Moving sprites

Custom Class Cards:
Scraiza, Sword of Heaven and Earth: Assassin (M) with Two Swords
The Blind Archer Halberdier (M)
Orihara_Saki: Dancer (F)
ghast/faerghast: Villager (U)
SamirPlayz: Summoner (F)
Sphealnuke: Banshee, Dullahan

Battle Backgrounds:
Original images from Spriters Resource ripped by:
Davias: Tales of Phantasia battle backdrops, RPGMaker 2003/XP battle backgrounds
MagicMaker: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn battle backdrops
SmithyGCN: Tales of Eternia battle backdrops
Vanarus: Final Fantasy 1: Dawn of Souls battle backgrounds
Ryan914: Final Fantasy 1 & 2: Dawn of Souls battle backgrounds
Bean: Final Fantasy 4 Advance battle backgrounds
Picto: Final Fantasy 4: The After Years battle backgrounds
AutumnMood: Final Fantasy 6 Pixel Remaster/ Final Fantasy 2 Pixel Remaster battle backgrounds
(edits by Zarg)

Weapon Icon reference sheets:
From Spriters Resource ripped by:
MagicMaker: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn item icons
Indo Tenbuki: Dragon Quest IX item icons
SmithyGCN: Golden Sun & Golden Sun: The Lost Age item icons

From Spriters Resource ripped by:
redblueyellow Summon Night X: Tears Crown

Assets used for Status Background:
From Spriters Resource ripped by:
Shawn: Sword of Mana
MagicMaker: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
redblueyellow: Shining Force: Feather
(edits by Zarg)

Assets used for Save Menu Background:
From Spriters Resource ripped by:
redblueyellow: Shining Force: Feather
(edits by Zarg)

Custom Tilesets:
ZoraminaFae, Wan: Improved Stronghold
ZoraminaFae, N426, HyperGammaSpaces: Desert Bastion
RandomWizard: Forested Mountainous Tileset
RandomWizard, wAve: Super Fields - tileset
wAve, Peerless, Zoramine, Vennobennu: The Western Isles Extended

Custom Music:
Alusq: Act Raiser - Cassandra, Act Raiser 2 - Deception, Ogre Battle N64 - Notice of Death,
Final Fantasy Tactics - Decisive Battle, Final Fantasy Tactics - Anxiety,
Final Fantasy Tactics - Trisection
CivilYoshi: Fire Emblem 4 - Door of Destiny,
GratedShtick: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Darkness Ridge
Meilu: Concealed Four Seasons, Chrono Trigger - Unreleased Battle Theme,
Tales of Phantasia - Tale Up the Cross, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Roaming the Wastes
MrGreen3339: Super Smash Bros. Melee - All-Star Rest Area
nyawenyye/Runa: Damn Again, Crimson Ridge
Sme: Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time - Elder Princess Shroob, Vim Factory,
Chrono Trigger - At the Bottom of Night, Chrono Trigger, Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs - Legendary Pokemon’s Theme
SaXor_the_Nobody: Knights in the Nightmare - Maria Sortie!, Mellia Sortie! & Sortie Formation,
Tamborrino: A Deadly Confrontation, Victory or Death, Imperialistic Thoughts, True Perseverance,
False Valor, Renegades in the Rain, Damocles (Kotoaro Nagakawa)
RandomWizard: Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen - Do or Die, Sword of Mana - Courage and Pride From the Heart
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers - Sky Peak Final Pass, Live-A-Live - Megalomania,
Final Fantasy Tactics - Back Fire, Deep Dungeon, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Focus Tower
Plasma: The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask - Stone Tower Temple
7743: Final Fantasy 5 - Searching the Light, Final Fantasy 7 - Overworld, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past - Dark World
7743, Psyche: Etrian Odyssey III - Those that Slay and Fall
Thegis: Pokemon Black & White - Embracing One’s Duty
KHInsider: Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past - Light World Dungeon
KHInsider (original by David Wise): Starfox Adventures: Lightfoot Tracking Test

FE8 Quality of life patch:

Event Assembler:
Fire Blazer

FE Map Creator:

FE6-8 mug spreadsheet:
Serene’s Forest - prototype mugs

Fe6 blinking frames:
Lenh (edits by Zarg)

StanH: lyn (Event Assembler ASM tool)
Scraiza, Zane Avernathy, Pandan: Vision Quest style Modular MiniMug Box
Vennobennu: FE8 Null Move Display -Event Assembler version
RandomWizard, Tequila: Cloud Fix
Peerless: A mystery hidden in the credits! Only the Bold can discover it!

Portrait of Mindless Beast Jennifer:
Splatterhouse Wiki (under CC-BY-SA license)

*All patches by 7743:
Continue Battle BGM between map and combat 20200919,
Setting battle BGM of a many dancer in battle animation 20200610 (Installer + editor),
Display Escape menu,
Add Event: Get the number of Count number of units in specific range,
Set flag when enemy escaped, for hook in event,
Don’t draw battle terrain,
Simple setting of Sacred Weapons 2 (Installer + editor),
Add Event: SilentGiveItem,
MultiTileMarker Display multiple exit markers on the map (Installer + editor),
Add Event: Make the unit bad status,
Define Multiple Prohibits the Crit by Item (Installer + editor),
Define Multiple Item Attacks 1x Per Combat (Installer + editor),
Get the Number of units matching a specific condition,
Fix SetupNewWMRoute. Do not draw the route again,
Switch the death quote for each unit who is killer,
Define multiple classes that can discover desert treasures (Installer + editor),
Setting sound effect of many a dancer in map battle (Installer + editor),
Define multiple Dancers (Battle animation effect) Installer + editor,
Add Event: Send unit’s all items to transporter,
Add Event Condition: Item Check (unit),
Add Event Condition: Item Check (all units and transporters),
Add Event: Set Unit Status,
Add Event: Get Unit Status,
Add Event: Get HP,
Add Event: Split Menu,
Change Battle BGM by Chapter,
Fix CG Fade glitch,
Sound Room 100% Unlocked,
StatusBackground, Save screen background,
Fixed glitch by mixing Magic Seals and Magic Weapons,
Fixes the world map chapter ID being loaded instead of the actual chapter ID,
Special class 1 & 2 to reduce number of possessed items to zero when loading,
Prevent uncounterable items from becoming forced ranged animations,
Item ID1 & 2 for which you can get money by drop (Begin + End),
These units force the staff to hit 0% and deactivate 1 & 2,
Set Staff experience,
Main character: Ephraim’s tale,
Fimbulvetr Glitch fix,
Change lv bonus value to be given to the enemy’s promoted at normal (+ hard-mode) difficulty,
Add Event: Lose Item (unit/decrement by one)
Change Battle BGM if specified Item Weapon 2,
Supply Unlock Prologue and Chapter 1,
Ephraim Campaign supply,
Skip World Map Fix,
Summoned Creature Weapon 1-4,
Preparation Screen: do not display ExtraMap,
Skip:Opening (OPENING_CUT),
Fix PlayStepByClass HardCode,
Devil Axe: fix glitch that self-destructs whenever an underflow bug occurs,
Class Crit % Bonus,
Accelerate recovery motion,
OP_Title Screen Game Title,
OP_Title Screen series logo,
Add Event Condition: Tile change
Do not switch BGM in the total turn display,
Switch character ending text with a flag,
Final Chapter Turn Count,
Add Event: GetSupportLevel, SetSupportLevel, ClearSupportLevel,
Add Event: Lose Item (unit),
Prevent Freeze for Unit State Event 0x34,
Fix glitch display when using sort2 by pressing select button in Guide,
Juna Fruits decliment level setting,
Minimum JunaFruits level,
Base level of monster units summoned by demon king summons,
Fix glitch that causes noise to run on the screen after the battle animation ends,
Even in fog, ensures visibility at specific coordintes ver3 Installer + Editor,
Special class ID to turn the battle background into a Manakete,
Add Event: Remove the light of the fire torch within range,
Add Event: Move the light of the fire torch within range,
Fix_GenerateBestMovementScript Move Glitch,
HPBars_with_warnings cache (cutoff that the ! shows up),
Change to have multiple units that can seize 20200302 (Installer + Editor),
Add Event: Check Map Tile 20200823,
Add Event: Get unit ID rescued by / Get unit ID that rescues 20210109,
Do not clear support when unit dies,
Expanded the setting of the ring effect used by dancers (Installer + Editor),
Fixed sound of Luce,
Change Max HP limit to use set in class editor,
AddEvent: Display and recover the effect when using the item,
AddEvent: Set All Unit Status,

If you see your/ someone else’s work not being credited properly or at all,
please let me know asap! Thank you!

**used during playtesting, patch not applied in released patch.

Treasure Locations

This map details the locations of hidden items in Chapter 8 “Alchemist’s Lament”.



Postgame content is available to all those who have completed the main story in either route.

Enter Warlord Lairs on the world map to access this content.
Postgame maps consist of a hub area and challenge maps where you get to fight superbosses.
You can stock up on supplies as well as level up your units, remove supports and change your difficulty setting in the hub area. Both the hub map and challenge maps can be entered/played more than once.
However, you’ll get cutscenes only for the first time and if you haven’t beaten any challenge map yet.
You’ll receive a warlord’s weapon as a reward upon each clear of their map.

Do keep in mind that dead units are not revived here, and units who die in postgame maps
will remain dead if Casual Mode (Now called Revival mode) is not on.


Looks impressive! The storyline sounds unique and interesting, the mugs are all clean and look good, the maps you’ve shown have good design elements and look visually appealing aside from a few out of place tiles. This project looks very promising! You’ve done a lot of work on your own, keep it up! I will definitely give this a go in next few days and give you more constructive feedback.

1 Like

I’ve played the first couple of chapters. Pretty good so far, though I’m still not sure if you’re meant to be able to go down to the bottom of the map in the second chapter.

Starting the route split with the route through the mountains. I don’t like how your healer is a green unit for whom you have to bend over backwards in order to protect him and reach the visitable House at the same time.

(EDIT: After a few more attempts, yeah, not having your healer be controllable makes the map way harder than it needs to be. He even tried to heal somebody who already had full HP! I had to play too slowly because of how low on HP everyone was getting and I wasn’t able to make it to the second House at the top.)

I’m attempting the other route too and still no luck. I think the enemies in your corridor are a little too tough and a little too many. (Knights when you don’t have any magic users? Really?) Even when I was playing as recklessly as possible to reach the green units ASAP I still couldn’t stop the boss from escaping.

I also hate how over half the Enemy Phase is just generics duking it out.

I think this hack is going to need some work to make it less cheaply difficult. For what it’s worth, the portraits are pretty nice, though.

@FlawlessJar Thanks for the compliments! Yeah, take your time. The more feedback and critique you can give the better.

@VonIthipathachai Thank you for your feedback! Can you explain what do you mean by being able to go the bottom? If you mean the area where the boss is, that is in fact intentional.

Originally the chapter with the healer was meant to be an escort map, but I scrapped that idea. Instead I opted for a map where you have to push through the enemy while at the same time make sure your healer is safe ( sorta like an escort map?). Making him playable from the get-go might work better though, given all the status ailments and the fact that you’re on a timer - if you care about the villages.

Have you tried using the panels in the areas with rocky floor? The idea with this chapter was to give the boss more than one escape point in order to make stopping him more difficult. I’ll see what I can do about the enemy phase being so lengthy, and as for the knights I believed having an axe user and Armorslayer would be enough to deal with them.

Aside from myself, there has been like one other person playtesting the hack, and even then they haven’t played all the chapters in the current release. Needless to say, that isn’t nowhere enough to gauge the difficulty. For the time being all I can offer is advice if you’re still open for that. I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread and see if there’re more people sharing your sentiments.

By the bottom of the second map I mean the southern half, from which I’m guessing all the enemies spawn. I was able to see a Fighter down there with an Energy Ring I wasn’t able to get. You’re constantly stuck at the top of the map near Grismond because you have to protect him and the enemies can potentially overwhelm you if everyone isn’t together.

I just tried stepping on one of those panels to open up a door. For one thing, there’s no indication given anywhere that they can be stepped on to open hidden doors. What’s worse, none of the switches actually block an exit, so the boss will likely still stay on his path to the other stairs.

I still can’t beat this awful map. I would suggest adding some other switches that block certain paths for the boss to escape through or changing existing ones to do that. Also, his Avoid is way too high. I would personally downgrade him to a Thief.

You DID playtest this map, right? How the heck did you beat it?

Yeah, that part is reachable. One strategy you can use is to send Cam or Sky on the island in the middle, let Agnessa solo the right hand side and send the rest to the left-hand side. Playing aggressively can be rewarding (since you can get some nice items) but also very risky. You have to use your Vulneraries and Elixir quite a bit.

As for the map with the rogue, the idea was that the panels serve as a visual cue: they’re supposed to stand out from the rest of the floor. I didn’t wish to explicitly say what they’re there for, because I think that’s a bit too hand-holdy. I made the walls look unmatching for the same reason. I wanted to make the panels sort of a double-edged sword: they would help you reach the NPC’s and the boss faster, but also open up more space for the boss and the enemy units to use. I can make the panels not only open new entrances, but also close some of the escape points like the stairs. I actually ended up adding those panels after testing the map.

Swordreaver helps you a ton against the boss, not to mention the Barrier staff and also Pure Water if you bought any. However, I might lower his Speed and/or Luck a bit, that should help landing blows on him.

I open the upper door with Sky and send others to the corridor below. Cam and Avanni do most of the fighting, I can step on the panels and still keep up with them because Sky as a thief has 6 move. Both of the NPC’s are recruited when you talk to either one of them, so once I reach them I can use them right away to block the boss. If you’re running out of time, try summoning a Phantom.

Edit: a Phantom can also serve as a roadblock for the boss, assuming it doesn’t get killed immediately.

I did try a couple of times to block the boss with a Phantom, but it couldn’t do so because other enemies kept killing it.

I can’t record or stream me clearing the map, but I can provide a guide by taking screenshots if you think something like that could help.

Update time:

  1. Fixed the broken spoilers/ hide details-thingy in the opening post.

As for actual updates on the game:

  1. Edited the map “On the Run”. Here’s how the newer version looks like:


Other changes to this map:

  • Boss grabs also Guding Ring now + starts further away from escape points
  • The amount of escape points has been decreased to 2.
  • His Speed and Luck stats have been decreased by 1 and 3 points respectively
  • There are less enemy units and less green units
  • The path to the left side of the map is now longer and more of the enemy units target the player units now, meaning (hopefully) that green units don’t hog most of the kills.
  • Changes have been made to enemy placement.
  • The floor panels have been made to stand out more.
  • One of the panels also closes the stairs the boss uses to escape.
  1. Updated the map “Land Ahoy”. Here’s the newer version:


What else changed on the map:

  • The amount of villages you need to protect has been decreased to 3. However, all 3 villages are under constant threat, so no more “suddenly a thief” shenanigans.
  • The Guiding Ring reward has been replaced by an Elixir.
  • The boss has lost 1 point of Speed.
  • The amount of enemy units has been decreased, enemy placement and equipment has been changed.

I think that’s all for now. Note that these are still work in progress, current release still has the old versions of these maps. This update post is just to let you know what I’m working on.

Feel free to leave me feedback and critique. Thanks for reading.


Here’s an update.

I’ve edited the map for Chapter 1. Here’s how it currently looks:



What else changed:

  • The amount of enemies has been slightly decreased
  • The boss has lost some of his Speed and Defense
  • Talk conversations are easier to trigger due to how characters are placed

My intention is to make it so that players can choose between ending the chapter early or attempting to clear the bonus objective of the map. You can play safely, but doing so means you’re not very likely to get all the goodies.

Edit: I have also edited the map “Adversaries”. Here’s the new version:



Other changes include:

  • removing some of the enemy units
  • the Great Knight and Paladin bosses now drop a weapon
  • the first ballista should be a regular one now instead of Iron (which had increased attack range)

I have also been working on some new maps, but those are still in testing phase. My question is, do you prefer to wait until they’re done or would you rather have a new release now and get to play the fixed maps now?

It has been a while since I posted here. Currently the hack is undergoing some playtesting, and if need be I’ll make some adjustments and polishing. I think a new version will be released some time this month, and it contains more substance not only in terms of gameplay but story as well. Once the new version releases, I’ll go more into detail about what’s new and changed.

I want to thank those of you who have downloaded (and played) the game. Those who prefer to wait for an improved / the complete version, I understand. All I can really ask of you is patience.



i’m liking it so far. the difficulty is decent, and the characters are likable. can’t wait for the next update to release!

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Edit: Development of this hack is finally resuming. Progress might be slow, as there are things I need to fix and stuff I wanna try out, as well as IRL business I need to attend to. Thanks for being patient.

Eyy, glad to see you’re using some of my music, when I get the chance I’ll give it a go :ok_hand:

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Here’s a little sneak peek of things to come, look forward to it!:

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I’m currently doing some playtesting for Hard mode. Some of the maps have received new
Hard mode versions; for now all I’m going to say on that is that maps with new Hard mode versions have more changes to them than just enemies being tougher. In the meantime enjoy
me failing in my own maps:
oof oof2 oof3

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Sorry for the drought of updates. Now, however, I have updated the opening post with a new version of this hack. You need a clean FE 8 US ROM.

Edit: If you’re having problems with Ivan’s AI going haywire, try moving Skylar to this spot over here:

I’m not sure what causes the issue, but I think that if there are enemies between Ivan and Skylar, the AI doesn’t work properly. Ivan’s AI is set to go to Skylar once the rain first stops.

Edit 2: I did further testing and it turns out that moving Skylar to a certain spot will cause
Ivan’s AI issues. I couldn’t replicate the problems by moving Skylar anywhere else. Instead, Ivan’s AI worked just as intended. Here’s a screenshot where I marked the area that causes the problems, so if you want to recruit Ivan, Do Not move Skylar there. I sincerely apologize for any problems this may cause.

Here’s the screenshot:

There was a bug with one of the talk conversations, so I went ahead and fixed it.