[Fe8] Fire Emblem: S.S-Monster Mash! [v1.2.5] [A modified fe8 campaign, where you play as monster classes!] (TLCC mode Update [v1.2.2], Implementing The Bael Expansion soon, looking for partners to help out and chat with

Have you ever had those fe8 Randomizer runs where your characters turn to monsters?
Have you ever thought, wow!, these monster classes suck, wish they were better?
Or do you just find monster classes neat or wanted some more variety in playing fe8?

Well, Scared Stones-Monster Mash is a hack that’s predicated on the premise of

all playable characters being monsters!:

-a complete cast of monster classes(some vanilla,some custom) for every playable
character, which closes fit their vanilla class.

-a stronger magic triangle and an overall higher emphasis for magic combat
-a mag and str split
-Hybrid Mag/Str classes
-Hybrid Normal/Monster Weapons transforming classes

-The skill system patch, with unique skills for most base classes and all the promoted classes

-Repallets of some vanilla monster classes and vanilla based custom classes

-Repallets of repo battle animations for custom classes



-New monster weapons which are line locked to certain monster classes most notably and predominantly for the Bael and Mogall Lines

-Buffs to some pre-existing weapons, like Luna getting 5 might, and the Fang lines of
weapons getting more might as well
-Gerik and Moulder changed to female characters, reflecting the gender of their monster classes

-A new recruitable Character added to the game

-New Custom animations and map sprite made by me for two promoted classes and a brand new class (All of which are now added to the repo!! woohoo!!)

The Animations(spoilers)

Kitsune Rouge-Monster
Kitsune Rouge-Sword
Kitsune Rouge-unarmed



[[Download both versions of Fe: Sacred Stones-Monster Mash Here]](link temporarily removed)

(Note to self: Will upload a newer more recent .sav file)

Credits for both Version (copypaste from dropbox)


Spriting credits:
-Flasuban for the enchanter map anims
-Zoramine Fae for the Ravager anims and map sprites
-Levin64 for Sharine and Neros’s portrait
-Lukirioh! for assisting me in making the drowned/symphone map sprite.
-Clendo, for the kitsune animations(wolf child)
-Eldritch Abomination, for the base thief animations(wolf child), the fire spirit anims(fire&light spirit)
-Temp, Black Mage, Wan, for the rouge reskin i used a reference(head wolf)
-Alfred Kamon, for the female centaur anims(f-Tarvos(S/H) and Femduin)
-TheBlindArcher,Arch, Skitty and Temp for the phantom anims (spirit knight)
-Teraspark, Wan for the wight anims (wight swordsman)
-Seal and Yera for the bael queen anims (bael maiden)
-Seal,Blood and SaxMarine for the wight reskin anims (wight lord)
-Primefusion,Skitty,Orihara_Saki, DerTheVaporeon, Kao, and Aurora for the vanilla cavalry+weapons anims(Unchained Spirit)
-TheBlindArcher,Vilkalizer,TheBlindArcher,knabepicer and Orihari_Saki for the vanilla knight+weapons anims(Rueful Armor)
-Teraspark and L95 for the gargoyle reskin(Deathgoyle)
-Alusq for the militia/deserter anims(abomination)
-Marlon0024, Eldritch Abomination, SHYUTERz for the manakete base anims(earth dragon)
-TheBlindArcher, Maiser6,TBA and ZoramineFae for the hawkeye breserker anims(breserked soul)
-Circleseverywhere,Marlon0024 and Kao for the dancer anims (forest dryad)
-MeatofJustice for the Anna portrait
-Miguel rojo for the Hilde portrait
-Glaceo, Mr_Karkino for Arrabelle’s original Portrait.
-Beccarte for the Linnea’s portrait
-Special mentions for the friendly people in the spiritans channel for helping out
-OreoStyx, MK404 and MakeFEGayer for the pegasus knight sword animation
p.s: One of the creators of the wolf child anims have private message me and stated that they didn’t wanna be credited for
the anims.

Weapon icons Credit:
-2wb for Axeward, Barrier blade, updated fetid claw
-Beansy for Counter Bld, iron Mallet.
-Lord Glenn for Cleaver Axe,Titanium Lance
-Celice for lunaria, Orion
-Beansy for Guntur
-Lisandra Brave for Serpentine
-Cardcafe for Vespr

Spell animation
-Beansy for lunaria
-Orihara Saki for serpentine
-Arch for Guntur,
-Hyper Gamma Spaces for Orion

Mapping Credits:
-Updated Village Tileset {N426, ZoramineFae, Venno} used in “side quest” name (will be added next patch)
-Improved Castle Tileset by N426 used in chap 5x and 8.
I’d like to thank several people in the cartography channel who have helped me in my first foray into editing maps

  • Apparoid, who made the base arrangement of chap 9 EPH route as well as just helping out in general
  • Peer
    and the rest of the cartography channel peeps. It’s cool to be active in more channels than just dev lounge and spiritans

Technical/programing credits:

  • Base Febuilder by 7743
  • Stan for Unit Action Rework Patch
  • Snakey1 for stairs patch
  • kao for Melee/Ranged Different - Spell Loader patch
  • Circleseverywhere, Monkeybard & Black Mage for most of the skill icons; Blaze for Stances skill icons
    Tequila, Rossendale, StanH, Leonarth, Teraspark, sd9k, Kao, blademaster, Snakey1 for skills
    Primefusion for the test map (skill system ver 20201128)
  • 7743 for the Simple setting of Sacred Weapons 2 patch
  • 7743 for the Fix the weapon level of the Summoned Phantom’s weapon level of the possessed weapon patch
  • 7743 for the Allows detailed setting of weapons held by summoned units patch
  • 7743 for the Allows detailed setting of weapons held by summoned units patch
  • 7743 for the Display Escape menu patch
  • 7743 for the Change the minimum poison damage for each chapter patch
  • 7743 for the Fix CG Fade Glitch patch
  • Brendo and 7743 for the Remove Enemy Control Glitch patch
  • Scraiza for the narrow font patch
  • Sme for the Magic Sword Rework(Installer) patch
  • stan for LeaderAIFix patch
  • ipatix for the Improved Sound Mixer patch
  • Circles and Zane for the HPBars_simple patch
  • Circles with additions by Tequila for the HPBars_with_warnings Cache patch
  • Circles for the HPBars_with_warnings patch
  • circleseverywhere for the Map Danger Zone (Select: Toggle) patch
  • circleseverywhere for the CSA_Creator_For_FE8U_ver2 patch
  • circleseverywhere for the CSA_Creator_For_FE8U patch
  • Vesly for the Group AI patch
  • Stan for the DancerAI patch
  • Stan and Vesly for the ExModularSave with Supply 200 ver20220401 patch
  • Stan and Vesly for the ExModularSave with Supply 200 ver20220127 patch
  • Stan and Vesly for the ExModularSave with Supply 200 patch
  • Stan for the ExModularSave patch
  • Aera for the Additional AI: Talk AI patch
  • Tequila ,UNKNOWN ,Aera, circleseverywhere and 7743 for the Battle Transforming Patch
  • Tequila for the fix_lz77decompress patch
  • Tequila for the Attack and capture enemies with reduced speed like FE5(Tequila Version) patch
  • Tequila for the FE8-Battle Stats with Anims Off patch
  • Tequila for the Rogue Robbery patch
  • Snakey1 for the Fix dodge to front glitch patch
  • Hextator and 7743 for the Anti-Huffman patch
  • Hextator and 7743 for the 48command_hack patch
  • Hextator and 7743 for the 01command_hack patch
  • Agro/Brendor for the 16 Tracks/12 Sounds Fix patch

I’ll like to thank several people who have helped me on the technicalities of hacking, including:

  • Arch Sage 7743, the miracle worker (also creator of Febuilder)
  • Vesly, helpful advisor
  • Epicer, event organizerer
  • Shuusuke The Fool, definitely not a fool
  • Contro, for helping me with eventing troubles and just helping all around
  • Struedelmuffin!!, sprites advisor and wanter of 4 different animations for transforming classes
  • special mentions for the rest of the febuilderhelp channel for helping out

Patch Notes:
Current patch:
Patch 1.2.5

  • Implemented the new drowned class and symphone as the promo into the monster chapters of the vanilla hack
  • Implemented a brand new recruitable character in the drowned class.
  • Imported class stats from TLCC mode to the vanilla hack (The changes shouldn’t be too apparent)
  • Fixed female shaman’s promo gains being 0
  • Fixed Resilient Glare having very low might
  • Fixed Cormag’s class in Erika’s route
  • Added: Changed drowned and symphone class move to 5 and 6, Arabelle’s skill changed
Previous Patch notes

Patch 1.2.4

  • Implemented a new CUSTOM animation for the wight sniper class.
  • Edited Resilient glare’s effects, price and durability again, now it’s a low might 1-2 range tome that has breath of life attached
  • Changed Wight Swordmaster’s palette to be more presentable
  • fixed some reported bugs,(hopefully)

Patch 1.2.3

  • Adjusted class stat caps
  • Adjusted a few classes promo gain
  • Changed Crazed soul’s animations
  • Distributed the new class weapons on world map and chapter armories
  • Fixed Fem Tarvos crit animation bugs
  • Adjusted some animations palettes

Patch 1.2.2

  • Shuffled around the majority of class skills to be more appropriate for their class
  • made a personal palette for Ephraim.
  • changed silent glare to resilient gale (basically a sleep staff,(not final product))
  • created new class locked weapons for the spirit knight and bone archer lines
  • Gave a damage buff to the infected claws and abomination claws weapon
  • Buffs to bone archer and sniper class base stats
  • made some palette changes for the Femduin class to make them more unique
  • Split the energy ring to a str ring and mag ring
  • Knoll is now a gorgon on both routes, also adjusted his level to 1
  • Cormag has been changed to a gargoyle on both paths
  • Fixed the weapon lock on demon surge

Patch 1.2.1

  • Druids can only use staves and dark
  • Made custom anims for the Head wolf class
  • Fixed the dodge anims timing for wolf child and head wolf class
  • Adjusted magic units str growth rates
  • adjusted moulder’s and gerik’s death quote and portrait in cutscenes
  • adjusted the fire and light spirit melee anims to use magic anims
  • Made a quick title change to the project name

Patch 1.2.0

  • fixed erika’s world map anims
  • distributed more weapons on world map shops
  • increased head wolf move to 7
  • Updated the promotion event at chap 16
    (players can choose to take the promotion for the promo gains and relevel or get extra custom weapons in exchange
  • Custom legendary weapons shine when used in battle

Patch 1.1.0

  • Amelia and Tana’s classes on erika’s route fixed
  • Did some repalleting work for the shaman,gargoyles and made a custom palette for erika’s class
  • Gargoyles can now promote to 2 classes instead of one, with slightly different stats and unique skills
  • Gargoyles stats have been slightly adjusted
Known Bugs
  • The healing animations of staffs being off-center for the medusa class when used at 2 range because of the affects of their class skill:

Unfortunately the only way to fix this is if somebody in the community found a way to make the anims work with staff savant. I’ve contemplated using other skills for the class but ultimately settled that +1 range healing for this class is the best choice to balance it against it’s sister promotion route. I will contemplate taking out staff anims though depending on how much the error bothers playtesters

  • Baels not being able to go to the arena:

Baels have been found to be unable to go to the arena because of they’re locked on monster weapons. Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy solution for this and it may require ASM or coding, which I am definitely unequipped to do at this stage

  • Cut text

Some text for class names, promo screens, etc might get cut because of the limited text space the gba games have. This should be the easiest main problem to solve by changing the names of classes or getting a patch for it.

General Notes
  • Ver1.2.5 is the most polished version of this hack to date(23/2/2022). I dunno what else to add but feel free to give me any suggestions

  • The gameplay impacts of Implementation of the new Drowned line has not yet been playtested, hopefully the class can spice up the maps and introduce new challenges to the player without them being too broken. (any thought and opinions would be appreciated)

  • As stated, there are changes that effect enemies as well as the playable units, including, bael claws baing accesible to enemy baels as well, buffs to the monster weapons the gorgon uses, The mogall Line using anima magic instead of dark,etc. These changes as well as the somewhat lower power level of your monster units may make the hack harder than vanilla fe8 on hard.

  • I’m of course open to all input and suggestions but an aspect I am particularly wanting in feedback in is the overall unit feel of the new classes, map balance with the changes,etc

Introducing a Brand new alternative mode… “The Literal Creature Campaign” MODE!!

The Literal Creature Campaign is an alternative patch of FE Monster Mash with modifications and adjustments added on enemies and map layout. The goal of this mode is to create an altered experience from the vanilla hack by adjusting map layouts, enemy placements and equipment as well as with the help of the vanilla and new monster classes which have gotten adjustments to their bases and growths. The experience would be harder in general but it’s main intention to make players think more about positioning and weapon usage rather than just being straight up impossible to beat.

TLCC Mode Progress

I’ll list the number of chapters I’ve finished modifying here and in the post title so it’s easier for players to keep track of
Before Route Split: [8/8]
Ephraim’s Route: [6/6]
Erika’s Route: [0/6]
Side Quest Map: Complete
After Route Split: [0/8]
Last Modified chapter: Ch14 Father and Son

General Features:

  • Monster classes Vanilla/hack added has had their bases and growths adjusted as well as given skills to fufill certain types of niches.
  • Maps have been altered, some layout wise, events and reinforcements, some even in terms of objectives and conditions
  • Monster classes have also been added to maps where they weren’t in vanilla
Map spoilers
  • Brand new general weapons with cool effects for both enemies and players (since patch 1.1.0)

  • Reaver Tomes with brand new animations from the repo

  • Enemies have more advance equipment sooner with reaver weapons being common, their levels have been adjusted as well as the autolevel rate on the first few chapters.

  • Pegasus knights can use swords and lances

  • Less weapon availability in armories and shops.

  • Ross now can self recruit if you allow him to talk to eirika

TLCC mode Patch notes:
Current Patch:
Patch 1.2.2

  • Modifications to chap 12-14 of Eph’s route done
  • Changed the stats of The Battle Axe
  • Modified the stats of recruitables you get on chap 12-14
  • Changed Ewan’s starting class from shaman to light spirit.
  • Increased the usages of the enchanter exclusive staffs to 40
  • Adjusted some enemy class growths
  • Fixed some small bugs with enemy portraits etc
Previous Patch notes

Patch 1.2.1

  • Made a Custom side quest chapter, available to be playthrough after chap 10 of eph mode (will also be in erika’s route later)
  • Implemented Arabelle into TlCC mode, complete with modified stats, growths, skill and weapons
  • Implemented 2 new recruitable characters in the new side quest map
  • Gave a +10 boost to enemy hit rates in TLCC mode
  • Modified slim weapons to have very high hit and changed them to D rank
  • Modified some early chapters to be less enemy dense
  • implemented Symphone’s staff animation
  • Changed the names of armor effective weapons, adds effectiveness against infected, wolf child and drowned line

Patch 1.2.0

  • Mods to chap 9-11 of ephraim’s route done, (Thanks for the help on chap 9 Apparoid)
  • BIG Balance changes to several characters (growths,bases. Some nerfs some buffs) to hopefully promote individual niches more
  • Buffed armor knights and pegasus knights skill by 2-3 points
  • Removed crit from Luna and lowered crit to 3 on all light tomes (reaver and long range exceptions)
  • Made 5 custom weapons, including a variety of claws (Icons might be adjusted later)
  • Made adjustments to class bases,growths and promo gains to fill in niches
  • Gorgon exclusive weapons now gives debuffs
  • Made some minor changes to existing weapons.
  • Fixed some text errors
  • Fixed Ross’s double talk glitch (hopefully)

Patch 1.1.0

  • Modifications to prologue, chap 5x and chap 8 maps
  • Created new weapons for each physical weapon type. Steel blade and silver blade being replaced.
  • Significantly lowers weight of light tomes
  • Renamed iron blade to Titanium sword, added +1 to weight and might
  • Give +1 might to all 1 range reaver weapons
  • Made brand new reaver tomes with custom animations from the repo.
  • Adjusted Short bow range to 1-2 range
  • Gave +1 might to wind sword
  • Adjusted enemy Equipment to be less advance in some earlier chapters
  • Distributed new weapons on enemies.
  • Lowered Bone Knight class con to 9.
  • Changed Tarvos’s skill
  • Lowered Arthur’s mag and spd growths, buffed Garcia’s atk, def bases and adjusted his growths, adjusted Anna’s growths as well.

Patch 1.0.0

  • the 2 Cursed soul classes have been much more differentiated, with the one based on brigards having lower HP and Def but higher Spd and Atk. The one based on fighters has low Skill and Spd but high Hp and Def.
  • The light spirit class has been buffed in terms of mag and spd base and growth wise while sacrificing growths on def and res. Arthur’s growths has been adjusted to follow this as well
  • Spirit Knights have 10 con so they no longer get weight down by iron axes
  • Small changes to some weapons like the rapier getting more crit and eclipse having 50 hit.
  • Orson has been nerfed in terms of Def and Spd, allowing him to actually take damage now.
  • Seth starts out with a different weapon instead of the light shot.

[[Download both versions of Fe: Sacred Stones-Monster Mash Here]](link temporarily removed)

Credits for both Version (copypaste from dropbox)

Spriting credits:
-Flasuban for the enchanter map anims
-Zoramine Fae for the Ravager anims and map sprites
-Levin64 for Sharine and Neros’s portrait
-Lukirioh! for assisting me in making the drowned/symphone map sprite.
-Clendo, for the kitsune animations(wolf child)
-Eldritch Abomination, for the base thief animations(wolf child), the fire spirit anims(fire&light spirit)
-Temp, Black Mage, Wan, for the rouge reskin i used a reference(head wolf)
-Alfred Kamon, for the female centaur anims(f-Tarvos(S/H) and Femduin)
-TheBlindArcher,Arch, Skitty and Temp for the phantom anims (spirit knight)
-Teraspark, Wan for the wight anims (wight swordsman)
-Seal and Yera for the bael queen anims (bael maiden)
-Seal,Blood and SaxMarine for the wight reskin anims (wight lord)
-Primefusion,Skitty,Orihara_Saki, DerTheVaporeon, Kao, and Aurora for the vanilla cavalry+weapons anims(Unchained Spirit)
-TheBlindArcher,Vilkalizer,TheBlindArcher,knabepicer and Orihari_Saki for the vanilla knight+weapons anims(Rueful Armor)
-Teraspark and L95 for the gargoyle reskin(Deathgoyle)
-Alusq for the militia/deserter anims(abomination)
-Marlon0024, Eldritch Abomination, SHYUTERz for the manakete base anims(earth dragon)
-TheBlindArcher, Maiser6,TBA and ZoramineFae for the hawkeye breserker anims(breserked soul)
-Circleseverywhere,Marlon0024 and Kao for the dancer anims (forest dryad)
-MeatofJustice for the Anna portrait
-Miguel rojo for the Hilde portrait
-Glaceo, Mr_Karkino for Arrabelle’s original Portrait.
-Beccarte for the Linnea’s portrait
-Special mentions for the friendly people in the spiritans channel for helping out
-OreoStyx, MK404 and MakeFEGayer for the pegasus knight sword animation
p.s: One of the creators of the wolf child anims have private message me and stated that they didn’t wanna be credited for
the anims.

Weapon icons Credit:
-2wb for Axeward, Barrier blade
-Beansy for Counter Bld, iron Mallet.
-Lord Glenn for Cleaver Axe,Titanium Lance
-Celice for lunaria
-Beansy for Guntur
-Lisandra Brave for Serpentine

Spell animation
-Beansy for lunaria
-Orihara Saki for serpentine
-Arch for Guntur

Mapping Credits:
-Improved Castle Tileset by N426 used in chap 5x and 8.
I’d like to thank several people in the cartography channel who have helped me in my first foray into editing maps

  • Apparoid, mountain man
  • Peer
    and the rest of the cartography channel peeps. It’s cool to be active in more channels than just dev lounge and spiritans

Technical/programing credits:
I’ll like to thank several people who have helped me on the technicalities of hacking, including:

  • Arch Sage 7743, the miracle worker (also creator of Febuilder)
  • Vesly, helpful advisor
  • Epicer, event organizerer
  • Shuusuke The Fool, definitely not a fool
  • Contro, for helping me with eventing troubles and just helping all around
  • Struedelmuffin!!, sprites advisor and wanter of 4 different animations for transforming classes
  • special mentions for the rest of the febuilderhelp channel for helping out
Known bugs on TLCC mode:
  1. Ross losing a player phase turn after self recruiting. This happens if you let ross talk to you and self recruiting. I don’t know why this happens as of yet but since it isn’t game breaking i thought it would be okay to fix it later.
  2. Chap 2 not ending immediately after you kill all enemies, I just found this out today but it can easily be solved by ending turn so it isn’t that bad.
  3. Conolulu island Chapter 11x displays as prologue in the save screen. Probably because I used a ruins map as the basis, I’ll have to look into this first to see if i can do anything about it, but it has no negative effects on gameplay so…
TLCC General & Personal Notes:
  • The mode is more focused on gameplay so please excuse any story cutscenes that doesn’t make sense with the map gimmick

*I’d strongly recommend not skipping the dialogue that appears on the 1st turn on renvall (chap 7) as you won’t know what to do in the map

  • TLCC was my first foray to the world of Map editing and a dip into eventing. It definitely took a lot out of me but I found designing maps, placing and equipping enemies on the maps to be a really fun experience. It helped a lot that the peeps on the cartography channel were really welcoming and helpful. Despite that though I do apologize if the map seems a bit wack and messy. An Ameteur’s an ameteur after all.

  • As Always all feedback is appreciated especially on map layout, feel and balance in this instance.

  • In general the map edits are made as a way to spice up the chapters in fe8 and get the players to think more about what they do and where to position units, but it is by no means done to try to replace fe8’s vanilla maps. It’s just another part of the “experimental” nature I wanna take the hack in as always.

  • Map editing and eventing in general are harder than modifying classes Imo, as such the updates for this mode might be slower, however I do promise that each update will bring a lot more content, I’m thinking of releasing in batches of 6-7 chapters so look out for those.


This looks super well made for it being done in a few weeks. I love the idea of monster classes, especially custom ones as I’m probably a rare one in actually loving monster classes. I’ll try this out and let you know my thoughts on it when I get sufficiently far enough to have a good understanding of it.

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Thank you!, I think monster classes are really neat and I wanted to try out something different for my first hack. I hope the quality isn’t to bad haha. I look forward to hear your opinions and thoughts about it.

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Quick question before I get too far. Have you changed anything in the story? I don’t wanna skip it if you have.

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not really no, you can definitely skip it

I love the monster class so thank you for making this. Quick question tho. Are you going to update the project? Maybe with some of the other monster class animation. For example the possessed sword.

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thank you!, I actually have a new patch planned maybe at the end of this week, hopefully. About new monster classes though, I’m not sure if I should add more to the rooster here. because I want to at least have 2 of each monster class for each path. I’ll definitely think about it though. I think right now there are about 3 classes that only have 1 representation in the hack.

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the next patch is going to be focusing more on adding variety to the class exclusive weapons. also eliminating some of the inconsistency of the rooster (i actually forgot cormag joins in chap 13) haha. apologies in advance for that.

So I’m on chapter 5 so far and I gotta say I love it! There’s a few miscellaneous things to tweak like capitalization for weapons and spaces in the descriptions of units, but overall for your first project it’s really well done. Eirikas animation is super clean and just over all amazing.

Wanna ask, are you going to change palettes for the animations to match the characters palettes at all? Seth being bright yellow is odd but it’s cool if not. Doesn’t hurt the gameplay, just something down the line to do if you wanna make this 100% complete one day, imo of course.

Also, since you’re putting up a new patch soon should I start over? Cuz I don’t wanna miss anything new being put in.

On balances, so far everyone’s been doing really well. I have been demolishing enemies with Franz though. He’s essentially Gilliam with a horse. He has really high defense and attack (albeit low luck) and just tears through units and a lot of times even doubles (I’ve gotten a speed lvl up almost every lvl so far so it might just be good luck on my part).

I like colms unit but his claws make him very slow and not worth it imo. He pretty much always gets doubled and doesn’t survive heavy hitters(bandits mostly).

Don’t really like Garcias skill though, maybe if the maps were more puzzley and harder I might use it but as of now it’s like vanilla for me, use Ross over Garcia and bench him for the foreseeable future.

ah, so actually I’m not quite done with the patch yet, maybe this week or the next, I was actually waiting for your feedback as well. regarding Colm, his claws is his gimmick essentially. What I intend with him is the claws will give him high def but he will always get doubled. He’s really good against enemies like the mercenaries in his join map because he takes 0 damage, with his class as well every point of defense becomes very important to get and he has higher exp gains, so depending on your luck he will become very tanky. So that aspect is definitely intended. On personal palette, i do have plans of making ephraim’s palette be custom but i don’t know if I’ll do personal palettes for the rest of the cast yet.
Thank you for the feedback of course!!

for the baels, unfortunately I’m restricted to the “claws” weapon line because of the lack of anims for it. That said, the further on a player goes, there will be more variations on the effects of claws, like getting health back or being effective against armors, I hope it makes up for the lack of 2 range for the claws. on the patch, since it is still going to be a bit (technical issues and a couple bugs to fix) I would encourage you to play a bit more of this patch, if you want to do that of course.

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Gotcha, I’ll have to play chapter 2 and use him again cuz I was pretty sure he was getting down to like 1 hp or so from attacking bandits in his join chapter so I didn’t even bother with him. Yw on feedback. I’ll be playing more today so I’ll keep taking some notes. Is Franz supposed to be so good? He just straight up demolishes anything in his path. I’m guessing the weaknesses you gave him were luck and HP?

Alittle glitch with the claws in colms inventory and I was wondering if putting artur way down there on the map was intentional?

On Franz honestly I didn’t really intend for him to be hella good like that but I guess his base stats and the class itself made him godly. I don’t think it’s a problem though since the monster maps kinda get hella hard on chap 11 and so. The arthur placement was intentional yes. because with the changes to the claws the enemies on that map have and especially the mogalls getting higher might anima weapons, I have had playthroughs where he just straight up dies, thought I’d place him there to lessen the pressure of the enemies on him.

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Yeah, Franz is honestly my favorite character so far(I am partial to mounted units as well). Ah I see, it confused me for a sec as to why you put him there. I barely scraped by with him being in the forest right next to where he starts. I thought you put him there for easier access to the village but he’s not able to bypass water. I’ll continue playing when I get home later today. Having tons of fun though!!!

Demon Surge isn’t locked to Gorgons as its description says.

Btw this hack is really good, congrats!

dang, what? I need to fix that then, what other classes are using it? mogalls? I think I made the dark red one accessible to mogalls because they use it in vanilla?

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great to hear!, do you have any thoughts on the classes or input for balance? would really appreciate feedback for future patches

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Oh yeah, Just wanted to inform players that the Ocean seal is a promo item for the wolf child, bael(M) and the cursed souls class. I thought the desc in the hack wasn’t made very clear on this (will be changed next patch). Also Erika and Ephraim can indeed use normal promo items so you can promote them early.

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Demon Surge is the green one. It was supposed to be locked to Gorgons but anyone with access to dark magic can use it.

humm weird I already put a weapon lock array on it. I did hear that any monster weapons that doesn’t have a weapon rank is usable by everyone. I’ve changed the weapon level to E, maybe that’ll fix it