This patch is significant enough where you may need to restart your run from Chapter 1 to prevent your game from causing glitches. Here are some of the changes that have been made. I will try to list them per chapter. Just as a reminder, I do a majority of my testing on “Hard mode”, so if the game is too easy on Normal Mode then that would be why.
Chapter 1-Thieves By Necessity
-Increased Joan’s base Str from 6-10
-lowered her Str growth from 50 to 40
-Increased Joan’s base HP by 2
-Increased Joan’s base Def by 2
-decreased the class base Spd of Troubadour by 2
-Elliot’s personal base Spd has been buffed by 2.
-Elliot’s personal, the Earthsword, is now unsellable.
-Lowered the accuracy of Rend
-Increased the accuracy of Maim
Chapter 1x-Flight By Night
-Added additional boss conversations with Peleton:Eurydice, Caliope
-Added additional boss conversations with Grot:Polyphemus, Terah
-Increased Caliope’s Spd significantly, allowing her to one-round slower low Res enemies
Chapter 2-Warm Welcome
-Added a new story chapter
-Increased Isaachar’s base Str by 3
-Increased Leah’s base Str by 2
-Increased Leah’s base HP
-Zenobius now joins with Leah & Isaachar in Chapter 2:Warm Welcome
-Zenobius now starts with his Personal tome and Nosferatu
-Troubadours have two less base speed
Chapter 3-Outset
-Adjusted map to FoW
-Added reduced fog on later turns
-Added clear sky on later turns
-Anna now joins in Chapter 3
-Added a Torch staff to Anna’s inventory
-Added Torches to the Chapter 3 Prep Shop
-Reclassed Prosciutto into Armor Knight (Axe)
-Changed Map BGM from Dark Wastes(Conquest) to March to Deliverance
-Added a dynamic map song change mid-map
Ch 4-Strange Bedfellows
-Added a Turn 2 dialogue where Asaph notes how many switches you need to hit to reach the boss.
-Added reinforcements to the map
-Adjusted the tile-change on the northern broken wall
Ch 5-The Coming Storm
-Added numerous new story scenes
-Removed Polyphemus and Eurydice from Chapter
-Added Bryn, Dell & Edea to Chapter 5
Global changes
-Bronze Weapons are now unbreakable. This is a temporary thing I’m testing out to see if I like it in execution.
-Dark tomes are now 1 range. For those who haven’t played my game yet, all tomes share the same weapon rank, so Dark Mages can still opt to use tomes like Fire if they wish to have 1-2 range.
-Nosferatu is now D rank, but 8 Mt
-Flux is now 10 Mt
-Troubadours have two less base speed
-Changed my FE10 Stat Screen that everyone has been using to one by sd9K
-Added two new/returning classes:Soldier and Spell Armor.
Known Bugs/Oddities
Ch 1x:Flight By Night
A bug in which when Galeazzo attacks an enemy with Bolting, his opponent will attempt to counterattack and the game will hang. Resetting the rom and hitting resume chapter will fix this bug, but I’m looking at how to adjust it.
Ch 2:Warm Welcome
A proper counter to determine the gold reward has yet to be implemented. I’ve already learned to implement counters in Ch 4, so once I get around to implementing it, I’ll drop a hot-fix patch.
-The 3 mov Messenger units do not have a battle animation. This is intentional currently, since they only show up on this map. If I get around to it, I’ll give them a custom flag-bearer animation from Unicorn Overlord.
Saarquis (Pallardo) does not have a custom battle palette. I’m going to be updating his mug in the new year, so I decided it was pointless to give him one now.
Going forward-
I’d like to take a look at Skadi in a design space as currently I feel her role as a Jeigan is tenuous at best. She doesn’t really have anything that sets her high and above any of your other starting units besides her massive HP pool and consistent doubling thresh-holds, and as enemies get more dangerous she’ll likely get less and less useful as a filler combat unit. However, 7 mov is nice and allows her to aid in Rescue. Would Canto+ be too centralizing on her?
-Adjusting the EXP formula
-Removing heal from thrones