[FE8] Fire Emblem: Liberty's Beacon [6/?][Latest patch 01/04/25]

As I said before, I’d commit to a new patch every Saturday when possible. So here’s the “changelog”. Check the OP for the latest patch!


General:Decreased enemy bases across the board, especially Mercenary and Mage
Melonie has received a new portrait.
Not F2U.

Ch 1:
The Turn 1 event pointing out the villages has been removed. This event was a grandfather event from when I was using a tileset that didn’t use traditional houses.
ch1 help pls
What a blast from the past, eh?
Gideon now starts at Level 7, so he can start to gain EXP sooner.

Ch 1x
:Eurydice and Polyphemus’ stats have been adjusted. I am looking at adjusting Terah’s stats soon.

Ch 2:
-Chapter 2’s layout has been slightly adjusted, adding a southern village to visit and an additional cliff to prevent the cavs from charging you. (This is to help prevent dead turns later in the map so you still have things to fight.
-Septa’s squad now starts from the North on Turn 1, and break down a snag before heading to the village.

Ch 3:
-Removed Anna’s Rescue staff
-Added reinforcements to Ch 3 (they may have been there previously, depending on the patch you’re on)

Ch 4
-Removed Dell and Bryn (slated for a future chapter)
-Added Polyphemus and Eurydice (their level may get readjusted soon)
-Chapter 4 may soon be moved to become Chapter 5 for story reasons.
-Placeholder text has not been removed from the chapter yet! Soon, hopefully!

Where is it looking right now?

Well with Chapter 4 properly mapped out, I can maybe move the story events I want to happen in Chapter 4 this week and then make the “current” Chapter 4 into Chapter 5. That way you folks get two new maps in one month, what a deal! Once Chapter 4 is almost ready, I’ll make a little preview video for you guys to drum up hype!


Weekly dev update! No new patch for the maybe dozen or so people who have checked out my project, but right now I’m working on rewriting the story slightly to account for some new ideas I have. I’d like to really focus on working on more of the script this month as I pin down the story I want to tell. This project may or may not be shorter than your average fan-game in the end, but I hope regardless of the length that I am able to produce something that people can recommend their friends to check out.


Weekly dev update! (late this time)

No new patch yet, I’m afraid. I’m currently trying to improve the writing in the story so it’s more interesting to read and so the plot makes more sense. I have a notoriously bad work ethic when it comes to staying on task, so that’s why I haven’t provided any recent patch updates. I want the next patch I release to be more substantial. I’m deeply sorry I haven’t released more things for my game recently. I just want to be able to meet all of your expectations.

Cygnus out


Since the patch is taking longer than I’d like, I think I’ll come out and explain what I have planned for the upcoming patch that I definitely can implement or what has already been implemented.

-Asaph’s custom battle animation, courtesy of Sphealnuke. (and my wallet)
-A new chapter 2, which will take place in a district called Thiefton. Asaph and his gang stop by this district to lie low from potential authorities, only to find a local sheriff throwing his weight around and using empty promises to conscript people to his side. This chapter will feature a bonus reward based on how many villages you visit before the enemy!
-Zenobius will be moved to Chapter 2, to give him more time to grow before Eurydice rejoins. Also, his bases will be improved.
-Isaachar and Leah may also be joining in the new Ch 2.
-Joan will no longer hit like a wet noodle.
-More stealables!
-Working Spirit Dust. Your first Spirit Dust will be obtainable in Ch 2.
-The old Ch 2 will simply be retitled and become Ch 3. It’ll likely be turned into a fog of war map.
-Anna will be most likely joining in Ch 3.
-Axe Armors have been added since Taleezia tends to not field Freelancers and just having Lance Armors can get kind of dry. A future chapter will also feature Mage Armors!
-Prosciutto the Peerless will likely be turned into an axe armor.
-Leah’s damage output and bulk is going to be looked at, to better differentiate her from Melonie. Did you catch it? Leah and Melonie are Christmas swordfighters, only with reversed roles!
-Ch 4 (Strange Bedfellows) MIGHT POSSIBLY have a completely new unit that joins to replace Zenobius’ join time. But you didn’t here it from me.
-Ch 5 (In Pursuit) will be moved to Ch 6 for plot purposes.
-the new Ch 5 will take place in an outpost, which will be crawling with armor units! You may even see a few familiar faces! :smirk:
-Caliope’s Spd and base Mag has been buffed! Her spd is closer to what Asaph’s base Spd is now, so she’s more like a magic Azura then a Micaiah with dancing utility.

Further down the road:
A worldmap for story cutscenes
More mug polishing
More talk convos and boss convos, yay!

Look at the new Zenobius design! Don’t you just want to pinch his cheeks?!

A new patch is forthcoming within the next week or so, please look forward to it! (I consider it to be a fairly sizeable patch, all things considered.)

Okay, so that was a lie-because I wanted to adjust other maps as well. Hang tight, people. Winter patch WILL come out before Christmas.

After that, I’ll be trying to focus on personal health and outlining the rest of my game’s story, as I didn’t have the plot completely set-in stone at the time of starting.


Their initials are even the same as Mario and Luigi.

Never say I’m not a man of my word. The 12/24 Liberty’s Beacon update is out!
Here are the full patch-notes!


This patch is significant enough where you may need to restart your run from Chapter 1 to prevent your game from causing glitches. Here are some of the changes that have been made. I will try to list them per chapter. Just as a reminder, I do a majority of my testing on “Hard mode”, so if the game is too easy on Normal Mode then that would be why.

Chapter 1-Thieves By Necessity


-Increased Joan’s base Str from 6-10

-lowered her Str growth from 50 to 40

-Increased Joan’s base HP by 2

-Increased Joan’s base Def by 2


-decreased the class base Spd of Troubadour by 2

-Elliot’s personal base Spd has been buffed by 2.

-Elliot’s personal, the Earthsword, is now unsellable.


-Lowered the accuracy of Rend

-Increased the accuracy of Maim

Chapter 1x-Flight By Night

-Added additional boss conversations with Peleton:Eurydice, Caliope

-Added additional boss conversations with Grot:Polyphemus, Terah

-Increased Caliope’s Spd significantly, allowing her to one-round slower low Res enemies

Chapter 2-Warm Welcome

-Added a new story chapter
-Increased Isaachar’s base Str by 3

-Increased Leah’s base Str by 2
-Increased Leah’s base HP

-Zenobius now joins with Leah & Isaachar in Chapter 2:Warm Welcome
-Zenobius now starts with his Personal tome and Nosferatu

-Troubadours have two less base speed

Chapter 3-Outset

-Adjusted map to FoW
-Added reduced fog on later turns
-Added clear sky on later turns
-Anna now joins in Chapter 3
-Added a Torch staff to Anna’s inventory
-Added Torches to the Chapter 3 Prep Shop
-Reclassed Prosciutto into Armor Knight (Axe)

-Changed Map BGM from Dark Wastes(Conquest) to March to Deliverance

-Added a dynamic map song change mid-map
Ch 4-Strange Bedfellows
-Added a Turn 2 dialogue where Asaph notes how many switches you need to hit to reach the boss.
-Added reinforcements to the map
-Adjusted the tile-change on the northern broken wall
Ch 5-The Coming Storm
-Added numerous new story scenes
-Removed Polyphemus and Eurydice from Chapter

-Added Bryn, Dell & Edea to Chapter 5

Global changes
-Bronze Weapons are now unbreakable. This is a temporary thing I’m testing out to see if I like it in execution.
-Dark tomes are now 1 range. For those who haven’t played my game yet, all tomes share the same weapon rank, so Dark Mages can still opt to use tomes like Fire if they wish to have 1-2 range.
-Nosferatu is now D rank, but 8 Mt
-Flux is now 10 Mt
-Troubadours have two less base speed
-Changed my FE10 Stat Screen that everyone has been using to one by sd9K

-Added two new/returning classes:Soldier and Spell Armor.
Known Bugs/Oddities

Ch 1x:Flight By Night

A bug in which when Galeazzo attacks an enemy with Bolting, his opponent will attempt to counterattack and the game will hang. Resetting the rom and hitting resume chapter will fix this bug, but I’m looking at how to adjust it.

Ch 2:Warm Welcome

A proper counter to determine the gold reward has yet to be implemented. I’ve already learned to implement counters in Ch 4, so once I get around to implementing it, I’ll drop a hot-fix patch.

-The 3 mov Messenger units do not have a battle animation. This is intentional currently, since they only show up on this map. If I get around to it, I’ll give them a custom flag-bearer animation from Unicorn Overlord.
Saarquis (Pallardo) does not have a custom battle palette. I’m going to be updating his mug in the new year, so I decided it was pointless to give him one now.

Going forward-

I’d like to take a look at Skadi in a design space as currently I feel her role as a Jeigan is tenuous at best. She doesn’t really have anything that sets her high and above any of your other starting units besides her massive HP pool and consistent doubling thresh-holds, and as enemies get more dangerous she’ll likely get less and less useful as a filler combat unit. However, 7 mov is nice and allows her to aid in Rescue. Would Canto+ be too centralizing on her?

-Adjusting the EXP formula

-Removing heal from thrones

Happy holidays!


Big fan of the UI, looks very nice

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A different kind of post regarding my project today, folks. I’ve been doing more thinking about how I want to go with the outline of my story and thought it best to blog about it here rather than designmeta or another channel.

Right now, I have outlined two possible options; and I would like to invite feedback through a poll
Option 1 is that after a certain chapter in the story, Asaph and Caliope decide to engage with the war by splitting their group into two fronts-Caliope’s Revolutionary group and Asaph’s guerilla force. I’m considering taking a leaf out of 4Kings and making the groups set in stone so that I can balance the maps around units I know the player will have access to, rather than letting them choose who gets deployed in which army ala Radiant Dawn.

The second option is there’s no army split, and Asaph and Caliope adventure together normally. This allows them both to get an equal amount of availability on any future maps and means Asaph will have more chances for exp before he promotes. For the record, Caliope does not promote but will likely have a level cap of 30 and will get a new outfit later anyway.

However, I’m more enticed by the first option as it gives players a chance to try out most units before the last act of the game where your armies reconvene. Think the main draw of Echoes, where you generally use most of your units for the entirety of the game. For what I have planned right now, you get 24-26 units by Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 is where your armies part ways, giving you about 12-13 units per army without accounting for new recruits in their respective chapters.

Hack out line right now would be:
Chapter 1-10 Pre-split
Chapter 11-14-Asaph’s Act 2
Chapter 15-18 Caliope’s Act 2
Chapter 19-24 Act 3-Endgame

  • Yes, go through with the army split.
  • No, don’t go through with it.
  • Yes, but let me choose my units.
  • Yes, and let me choose which “route” I do first.
  • I don’t have an opinion, I just think Cygnus is sexy and awesome.
0 voters

I just started the hack
and elliot reminds me of someone.
Is it bad if the trickster dies in chapter1?

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Nope, she’s a side-objective! If you talk to her, she’ll give one of your units a little treat. Have fun!

If you have more questions, feel free to ask in the FEUCord, too. :slight_smile:

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Is Elliot based on Elise?
FEUCord as in dicord?

Yes, Elliot’s design is based on a genderswapped Elise art I found.

And yes, FEU’s discord is what I am referring to.

New patch, by the way! This patch doesn’t add any new content but it does contain…
-a nerf to the Ch 4 Boss’ stats
-hopefully fixed animation for Galeazzo in 1x
-myrmidons replaced with thugs in Ch1x and Ch 5
-several Armor Knights and Freelancers in various chapters subbed out for soldiers
-a buff for Edea, although I’ve yet to test to see if the buff is substantial.

Nothing really worth needing to update your rom for yet, but it’s there for those who want it.

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Ugh I am torn because I love route splits but also it’s just like half the cast aren’t gonna support ith each other if they don’t convene until the last chapter. But I do like the idea of forcing units to each side. But then again it solves the idea of units never being able to support or have conversations if I get to pick my own units but still get to see both routes in one playthrough…maybe that’s best like 3 locked in units for each side then the rest you getto pick.

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It’s definitely something I’m heavily considering as I work on the script for this project more. As an aside, the final act where your armies rejoin would be 5 or 6 chapters, not just 1. (Assuming I don’t get burnt out)

I just updated the OP with a new patch! Fixes the goof-up I made in Chapter 5 regarding it technically not being winnable. Will monitor for more odd gaffes as I replaytest these early maps and continue to fine tune the early game balance. Looking to add more boss conversations this month and also start working on the gameplay for Chapter 6!


Ohhh I read that wrong, in that case for sure down for the army split however you wanna do it!

I was wondering if I made a world-lore document (for my own benefit, mainly for internal consistency purposes)…would people be interested in reading it? I would likely either make a separate thread for the document or just include a link to it in the master post. New update patch coming most likely in a week or so by the way, folks. Mainly just going to be some QoL improvements and maybe a bit more tinkering. I’m hoping to work on the world-map CG a bit this week and draft up a custom title screen thumbnail later this month.

I have two maps made and ready to turn into Chapters, I just need to sit down and set up the story scenes and the events.

As a secondary update, I’ve been going through my Chapters again and tinkering with the difficulty a bit so everything feels a bit more smooth! Weapon Triangle also now gives +20 Hit/-20 Hit as opposed to vanilla’s 15/-15. It doesn’t seem like much, but so far it’s made for a more consistent and enjoyable experience for me! Please look forward to the next patch!

Note:There is still a known glitch in Ch1x where if Galeazzo attacks anyone with his Bolting tome, combat becomes really messed up. I still have no idea how to fix this issue even after changing the animation. I am beginning to think it is an issue with Bolting and not the battle anim.


This is a quality hack so far and you should be very proud. Played through all of the chapters and enjoyed my time immensely. Aside from the Galeazzo glitch I didn’t run into any other bugs or glitches. Played through on Normal difficulty and it was the perfect difficulty for me. My only gripe is that I was not the biggest fan of Chapter 5’s music, it gave me a bit of a headache. Thiefton’s theme being Pyrite Town was very cultured of you. I am really pumped to play the next chapters when they release.


Words cannot express how much what you said means to me. Thank you so much, IcicleDisaster. I’m putting my heart and soul into this hack bit by bit, so to know somebody else enjoys it really made my day. (Especially since my week sort of got off to a rough start irl)

I’m sort of in this weird middle-ground right now where I’m working on improving the story as well as the chapters. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment in my thread!


Keep goin GOAT

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