I just completed this hack and honestly I’m really sad cause I really fucking enjoyed it! I think the only map I found downright bad was the one you recruit Sunwing cause there was way too much stuff happening, but even then I could say I found something good and enjoyable in each map. My favorite units to use were Venus, Kuijia, Geirhardt, Daisy, Noki, and Josie.
Thanks @MatthewStar glad you had fun. Try out Tales of Kotor next, most of your faves are heavily featured there.
Just finished playing. Overall enjoyed although found the difficulty just too high to be ideal for my taste. Played blind ironman. Were sadly several very “derp” moments on my part, but also some that felt like BS from sudden map changes.
645 total for me with slowest being 170 turns on Ch17. Only gameovered once. Felt too-many maps were tightly timed.
Thanks for the work!
General thoughts
- Pretty title screen art.
- Usual QoL like minihp bars, show growths, show heal and danger radius.
- Early Metis
- Healer, mage and armor all in one for lord? Fun!
- Preps armory has no markup
- Ironman friendly
- Sellable Devil Axe
- Lord promo item shows up early, and is item instead of automatic.
- Warp/rescue aren’t super late
- Only one fog of war map!
- Interlude allows for different roster per run!
- Multiple Hoplons. Later on, buyable Seal and Longbow!
- No difficulty select
- Growths felt a little low. It wasn’t uncommon to get 2 point levelups which simply feels bad.
- No support conversations
- No “qol” show talk bubble on map for units that can support eachother
- Can’t see green unit growths in interludes
- 5 mov promoted lord felt bad. I understand leaving other armors -1 but think they’d have really benefited from a +1
- no monster weapon stats qol albeit arguably not important with 1/inventory.
- 100 slot convoy. Wasn’t a big issue, just unexpected
- No dancer? Thought at least ch19 green one would join for final
- Afaik only 1 torch item, and no staff (although gained at map start) by time of fog map. Although player could have a bunch of units with extra vision by then.
- Kind of wish dead units sent stuff to convoy.
- Seemingly only 1 secret shop is hinted about.
- Zain outstayed his welcome. Pretty much rolled my eyes on final time.
*Early game was a lack of range 2 options, when finally hand axe/javelin showed up I bought a lot.
Some chapter specific feedback
- Ch2 - anyone being able to talk, and getting different conversation was cool
- Ch3 - Reinforcements felt arbitrary and not telegraphed.
- Ch4 - Reinforcements weren’t fun.
- Ch9 - Cool mechanicly
- Ch10 - Timer felt just a tad too short. +1 or 2 turns, or maybe changing objective to kill bosses (other than the unkillable) after seals are finished would’ve been nicer.
- Ch12 - Hint for Secret Shop was nice.
- Ch14 - Both the long range and super-strong reinforcements weren’t well telegraphed. Not fun.
- Ch18 - Cool mechanically. But also overwhelming. Again a lack of telepgraphing and overall felt like too many reinforcements at once. Bosses charging and insta-kill assassins dont help. Glad Luna bow is sent to convoy on map end without recruit instead of being removed.
- Ch19 - fun shopping!
Bug and/or oddities
- This shaman has weird mug for some reason.
- Chapter 13 says objective is defened for 9 turns, but the timer is actually 10. Lead to my one and only gameover.
- If Abdul promotes into shaman > summoner as I did, prf becomes useless and can’t be sold.
Thoughts on units I found noteworthy, in order of title cards
- Finwald - Final map join, pretty much archsage. Should be able to carry a struggling player. For that matter helped a lot.
- Kalach - I missed the “siege lance” on ch10 so this was great. Was pleasently surprised it could double.
- Kamuth - Cool conceptually. Although not at all clear. Ithought at first my lord was getting the stat boosts! Not a great unit though but useable.
- Maluj - Best archer, sadly died to derp. Was disappointed from preview/recruit he didn’t have proper ballista class.
- Expirus - Helped a lot as a late join all around carry.
- Poincare - Last surviving sniper. Got a chunk of use out of the Luna bow
- Josie - was meant to be my growth flier. Died to derp.
- Soma - So-so at base, but really solid with prf. Died to derp.
- Venus - My best growth unit, who only ended up promoting at ch19 preps. Class change (optional at that) was pleasant surprise on 19. Prf melted.
- Vivek - Meme unit. High mag and that’s it. Still got some use.
- Lily - Longer-surviving growth flier. Still died from derp.
- Abdul - I went shaman > summoner. MVP hands down. capped speed/def/hp and rest solid. Bulky too. Hit 20 upon killing final boss with S-rank dark. Rip nerfed summons, but being able to spawn with 3-10 lance is funny.
- Ikechukwu - was going to be my growth healer, still in training when Venus showed up. Ended up promoting at 10 and getting a little use for last maps.
- William - Funny unit conceptually although not very practical.
- Kilian - Pretty meme unit Ch10. Prf and +stat boosts made him really solid PP. Although even then very frail.
- Daisy - Mine was def cursed. Sacrificed to save more important units in ch14. Went cavalier anyway. curious if ch10 would change if she was dead. Funny prf.
- Floor - One of the handful of units I actually got to 20 before promotion. Ended up with solid spd/str but died due to misplay in ch18.
- Fernandez - True mvp. Also got my Metis. He carried run until Abdul could get off his feet. Even then, was secondary ace. Died on 18 due to misplay.
- Shale - Despite bad growths actually got a lot of use in first half of game due to bow use, and losing units constantly. Prf and sudden stat boost for 19 was pleasant suprise. Awesome prf.
- Kuija - Lord. Kinda of lacked speed but nevertheless was one of my better combat units if only for being able to tank a lot of hits.
Misc, item related
Ch20 made me dissapointed player didn’t get the better version of weapons several foes had
Sleep bow rules!!!
Lord’s prf#2 felt worse than first. Slowed them more and was less durability.
S rank Luna was fun. Cleaver is cool but only used once vs final boss. Is it meant to be uncounterbale?
Drouin’s prf was cool.
As is often the case, ended run with extra supplies 1 hamemrne use (used my other 2 on stone breaker and tam’s turret), all of my S-rank light/anima uses, silence, 2 sleep, a berserk. Bolting, nosferatu, luna. Some stat boosters. All of my light runes. Several elixirs.
Just reached the final chapter. I enjoyed this hack - the map design was really good towards the end. Chapter 18 is my favorite. Here’s my final squad (minus Finwald and Alessia who only joined this chapter) with some commentary on each unit:
A dark magic and staves lord is a really interesting concept. She was a great tank throughout the entire game, although a bit too slow, so I gave her the Boots to help with that. Also gave her a Speedwing.
Good healer with some limited combat ability to chip from range.
Actually pretty decent speed for his archetype. Great physical tank.
Great on offense, though unable to take any hits. I gave her William’s extra Body Ring to help with the heavier bows.
What’s Bazz-B doing here? I picked him over the other axe guy at the beginning because of his portrait.
Hilarious concept for a unit I knew I would enjoy this hack when this guy popped up. He’s actually a decent tanky combat unit, although extremely slow for his archetype. Was ok to leave on the front lines generally.
Decent magic user who gained extra utility with promotion. I really like having staff users in my army.
Excellent magical tank. Kind of weak, but not really an issue since enemy mages tend to have low defense.
The glassest of cannons! She simply refused to gain any defense level ups. I think she legit may have gotten one or two in total across all her levels and three classes.
She joined pretty late for her stats, but when I saw those growths, I had to train her. She’s basically a Falcoknight except with defense and resistance switched.
Stereotypical mounter healer. I chose to keep her as a healer since she would have been irrelevant as a combat unit, even with the special sword. I think she was based on Lachesis?
Staffbot with minor combat utility and decent ability to tank a couple hits in an emergency.
I chose him over the other late prepromotes since his bulk allows him to have some use in offens, and I didn’t have to worry too much about him staying alive.
Now that’s a tanky Manakete! Basically invincible unless the enemy has a special weapon. She grew really quickly despite joining super late in the game.
thanks boss have a nice thanksgiving