[FE8] Character Forcer and "wounded characters"

Nope, in FE8 this breaks things (at least with the current lesser researched methods)

It is possible to effectively decouple chapters from the world map, though. FE8 has a table at 0x82060B0 that defines which chapters are tied to which world map locations; in the ASM that searches for a chapterā€™s world map location, all the Valni chapters use Valni 1ā€™s chapter ID (so they all share location data). Same for all the Lagdou chapters.

We havenā€™t updated the fe8 research topic in a little while but the possibility is there.

Question, could I unhook chapters from the world map, then on chapter 20 make the world map appear along with all the chapters? This way the player canā€™t do skirmishes/etc until the final chapter.

You could probably do that just by mnc2ing all the chapters until the end of 19. But if not having skirmishes is your goal, I think thereā€™s an event somewhere in LordsSplit that opens skirmishes up, and you can just disable that.

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Good to know! I planned to disable skirmishes and valni. If I can re-enable them and etc, will open up lots of options for me in the postgame.

That goes back to the whole ā€œit doesnā€™t workā€ thing I believe? You can only safely mnc2 to chapters 11 of both ephraim/eirika, their final chapters, 5x, and all the lagdou/valni chapters if memory serves correctly.

Usually when I hacked skirmishes/the valni tower, it just didnā€™t work for skirmishes since I guess I didnā€™t have the proper event condition set for the chapter. In Klokā€™s case, one solution I would think is possible is to just have a permanent event check that only gets set in chapter 19 and before then you just canā€™t do anything in those areas since that event ID isnā€™t set(so if you try and access the chapter, since the event id isnā€™t set, you just go straight to the ending scene).

Post game hacking is never something I got far enough into. Currently Iā€™d like to test if you can mnc2 into chapter 16(or whatever the one where you fight Orson is) and beyond of the opposite route youā€™re in if youā€™re already doing that chapter since they should share the same map position, but I guess this is something that would be more appropriately be discussed in another thread? Some kind of skip the world map thread or if this could just be brought up again in the FE8 research topic I guess?