Just found this secret lmao, I was so caught off guard. I was just trying to kill a mercenary when I got it.
I also played chapter 13, and I’ve gotta say I like how you buffed the scrub squad in the Ageless Palace. I do think Midia might deserve some slightly higher bases but getting a leadership star, a solid skill, and an automatic A support is still very good.
I do think the non-magical reinforcements on the map are a little bit too weak though. I get the enemies near the prison cell being weaker, but the soldiers each had like 4 speed and defense on hard mode. The thunder mage reinforcements were a decent challenge though, and I like that they sort of protect the thief that tries to steal your boots.
Also this is a side tangent but I feel like giving a sword unit a magic stat would be a really good way to make them stand out. Good magic sword users are very rare in this hack, so I feel like giving weaker units with sword access a decent magic base/growth would be a fun way to reward the player for training them. For example, maybe this would work for a unit like Roshea who even in this hack seems to have basically nothing going for him. In this specific example, it would also work well with his skill, letting him keep his HP high during player phase by attacking from range. If this happened though he probably should start with D swords instead of D lances.
I’m going into chapter 14 now, and I noticed that when Astram talks in the start of battle cutscene he uses what I assume is Camus’ portrait. I saw that you’ve talked about a lot of strangeness with Astram but I didn’t see this specific bug mentioned.