[FE8] Archanea Reimagined (BETA, fully playable, not yet complete)

Hey there! I’ve been playing this hack up to Chapter 17, and so far I’ve been enjoying all the little gameplay bonuses (like prfs and promos), and the story feels more engaging compared to the official Shadow Dragon. I might even say that I prefer this to the official version.

At any rate, I have a quick question - I’m trying to use a master seal on Minerva, but she’s not able to use it. Would she have a story promotion later on?

Raina this nu - I can assume Adley is talking about Lena, since her growth rate are actually quite low

Never mind. I used an Elysian Whip and it worked. It doesn’t work with the Master Seal though - that may be a bug

She does not, so that sounds like a glitch to me. I’ll take a look at it today. Probably just forgot to include her in the promotions table.

I thought that’s who they meant but wasn’t sure haha. Lena’s growths are copied directly from Shadow Dragon. She’s not a particularly strong combat unit, but she has a lot going for her that makes up for it. Clerics can now mount into Troubadours (and female Bishops into Valkyries), plus the Warp staff is her Prf weapon. Her growths are low but in all of my playtesting she remains a core part of my team because of her utility.

This is fixed now! I know you already figured out a way around it lol but there’s a new patch that fixes this.

Caeda no talk jake?

Did you visit the Anna house first?

thank you!

Can’t Boah save him?

That’s odd, I could have sworn I put Boah out of the archer’s range.

If you wait a few turns, the cell will open and they’ll turn blue, though.


I tested it on the highest difficulty.

cant wait to see this done

New patch is life



  • Fixed a bug where Macellan and Dolph can’t promote with a Knight Crest
  • Fixed a bug where Minerva can’t promote wit the Master Seal when dismounted
  • Fixed an error where Boah is impossible to save in Chapter 13
  • Added a conversation in Chapter 12 that hints at the requirement to speak to Anna before recruiting Jake
  • Added conversations between Caeda/Marth and Lorenz in Chapter 21 prior to defeating Camus, indicating that you need to kill him in order to recruit him
  • Added secret event in Chapter 21 :wink:
  • Added a related secret event in Chapter 23 :wink:
  • Changed some character’s Res/Mag growths to better reflect the pure anti-resistance nature of the originals lol (as a result, the guide is a bit outdated in this regard)
  • Gave Maria a Prf staff that raises defenses a la Ninis’s Grace that gives her 100 EXP, to account for the fact that Paragon does not affect staff EXP

Will this hack get a trailer once complete?
I know trailers aren’t iimportant but would be neat.

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I wasn’t planning on making a trailer, but if anyone wants to make one themselves, they’re more than welcome!

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