[FE8] [2/3 COMPLETE] Bound Destiny Trilogy

Just completed the 1st game.
The story and characters alone make this worth playing. The gameplay is alright too but it is quite easy.

Story and Characters

The story can take a bit to get going but once it gets going it’s really good. Part 1 can be a bit awkward with how fast it moves and Part 2 somewhat overstays its welcome in my opinion, but the Part 3s and especially Part 4 are incredible. Katarina’s Part 3 story can feel a bit lackluster while you’re playing it, but it tied back into Part 4 incredibly. Markus’s story isn’t half bad, but it mostly serves to get the characters where they need to be and Markus can be a lot sometimes. Lukas’s story is easily my favorite part of the game, mainly the relationship between Zoroark and Lukas, and the tension as you wonder what Swampert will do next. Zoroark becoming the main character in part 4 was also really fun, and the way Katarina’s story became relevant was great. Part 5 was alright, but it couldn’t really compare to Part 4. It did subvert my expectations with how it went though.


I’m afraid I don’t have too much feedback here. The game is really easy even on hard. Suppose it’s the cost of gameplay story integration. Also Scyther is insane but I believe someone above already talked about that.

Overall play the game. You won’t regret it.


does this include fully integrated written supports?

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There’s a few written supports in every game. The way they’re accessed is different for 1 versus 2 & 3:

In BD1: Supports are map-specific, ie Scyther & Haxorus’s C support is only viewable on 4-2. In the post game, you can view any conversations you missed.

From BD2 onward: Supports happen on specific, non-battle chapters. For BD2, this happens on each visit to Sanctuary in part 3. For 3, this happens on “Rest Stop” chapters throughout the campaign. Some support conversations give unique items.

The games generally don’t rely on support conversations to flesh out the cast, however. The long runtime for each game is mostly cutscenes as a result.

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hmmm I’ll play it!!! Thanks!


Just got here from FEE3. Definitely putting this one on my list. Once I’m done with the current romhack I’m playing, I’ll be sure to play this next. Keep up the good work!

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I get stuck becuase there’s no unit to move, this is after the sanctuary defend chapter. What to do?

If you’re still having this bug, would you mind sending your save file over so I can investigate this issue?

In Destiny’s Requiem, there seems to be an odd glitch in Part 3-3 which causes me to lose as soon as I take any action. I have included video footage as well to demonstrate it. Do you know how to fix this? https: //www. youtube. com/ watch?v=ynHK11uFk1A

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Hi! Apologies for the bug. Would you mind sending over your save file so that I can debug it?

just stumbled upon this hack and i was curious, is it known yet how many chapters are planned in total for BD3 or is that still up in the air?

Probably no more than 40, but the exact number isn’t set in stone yet. There’s currently 30 chapters available in the Canary build (available in the Discord server and in the main post).


Guys mention me if Destiny 3 is complete ok? I love this so much

curiosity strikes me, is it possible to win “that” fight in heart of darkness in BD1 be it either by extreme cheese or otherwise (no cheats involved of course)

It’s possible, but very unlikely without rigging dodges. Winning the battle resets the chapter with a message saying:
“To be honest, I have no idea how you managed to do that. Have a cookie.”

Director’s Cut may add something extra for winning the battle, but that’s a ways away for now.

so this may be a bug or i may have hit the lottery idk but my scyther which had approximately 29 luck going into the worthy inheritance trial and their “re-move” skill was proccing with 100% accuracy meaning every move scyther took they kept going infinitely thus with careful setup letting them completely solo the entire map

which btw i love the reward for completing said map, even if it was a bit cheesy on how i got it

scyther just kinda does that and i considered it too funny to remove

you might also have been boosting the activation chance with a Blitz and/or Champion band in his inventory (+10% and +30% activation chance respectively)

i remember hearing you mention how you planned to go back and redo some stuff for BD1 & BD2 in time and i recently came across an idea for BD2 that i think would be a decent change to the unit saving mechanic that triggers relatively early on… now mind you i dont remember if this is actually the case already but in the event it is, i would say to give the whole warning about the units being potentially lost permanently if you take too long until the mission immediately before the initial visit to sanctuary as because the warning came for me a good couple missions or so prior i think i ended up losing sandslash to that mechanic with no way to retrieve him (unless the initial prison break mission with the druddigon is there as a sort of entry mission to the mechanic and beating it will let me rescue sandslash in a following prison break (asking of this mostly cuz of the sandslash + swellow conversation at the initial trip to sanctuary)

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So, finally made an account here. And the first entry in this trilogy is the first rom hack in some time I’ve played close to completion, so I’m gonna give some feedback.

Three pronged class forks, along with mixed attackers. Love to see it.
There’s some QoL stuff that I really like, for instance, being able to have anyone be a “supply unit.”
Dark Fliers. Just, Dark Fliers. My favorite fliers.
Lukas and Zoroark are so gay for eachother I love it.

Samurott’s lame. Super whiny and the reason why he’s so powerful feels like a cop out. You try to make us feel sorry for him, but he’s done too many atrocities for my sympathy to be warranted. There’s spoilery reasons why but my spoiler text malfunctioned.
There’s several bugs. One time, a unit of mine vanished when they used a Reviver Seed.
Enemies have no business having all these skills. There are generic Soldiers with four skills.

Might add more if I can think of anything.

EDIT: I noticed there was mention of you saying you’d go back and rework the first two.
I hope this helps you with it.


Playing through the second one now. I will update this with my current thoughts as I continue.

I like the save importing aspect of it. It’s nice to have your previous gameplay matter.
More pseudolegendaries show up. Those are cool.
Permadeath being resistable is an interesting and cool gameplay aspect. Makes it so I have to savescum less.
Markus is still basically Pokémon Kelik and I am all for it.
The portraits have noticeably improved since the first game.
The classes of the units you get feel more diverse. I like that.

Kalus isn’t anywhere near as strong, mechanically, as the plot makes him out to be. I was able to kill him in both of his appearances so far. It took a single round the second time. You should at least ARM him in the second one.
If a spoilery thing happens, you can lose the save import weapons. If that happens, they should reappear in your supply.
Act 2 is really stingy with the supply. That’s annoying.
The “save defeated allies” gimmick is explained before you fight Kalus a second time, so when you beat him and that DOESN’T save his captives, it’s really noticeable plot armor.