Patch uploaded. Changes listed on main post. This should fix the crash some people have experienced on Whereabouts Unknown, but I’ll need them to confirm this as I haven’t been able to replicate it.
sadly the new patch is getting hit by my anti virus again
Would you send me one of your saves that causes this crash?
I also encountered the same problem
Any update on if this new patch is currently playable or not? Thanks
It’s working for me but not for a couple others atm. I’d hold off until I get this sorted out, just to be safe. It won’t be too long.
New version uploaded that should fix the crash issues that some people were experiencing.
I also changed boss death quotes to play during combat animations like in the GBA games.
I’m unable to start the game because it says there is a potential virus any ideas on how to get past this?
Just tell windows to ignore it, it’s fine
Is there a different condition for Genesis? I got more than 700xp (Fiora alone got almost 400, Nils got 200 and Serra got around 250, Erk got around 150 plus others got xp as well) and Hawkeye lived, yet no Genesis for me
Yes, Hawkeye needs to talk to Pent. He should say as much when you select him. If he doesn’t, it’s a bug.
Oh. Well, now I know lol
Appreciate the response!
Played until the end of the currently available content ( v1.52a )
Sharing my experiences with the 2 (technically 3, but I’ll get to that later) runs, since my first run hit a brick wall around Ch.16/17 and I decided to restart. (This post is going to be very long, TLDRs at the bottom)
- Difficulty: Lunatic | Custom Settings
Custom Settings
- Skill System: On
- Branched Promo: Expanded
- Revised Proficiency: Full
- Sword Cavaliers: On
- Pair-up supports: On
- Distinctive Wyverns: Off
- Distinctive Druids: Off
- Indoor Flight: Off
- Female Enemies: On
- Revised Promo Stats: On
- Improved Units: On
- Personal Spells: Off
- Personal Staves: Off
- Unlimited Items: On
- Stat Boosters: Consumables
- Shop Items: Revised
- Loot Items: Revised
- Modern Bows: Off
- Bows beat Magic: Off
- Modern Staves: On
- Modern Attack Speed: Off
- Dialogue Revision: On
- Chapter Revision: On
- Early Recruitment: On
- Lyn the Villager: On
- Dorcas’ Class: Brigand
- Erk’s Class: Pupil
- Lowen’s Class: Recruit
- Isadora’s Class: Cavalier
- Leila Joins: On
- Uhai Joins: On
- Anna Joins: On
- Elbert: Lives
- Skip Lyn’s Story: Off
My Runs - Chapters Overview:
First run:
Prologue and Ch.1-3 were fairly uneventful, with me playing mostly standard and trying to spread out exp between the units available at this point.
Ch.4 ended up being somewhat of a reality check since my Lyn had neither her Lvl5 skill nor enough speed to double enemies. As a result killing any of the brigands took at least 3 hits from my units, which was pretty rough. After a couple tries I got Lyn to Lvl5 early on into the map allowing her to now do 15x2 damage instead of 10x1, enough to 1-round most of the brigands. Also managed to sneak the boss drop with Lyn since he only has a 1-range weapon and does not move so he’s just a free kill with the Mani Katti.
Ch.5 was rather uneventful. Erk already got a lot of exp here from repeatedly hitting the boss, then being rescued out by Florina. In one of the following chapters he got enough exp to reach lvl10 and promote into a shaman.
Ch.6 took several tries since most of my units were entirely incapable of dealing damage to the boss, with only Lyn, Erk and a waiting dorcas being able to damage the boss at all. Managed to eventually kill the boss with a lucky magic Mani Katti Crit from Lyn.
Ch.7 was on the easier side with the turn requirement needed to unlock 7x being very easy to achieve.
Ch.7x on the other hand was pretty difficult. I used Wil to snipe the thief over the wall, then slowly wearing down the enemies using one of the many 1-tile chokepoints on the map. The boss here is extremely lethal, having crit chances against about half my roster as well as just having enough AS and Attack to one-round most units, even without a crit.
Ch.8 was a bit of a breather. With the help of Nils, Florina managed to make it past the balista range, securing the village very early on, then hiding in the top right corner, while the rest of my units slowly dealt with the enemy units slowly running at them one by one.
Ch.9 was pretty managable as well, despite the Fog of War. Wallace is almost untouchable on this map and can easily block the one-tile chokepoint at the top of the map, which made it easy to wait in the top left corner and slowly dispatch of all the enemies.
Ch.10 not much happened here. I gave both the seraph robe and the body ring to Serra and the energy drop to Florina, since Im expecting these items will not carry over into Eliwood/Hector story. (although i did not actually test that)
Ch.11 was very easy, Markus is a huge help and will continue to be that for the rest of the run.
Ch.12 on the other hand is extremely brutal. The knight south of the treasure room can roll enough defence to be invulnerable until Hector gets Strength from levels. In addition there is no way to retaliate against the archers on this map either and theres quite a few of those. Took many resets to be able to get the chest and somehow survive. Im not sure if this would even have been possible with Modern Bows enabled.
Ch.13/14 were both quite doable. Marcus being able to one-round most enemies, while also being quite bulky helps a huge amount in these chapters. Lowen was promoted to a soldier in one of these chapters.
Ch.15 also not to bad, despite the fog. Between Dorcas, Hector, Oswin, Marcus and Bartre i have 5 units that can reasonably take 2-3 hits at this point. I only just just barely spotted the boss on the last turn, but thankfully still managed to get the Satori Sign (which isn’t relevant for this run, but the same one will be very relevant for the other run)
Ch.16 is where things started to get really rough really fast. The knights on this map have near capped defence, making it impossible for most of my units to damage them. They also have swords, so Hector, Dorcas and Bartre can’t deal with them effectively either, leaving Markus with Dragon Fang procs as the only reasonable option. Erk is also out of the question since he rejoined with a Thunder tome which he cannot use as a shaman and there is no dark tome available at this point, so he is completely useless.
Ch.17 I faced similar issues with lack of damage output and there were too many knights for marcus to handle all by himself. There was no chance of getting the boss drop or even the chests on this map, with no sign of things improving anytime soon as half my units were incapable of even dealing with the soldiers on this map. I had units that were capable of taking hits, but felt unable to do meaningful amounts of damage to any of the enemies outside of Markus Dragon Fang procs.
At this point I decided to start over and make sure to feed exp to early rejoins like Dorcas, Matthew and Eliwood
2nd Run:
Turns out that turning off personal magic, but forgetting to turn off personal staves (despite the latter being grayed out when turning off personal magic), causes Serra to join without a heal staff. Its only Ch.5 at this point so I decided to start again with the correct settings. (Note: Unsurprisingly the same happens with Priscilla)
3rd Run:
Gave a lot more exp to Lyn in early chapters to get her to lvl5 and Speed breakpoints as soon as possible, making Ch.4/5 much easier. Then proceeded to funnel as much Exp as possible into Dorcas.
I specifically left Erk at Lvl9 pupil, since he gets a free flux tome when promoting into shaman, which i wanted to save for when he rejoins in Ch.16 (as a workaround to him not joining with one as a shaman).
Eliwood also got a decent amount levels during Lyn story, while Matthew sadly ended up getting very little.
I also decided to give the Seraph Robe to Eliwood this time, the Energy drop to Matthew and keeping the Body Ring on Serra.
Ch.12 was still brutal since matthew still cannot fight the soldiers on the map, but at least he did more damage to the archers.
Ch.11/13-15 all went pretty well, in large part to Dorcas being stronger. I also promoted Lowen into a knight this time instead.
Ch.16/17 were still difficult, but i managed to get all the loot. Dorcas had enough strength to 2-hit soldiers which is a huge breakpoint and Eliwood was much more capable as well. Erk once again joined with a thunder tome that he cannot use (although this time its because hes still on E-rank); fortunately there is a vendor on this map that sells E-rank anima tomes so that wasn’t too big of an issue. I got Erk to lvl10 during Ch.16, but he seems to be unable to promote out of pupil ouside of Lyn’s story, rendering him useless for the rest of the run.
Ch.18 was one of the easiest chapters so far. Lyn got a ton of levels during her story and was my strongest unit at this point. The villages are also easy to get to and there is no time pressure beyond that, so i used this map to catch up some levels with Matthew and Florina.
Ch.19 was a bit tricky to get all of the loot, but otherwise not too difficult. Note: One of the archers is in range to shoot merlinus over the wall at the start. Had to repeadetly heal him with Serra until the archer was taken care of.
Ch.20 was another breather chapter with not much time pressure. I was able to lure out the powerful central enemies one by one with Serra’s face, since she has high enough LCK to not get crit by regular weapons and has an extra safety net with Miracle, then taking them out using the one-tile chokepoints between the villages. I recruited Anna and got her to lvl10 here by tossing hand axes (then promoted into a pirate), but she didn’t see any use later due to lack of deploy slots.
Ch.21 most of the enemies were pretty easy. Markus and Lyn were very effective at dealing with shamans due to their high Res and Avoid. The physical infantry units got blocked at chokepoints by Dorcas, Oswin, Hector or Wallace. The pegasus were the scariest enemies on this map, but most of my units had good matchups into them (axe users, lance armors and Eliwood with a Lancereaver)
Ch.22 was a huge difficulty spike. Fog made it much harder to enemy-phase the pegasus riders with units that have good matchups into them. In addition to that there were a large amount of 2 range units that I cannot effectively retaliate against. I ended up promoting Dorcas to Warrior, Matthew to Trickster and Serra to Valkyrie for this chapter. I also gave Matthew the first satori sign from Ch.15, which made it trivially easy to steal the one from the enemy thief in this chapter. With these upgrades the chapter became a lot more feasible. Also Merlinus will get slaughtered by pegasus from the bottom left corner in this map, but I realized I could prevent this by rescuing him with Florina. Additionally in this chapter I discovered a crash related to Light Runes. Enemies will evaluate what to attack based on [ lethality = expected_damage/target_hp ], which causes a division by zero for light runes as they have 0 HP. This doesn’t seem to always crash the game, but I couldn’t figure out when exactly it does or doesn’t.
Ch.23 was quite doable. Since I needed to rush the map to get to Kishuna anyway it also meant that I ended up killing many of the mages while they could not defend themselves. I also once again used Florina to pick up Merlinus, so i didn’t have to worry about him getting killed by the reinforcements. The only issue I had with this chapter was a crash that seems to be related to a Florina crit voice line. This is the first time that crash happened, despite the fact that Florina has crit many times before this chapter.
Ch.23x was fairly easy overall. Promoted + Satori Signed Matthew made it easy to obtain all of the treasure on this map in time (including a silence and a sleep staff, stolen with Steal+, which will be very important later on). I repeatedly healed Merlinus with Serra through the balista damage and simply waited out most of the enemies using the chokepoints near the starting area.
Ch.24 was another tricky one to get all treasure in. Mostly because of the large amount of 2+ range enemies that cannot effectively be killed on enemy phase. I ended up rushing straight the the middle area to recruit Legault as early as possible and catch the other enemy thieves on spawn. Then used Chokepoints + Serra’s newly acquired sleep staff to slowly take out all of the enemies on the map, with a lot of exp going into fully catching up Florina. I also used Matthew’s Steal+ to steal a bunch of random weapons off of enemies.
Ch.25 is a fairly easy chapter that ended up being much more annoying that it needed to be, due to a crash caused by Breath of Life with Serra hitting Lvl5 during the map. Entering any combat with a unit that has breath of life seems to crash the game 100% of the time based on my testing. This caused several crashed from her being attacked by a wyvern from fog. Thankfully skills can be unequipped so this was not a problem in any chapter after this. Matthew with his upgraded personal also kind of breaks the map as most of the enemies will chase after him, but not attack him as he collects the villages. After this Chapter Florina and Lowen were both lvl15+, so I promoted them into a dark flier and great knight respectively.
Ch.26 is another huge difficulty spike, and definitely too much in my opinion. +2 Mov for all enemies on a Fog map, while the only reliable source of scouting in matthew with his upgraded personal is unavailable for the first couple turns. Took a ton of restarts to get all the treasure + boss drop + heath recruitment without losing anyone. Florina, despite being promoted was functionally useless on this map due to the 10-reach archers and 11-reach nomads being able to oneshot her with steel bows as well as the 2 ballisticians. Isadora also appears to be bugged when starting as cavalier and is unable to be promoted with a knight’s crest. Rath and Heath are both heavily understatted by this point and cannot hold their own against the enemies on this map. To make matters worse my first good run was ended by the Florina crit voice crash again. I ended up turning off character voices after this and have not had this crash happen again, although that doesn’t mean much considering it was very rare in the first place and there is only a few chapters left. In the end Markus with Silver Lance, Lowen with Steel Lance and Dorcas with a Swordbreaker ended up doing most of the work on this map.
Ch.27 seems like a chapter that would be quite difficult if played normally, but I had the tools to cheese it pretty heavily. I used Serra to sleep the 2 archers near the starting area, then sent Florina with an Axebreaker to go and pick up Pent. Even while carrying pent the wyverns only had single-digit hit rates against Florina, so this was largely risk-free and removed all the time pressure from the map. Notably rescuing Pent straightup breaks the boss AI and they will simply stop moving alltogether. I also used Serra to sleep the bosses, then steal all of their equipment with Matthew, making them trivial to take down once they were unarmed.
Ch.27x seems way too difficult and I could only beat it by heavily cheesing the map. I made sure to take out the 2 bolting sages at the start while Kishuna is still on the map, then hid everyone behind a 1-tile chokepoint. I used Serra sleep + Matthew Steal+ to disarm the first 2 enemies to approach the chokepoint, completely blocking all further attacks from anything besides the Sniper, the berserk staff and the Eclipse Druids. (Note that several priests on this map have Purge, but none of them have the required weapon rank to actually use it). I then stole the Berserk staff and killed the sniper with Matthew. After that I could take as much time as needed to slowly take out all the dangerous enemies one by one with either Matthew or Dorcas Longbow+Nils.
My Runs - Unit Overview:
Lyn: Pretty happy with her. Great for taking out all the axe users once she hits Lvl5 and 10-11 Speed. Also one of the only units that even has a chance to retaliate against enemy archers/mages.
Sain: Seemed usable, due to his decent Strength/Defence, which combined with the defence bonus from lances makes him a great check against early sword enemies. Didn’t really use him in my final run, since he doesn’t rejoin early enough. By the time he rejoined his stats weren’t good enough to catch back up.
Kent: Seemed awful. Less Strength/Def than Sain, super low Luck and making him a sword user certainly didn’t help since Lyn can already fill that niche. Even in his join chapter the enemy mercenaries already have crit chances on him.
Florina: Looked solid, but very difficult to use due to how high the bow ranges can get. Still pretty useful for moving units around with rescue.
Wil: Seemed Good, but got neglected in favor of Dorcas, since he doesn’t rejoin early enough. By the time he rejoined his stats weren’t good enough to catch back up.
Dorcas: Very important. One of the only units capable of doing serious damage to enemies in early Eliwood/Hector story, also pretty bulky thanks to his passive. Great enemy phase unit.
Serra: Was great for me. She’s the only staff user available for a while, so she naturally gains a lot of exp. Also one of the only units that can reliably tank thunder tome mages with her high Res and high Lck. Miracle also helps a lot when dealing with dangerous boss enemies and killer weapons. Also a very strong combat unit as soon as she promotes.
Erk: Wanted to use him as a shaman, but was unable to make that happen, due to his scuffed rejoin in Ch.16
Rath: Definitely good, but got neglected in favor of Dorcas, since he doesn’t rejoin early enough. By the time he rejoined his stats weren’t good enough to catch back up.
Matthew: Probably the most important unit in the run. His upgraded personal is quite game-breaking, but also quite necessary for getting all the loot in some of the later chapters. (I would not have been able to beat Ch.27x at all if not for him and his passive)
Nils: Being a dancer already makes him great by default. He also ends up getting pretty bulky with his consistent exp gain and super high avoid.
Lucius: His Magic/Speed look promising, but his join and rejoin times are both too late. He also suffers from having 2 base Luck. Also unfortunate for him that he kind of sucks in his join chapter, since he doesn’t actually have enough attack to hurt the shamans, and is also unavailable for most of his rejoin chapter. Maybe his starting level should be raised to 5 (and his stats accordingly) so he can use the monk lvl5 skill to fight the shamans.
Wallace: Very useful in Lyn story, with a lance he is nearly untouchable for most enemies in his join chapter. Despite his late rejoin he is still somewhat usable in the Eliwood/Hector part of the story, although I did stop using him, since I had several other armor knights being used as well.
Eliwood: Very good at facing axe users due to his high avoid from personal and lvl5 skill, but otherwise pretty mediocre; He’s not fast enough to double most enemies and his strength isn’t great either. Really wants a Lancereaver so he can dodgetank lances as well.
Lowen: Started him as a recruit so he needed some extra time to get going. Promoted into knight then great knight. Did eventually become of my best units, but a lot of that might be because Full Plate + Trample are great skills.
Marcus: Very important; Dragon Fang makes him one of the only ways to get rid of enemy armors at all. He also has decent Luck and good bulk and stayed relevant until the end of the run
Rebecca: Did very little for me, her Strength is just so low. By chapter 17 she was only doing 1 damage to enemy soldiers (and obviously 0 to knights)
Bartre: Seems quite good. Mine got pretty screwed from levels, so I eventually stopped using him.
Hector: Pretty good, but being unable to retaliate against 2 range attacks makes him worse than usual
Oswin: Pretty good, very important for early Eliwood/Hector story due to his high bulk, eventually decided to focus on Lowen as a armored option instead.
Guy: Looks ok stat wise, but I really didn’t need another sword-locked infantry unit alongside Lyn and Eliwood
Priscilla: Didn’t use her at all since my Serra turned out so well, but I can’t imagine a mounted staff user being bad.
Raven: His stats outside of Luck are great and he has a very good personal skill. Once again though, I didn’t really need another sword-locked infantry unit.
Canas: Stats are pretty meh for when joins. I probably wouldn’t buff him though, otherwise he might take over with an infinite use Nosferatu Tomes
Dart: Very undwhelming stats for when he joins and not high enough level to early promote either. I couldn’t get him to do much against the enemies on his join chapter, and he remained on the bench afterwards, due to lack of deploy slots. Should be pretty good if he starts at lvl10 (and accordingly slightly higher base stats)
Fiora: Really struggles to fight the enemies in her join chapter. I tried to train her afterwards, since I wanted another flying unit for rescue mobility, but she needed a lot of help to get going.
Renault: Has a weird stat spread with higher Strength than Magic, but I assume that’s intentional. Should be pretty good if early promoted though, likely into War Monk to take advantage of his Strength. Didn’t use him though, due to lack of deploy slots.
Legault: Stats look great for a lvl12 thief. Should be really good once promoted. Unfortunately I was already fully invested into Matthew at this point, so he didn’t see any use past his join chapter.
Isadora: Just like Erk, she seems to have gotten screwed by bugged promotions. Her personal should make her a great situational unit in any chapter that has green units. Didn’t end up using her due to her inability to promote. Doesn’t help that her join chapter is extremely difficult and her being sword-locked in a chapter full of swordreavers.
Heath: Very understatted, gets doubled and one-rounded by the mages on the map once he is recruited. Looking at his base stats he doesn’t seem to be getting hard mode bonuses
Hawkeye: Only actually around for 2 chapters, he does pretty well in Ch.27, but struggles in Ch.27x due to how powerful the enemies there are.
Leila: Looks like a dedicated Wind Sword user, could be decent. Much like Legault however, I was already fully invested into Matthew and this point, so I couldn’t justify the deploy slot.
Uhai: I talked to him with Lyn in his chapter instead of defeating him, but I never saw him in my unit list at any point after that. Not sure if I did something wrong or if there’s a bug that caused this.
Anna: Trained to lvl10 using hand axes and promoted to pirate, but then cut due to lack of deploy slots. Might’ve been able to get her going with a little more investment, but there’s very few chapters where she could safely be trained.
Chapter TLDRs:
- Merlinus starting position is under a lot of pressure in many chapters (Ch.19, Ch. 22, Ch.23, Ch.23x). This can be worked around by either having a healer babysit him or picking him up with Florina, but overall his presence on maps tends to just be an added risk.
- I struggled a lot with Ch.12/16/17, the enemies there are quite bulky and most of my units could not deal with them effectively.
- Ch.22/26/27x were all extremely difficult for me. Ch.22 and Ch.26 due to the combination of fog + high movement enemy units. Ch.27x enemies just seem very overpowered in general.
Unit TLDRs:
- Some of the late joiners feel very weak and struggle to deal with regular enemies on their own join maps (Dart, Fiora and especially Heath)
- Lucius felt awful since he cannot actually deal with the shamans in his join map, despite having weapon triangle advantage over them.
- Many units have very low starting Luck, so they end up facing crit chances even against regular enemies.
- Erk faced several issues with the setting I used. Rejoins with only a thunder tome, despite being unable to use them. Unable to promote out of Pupil after he rejoins in Ch.16.
- Isadora seems to be unable to promote at all when starting as cavalier.
Thoughts on Exp System:
While I understand the purpose of the exp bag in order to limit the amount of total available exp I find it very restrictive in its current form. My main issue is that the exp bag also loses value from combats that your unit is not actually gaining combat exp from, such as being attacked from out of range or your unit missing their attack. With how many enemies have 2+ range weapons and hand axes/javelins being unable to retaliate on enemy phase this means that many archers will end up being worth only 1 exp by the time you actually get to kill them (Note: Even attacks from enemies against Walls/Snags decreases their exp bag). Furthermore the exp dropoff for being overlevelled is not very steep, so I felt quite punished for trying to spread exp across my ~10 units instead of funneling all exp into a few units.
Also the exp gain from stealing/staff usage seemed to not drop of at all, so Matthew and Serra started vastly outpacing all of my other units in terms of exp gain. Matthew with all the stealing he was doing in the later chapters ended as a lvl17 Trickster and Serra was not far behind as a lvl12 Valkyrie.
- The Exp bag should only decrease for combats in which your unit actually gets combat exp.
- Exp Penalty for being overlevelled should be harsher.
- Staff/Steal EXP should also consider the level difference to the target
Low % Crits/Skill procs:
Many of the playable characters in FE7 have extremely low base Luck. (Matthew/Lucius/Raven/Kent all start at 2 Luck, several others also only have 3) While against weak enemies this isn’t too big of an issue, it is very frustrating to play around on Lunatic difficulty. Enemies have much higher Skill, so it takes a long time for a unit to get enough Luck from levels to get out of crit range, while also having higher attack so it becomes difficult for many units to survive a single crit. Thunder tomes are especially bad since they additionally have 5 crit on themselves. Light tomes are also rough, but at least monks have low enough attack that a single crit usually doesn’t kill.
This is also especially bad for the Ch.23 Snipers near Kishuna, who have a lot of Crit just from their very high Skill as well as many of the enemies in Ch.27x. Additionally the enemies in Ch.27x also have Spell Echo (Sages) and Flare (Bishops) as skills, which make it almost entirely impossible to safely dispose of them. Personally I don’t think regular enemies with regular weapons should be allowed to have crit rates against player units (unless the player unit is heavily underleveled) and find it frustrating to play around low% crit rates and crit-like skill procs.
- Many of the playable characters need higher base Luck or Luck Growth to be usable
- Non-killer wepons should have 0 crit (mostly looking at thunder tomes here)
- Not sure what to do about Light tomes; I do agree that they need something to differentiate them from Anima Tomes, but in their current form the Ch.27x Bishops are absolutely not fair (23 crit, 35 attack due to meditation + bonus crit damage on their tomes + potential flare proc)
- Ch.27x enemies overall should probably have their skills revised. Spell Echo especially is just too difficult to play around.
- Move enemy A-ranks on proficiencies further back. The Ch.16 boss for example is very difficult to engage safely since he has A rank lances for an additional +5 crit
Various other notes and minor bugs:
- Enemy Reinforcements spawned after rain starts seem to be unaffected by rain. (noticed this with some of the pegasus reinforcements on Ch.16)
- As mentioned in the individual Chapter Nodes, Merlinus can be picked up by sufficiently high Aid units (mainly Florina). Not sure if that’s intended, but it definitely makes keeping him alive in Ch.22 a lot easier.
- Rescued Green Units can gain EXP from Pairup (I did not test what happens when they get enough exp to level up)
- Light runes can be attacked and destroyed by the player; This destroys the light rune visuals, but not the timer visuals or the actual effect on the tile. Not sure what to make of this.
- Bartre’s Fury causes self-damage even if he only participates in combat as a pairup. This might make it detrimental to actually do any of his support conversations
- Poison visuals seem to toggle on and off when applied repeatedly; this is purely visual and not high priority. The actual poison effect continues to happen.
- Destructible Walls and Snags can be poisoned; not particularly impactful, but probably not intended either.
- Ambitious+ seems to have no effect for Darin in Ch.24
- One of the villages in Ch.25 cannot be visited despite being open (the one directly bottom right of Merlinus starting location)
- As mentioned in the Chapter Notes, Isadora and Erk both face issues with promoting under certain circumstances.
- Invigorating Tune’s buff seems to expire at the end of the players turn, rather than the start of their next turn, making the +2 speed not work on enemy phase.
- Hitting an enemy with Eclipse only gives 1exp. Given how hard it is to hit anything with Eclipse I feel like it should at least give combat exp.
- Many enemies on Ch.27x have weapons they cannot actually use due to lack of weapon ranks (Shoutout to the swordmaster with only a light brand and not enough weapon rank to use said light brand). Some of the sages also have staves despite only have Light and Anima magic proficiencies.
- In Ch.27x the wall between the 2nd and 3rd chamber of the top row behaves like an enemy unit instead of a wall (enemies can move through it, as can any player unit with pass)
Major Bugs/Crashes:
- Light Runes seem to semi-consistently cause crashes as enemies try to evaluate how much damage they would do to a light rune (divide by zero exception when calculating lethality = expected_damage/target_hp). Worked around by just not using Light Runes, even though they would’ve been very useful in later chapters.
- Breath of Life (Valkyrie Lvl5 skill) seems to 100% reliably crash the game whenever it is triggered. Worked around by unequipping Breath of Life.
- There seems to be an issue with one of Florina’s Crit Voice Lines that causes the game to crash; I have not found a way to reliably reproduce it. Turning off combat voices might be a workaround, since I have not encountered this crash since.
Other Notes:
- Deploy slots are a little low for my taste. I know this is largely due to the original FE7 also having very low deploy slots on HHM, but there were a bunch of units I would have liked to use, but never had the opportunity to.
- Please add more save slots. I can’t really see a reason to be stuck on 3 save slots in this version. Would also make it a lot easier to provide savefiles for bug/crash reproductions in the future.
And last, but not least:
Thank you for creating this. I had a great time playing through this, despite it still being work in progress.
There’s some great info and insight here, especially for someone thinking to try lunatic as I am, so thanks. Though I will say briefly, it may be good to break your post into a few titled sections using the hide details function, just to keep the length down when scrolling this thread in future
I wanted to do this originally, but since this was my first post on the site I was not sure how to better format my post. “Hide Details” is exactly what I was looking for, thanks for bringing it up. I’ve edited my original post and it should be much more readable now.
hey so are you gonna add bonus exp or not
Thanks for the detailed feedback! I will definitely take this into consideration for the next content update. I’m currently teaching a summer program that’s taking all my time until the end of July, but plan to continue adding content at that point.
I just uploaded a slightly patched version that revises the promotion code to try to prevent issues with certain units promoting from certain classes. This change might not affect existing saves, not sure.
Hello there !
I’ve been a huge fan of FE7 (my first game ever) and I’m just in love with your release !
I’m only at chapter 7x, but it’s really well made !
Didn’t expect to be this hard this early (playing on modern and Lunatic).
I’m actually doing it on stream and Iron man, and it’s amazing. Amazing idea to make Mani Katti 2 range, magic, to make “consumable” reload themself and so many other ideas for now.
Maybe chapter 2 is a bit sketchy with the ennemy hand axes and the boss “Bug” on chapter 4 is a bit too hard but other than that for now I’m SO INTO IT.
Thank you a lot, can’t wait to continue on Friday or Wednesday
Hello! I’m a big fan of the project as well, it’s one of my favorites.
Do you happen to have the VODs of your ironman run and/or streaming on YouTube? I would love to see your run.