[FE7] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Accursed Fate (v1.11)

“My house will go down in infamy. It matters not what I nor any of us do, and so… You must take little Raymond and find him the safety his own family could never provide.”

Fire Emblem: Accursed Fate is a hack of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. It tells the story of house Cornwell, the house of Raven and Priscilla from FE7, in their final moments before its destruction. In this story, you play as Lord Alec, the eldest son and heir of Marquess Cornwell, and Lady Viola, Alec’s older sister, as they fight against ominous forces looking to destabilize the Lycian League. At their side, Alec and Viola will have numerous companions, each attempting to overcome their own weaknesses to become the unlikely heroes that the continent of Elibe needs them to be.

The hack was made in one year’s time using FEBuilderGBA, culminating in 22 chapters as well as prologue and epilogue segments to round off the story. The storyline is based on several canonical events outlined in The Blazing Blade, as well as original plot points designed to keep the story coherent and engaging. As for the hack’s difficulty, it is estimated to be around the level of FE7’s Hector hard mode, sometimes being easier, sometimes being tougher. The gameplay is mostly inspired by FE7, though the enemy units are significantly stronger in the late game.

  • A whole new story taking place a decade before The Blazing Blade
  • New and altered weapons
  • Altered thief and assassin classes:
    - Added ability to move after performing certain actions
    - Added critical hit boost
    - Exclusive access to 1-2 range daggers
    - Assassins can use all thief skills
Chapter 1 narration

Once, dragon fought man in a war called the Scouring. In the aftermath, the continent of Elibe was divided into nations, each led by one of the eight legendary heroes. One of these nations was Lycia, founded by the legendary hero, Roland.

Roland’s descendants would go on to further divide this nation into several distinct territories, each one ruled by a marquess. The most powerful of these marquesses was Marquess Ostia, who assumed leadership of the Lycian council and ensured that each fellow marquess fulfilled their duties to the people they presided over.

Almost a thousand years later, each of these marquesses have found that upholding these duties suddenly becomes ever more of a strain, as a series of kidnappings start plaguing the once peaceful nation. In a wave of terror, sons and daughters of lesser noble families go missing one after the other, always followed by demands of hefty ransoms in exchange for their lives. Ransoms which, without aid from a marquess, cannot always be paid in full.

This story follows Lord Alec, the son and heir of Marquess Cornwell, and his sister, Lady Viola, as they attempt to navigate this treacherous landscape, and try to find ways of bringing an end to this shadowy threat.

At the story’s onset, the Cornwell siblings find themselves partaking in one final lesson in warfare, issued by the King of Etruria, and carried out by one of his most trusted knights.


Character recruitment guide and secret shop locations

Chapter 1: Quintors
Joins upon completing the chapter.

Chapter 2: Selena and Gerald
Joins at the start of the chapter.

Chapter 3: Malissa
Talk with Alec.

Chapter 3: Ferdinand
Joins upon completing the chapter.

Chapter 4: Zelot
Visit the northern village.

Chapter 4: Zina
Talk with Viola.

Chapter 5: Uther
Joins upon completing the chapter.

Chapter 6: Thelma
Visit the Inn with any character other than Gerald.

Chapter 7: Famino
Talk with Viola or Ferdinand.

Chapter 9: Lionel
Visit western village.

Chapter 10: Suma
Joins at the start of the chapter.

Chapter 10: Secret shop #1
Found in the forest tile in the western mountains.

Chapter 11: Niime
Joins upon completing the chapter.

Chapter 13: Viannah
Talk with Alec or complete the chapter.

Chapter 13: Secret shop #2
Found in the lone plains tile in the north-western mountains.

Chapter 14: Vaida and Heath
Have Alec talk to Vaida.

Chapter 15: Wallace
Talk with Alec. Wallace spawns on turn 14. Before then, the eastern Valkyrie should be defeated.

Chapter 15: Secret shop #3
Located in the lone forest tile in the western mountains, just below the two pillars.

Chapter 16: Unnamed mage.
Have Alec visit the inn.

Chapter 17: Secret shop #4
Found on the red floor mat to the top left.

Chapter 18: Goran
Talk with Alec.

Chapter 18: Secret shop #5
Among the southern thickets, on the lone forest tile.

Chapter 19: Secret shop #6
Found on the lone plains tile in the eastern mountains.

Known Issues
  • In chapter 8, if a green unit defeats the boss there will be no gold rewarded to the player at the end of the chapter. The only known workaround is to restart the chapter.
  • In chapter 22, two Valkyries may spawn near Goran after he talks with Marquess Tania. The reason for this is unknown as their spawning is not part of the event.


  • Improved visuals of chapter 3, 11, 12 and 22
  • Chapter 8: Fixed Limstella appearing as enemy commander in status menu after Ephidel cutscene
  • Polished spelling and grammar


  • THE 1 (hacking, production)

Download (v1.11):


I downloaded and am playing through it now. I did notice a lot of vanilla recolors and old sprites. The repository is an amazing resource for upgrade sprites that are higher quality than what IS was able to do at the time. Maybe there are some portraits there that would be of interest to you?
Unless you intentionally designed game like that, disregard comment if so.


Thanks for playing it! I hope you have a good time :slightly_smiling_face:

There are indeed many talented artists contributing to the repository. I do however feel like using their work would go against the general theme I’m going for, which involves keeping the game mostly vanilla.

Furthermore, I sort of view Intelligent System’s portraits the same way as I view well-established actors: as long as their new role is convincing, you can “forget” their sometimes very strong connection to a previous role. It all comes down to the writing. As long as the face conveys the general personality I’m going for, then that’s good enough for me.

Lastly, I don’t want people to doubt that each edited detail related to portraits and icons were made by myself, and not A.I. or someone otherwise unrelated to the hack’s development. I very much value the “human touch” pervading the hack, so to speak.


Malissa will almost always be instantly killed by the green guards in chapter 3 on turn 1… it is a bit funny but also probably not intended.


Man, poor Malissa! :sob:

That does sound strange. In all of my testing, Malissa has not died even once from green units (Count Caerleon prefers attacking mercenaries while the knight prefers targeting wounded, adjacent brigands). I tried to create conditions where she’d be in peril after reading your post, but to no avail :person_shrugging:

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I am currently halfway though and WOW! The writing is incredible it truly feels like a prequel to Blazing Blade. I am not done yet but just wanted to share how much fun I am having :grinning:!!!

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That’s great! I’m happy to hear that :heart:

The final chapters, while heartbreaking, were easily some of my favourites to write. I hope you enjoy the rest of the hack!

Also, I must say that I love the username and profile picture. Goes well with the theme here :slightly_smiling_face:

“You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?”

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Does this include finished and functional supports and paired endings?

Also is hard mode the only difficulty option available?

The lack of supports is undoubtedly the hack’s greatest flaw. I tried to implement them before releasing 1.0, but wasn’t able to get them to activate. Likely since it takes place in “Lyn mode”. I had some great dialogue planned for Gerald, Malissa, the unnamed mage (my intention was for him to be a support hog, which was meant to counter his low growths, in addition to him essentially acting as the army’s, uh… let’s say therapist) and Zina having an unlikely pair up with Uther.

If anyone knows a simple way to activate supports in Lyn mode, I’d love to hear it :slightly_smiling_face:

As for difficulty, yes, hard mode is the only available setting. My hacks are designed with my personal enjoyment in mind, and I can’t feel engaged if the playable characters’ lives don’t feel threatened on the battlefield. Besides, balancing the game with two or more difficulties in mind would essentially double the workload, which is not something that I’d want.


got it thanks for the response

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This hack is really good even if the portraits can sometimes be a little immersion breaking. Though I had wondered if Selene was meant to be Rebecca’s mom?

Where are the secret shops loacated? Or at very least which chapters are they are on? I’m on chapter 9 and just got the Membership card from ghost, and im flying around trying to find a secret shop, is there one here? If I find the write square while holding the card does it still say SECRET! ?

@WanderingHero Thanks! I’m glad you like it so far! :slightly_smiling_face:

The first secret shop is on chapter 10. There is an NPC who will hint at its general location. If memory serves, the other secret shops are on chapters 13, 15, 17, 18 and 19. I’d say all except the one on chapter 15 are pretty easy to find since each shop square is surrounded by tiles of other sorts (i.e. a forest tile surrounded by mountains, plains tile surrounded by forests, and the like). And yes, you can hover over various tiles until you see the SECRET-option, so a flier would be ideal.

I’d never considered Rebecca and Selena to be related, but yes, I suppose that’d make sense :thinking: Just not as mom and daughter since there’s only approximately 10 years between Accursed Fate and Blazing Blade :sweat_smile:

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going to start this now! always love when people make hacks that expand existing IP and stories. going into the tragic past of house cornwell is a great choice


I finished the game sometime ago and wanted to share some of my thoughts.

I loved it!!! You are very talented as a writer and storyteller. This felt like a true prequel to FE7. The story is very emotional and got to me personally at some points (no pun intended for my username). The flow of the game was great I was always excited to see what the next map had to offer gameplay and story wise!

The only section I had difficulty with was the final map. I would prefer if we had more than 6 units for the final battle but maybe that’s just a me problem!

I had a ton of fun with this hack and would recommend giving it a go 100%!!!

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Aww, thank you so much! :heart: I’m always looking to improve my craft, so it’s nice to hear my multiple rewrites have resulted in something presentable.

I’m happy to hear the story had an impact on you! The themes of doing what’s right (even if it’s at your own detriment), of conflicts arising from heedless ambition (and spreading through a mix of pride and deception) and of recognising the power of one’s own agency (to combat the social barriers set up to keep injustices in place) were a lot of fun to explore.

The final chapter is a struggle, indeed! This is by design, as it would make little sense for the Cornwells to breeze through the Lycian army. There is a cheesy tactic, however, which involves keeping Alec on the throne, surrounded by his strongest allies, with plenty of healing items and staff users deployed. Surviving under these conditions should not be too difficult, though I understand it is not the most, um… heroic… final showdown. Also, it makes the alternate ending impossible to reach, so there’s that :wink:


So Ive played this hack and Ive stopped at chapter 9 as it no longer feels fun it just feels impossible to beat with all the armored units and archers I cant seem to make it to deven in time with out him dyeing (reset counter was at 52)

So far the story is amazing great job on the story as it feels like a cannon game to FE7 the world and everything feels pretty great. even when chapters were really hard up to this point there was usually a way to get around things if not just plan better but for now im stuck and putting the game down.

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Thank you for the kind words, Cactus! A lot of care went into making the story feel fitting to the established universe. I’m glad you liked it!

I’m sorry to hear that chapter 9 ended up as a roadblock. It does indeed require the player to be fairly aggressive in order to save Devan in time. If you ever feel inclined to give it another shot, my advice would be the following:

  1. Make it a priority to defeat the soldiers near the starting point quickly. One of them occupies a forest tile which is very useful for Uther or Gerald (using warhammer) to use against the armoured knights.
  2. As Viola hints at in the opening cutscene, she can be used to decimate archers (and knights) if promoted and wielding thunder on forest tiles.
  3. Since the high levelled fighter wields a swordreaver, Quintors is ideal for luring him. Magic wielders can then finish him off.
  4. The village to the right gives the player a physic staff, which can be used to heal Devan and buy him some more time. Given you’ll face a ballistae and shaman to get there, Quintors fitted with javelin or short spear should be ideal (with a flier/cav as support to finish enemies off).

Also, more generally, one needs to keep as many units alive and trained as possible. If not, chapter 15 will serve as an even greater roadblock down the road. A rule of thumb would be to have no more than 1 or 2 units die every 5 or so chapters. Without spoiling any details, I’d also advise having elwind/nosferatu tomes close at hand during that chapter.

Regardless, I thank you for giving my hack a try :slight_smile:

Hey I was going through the prologue and was wondering where did you get this image I don’t remember seeing it in the original FE7?

Iirc it is in FE7 but is unused.

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Hey @THE_1 can you make a guide file and pin it on the first post. I would love to know which unit is recruitable by which character. For example I thought Zina was unrecruitable because Alec could not talk to her so I killed her. But Then I restarted the chapter and try with Viola. On Chapter 6 I visit the Inn with Gerald and as you can guess all he could do was “Urk” while Thelma was waiting for someone with the same theological view. I would like for future player to avoid the hassle of guessing which unit can recruit which unit in which chapter.
Also include the location of the secret shop please. I see you already gave it as an answer so It would be easy to compile it into a word document.

Also Added your Hack to the Fangame Directory so others can easily search it up!