FE Engage(remake from FE8) (Font needed for English patch)

Percivel unless you want a google translated aka unreadable translation you will have to wait plus it not complete yet when its finished there will be few who are willing to translate it ( i would have help translate if i did not had an exam soon)

Make Zephia, Marni and Griss playable!
Their reasons to not be were dumb!

They will probably add the Xenologue units, who already fill that role

For someone interested in playing in English and doing translation, you can go to this GitHub repo to find all the chapter’s conversations: FE17-DOC/fe_assets_message/us/usen/csv/M000.csv at main · laqieer/FE17-DOC · GitHub. M000 means this is chapter 0. You don’t need to use any translation tools to convert the conversation from Chinese to English. The content is there in its order. I think it’s easy to find which conversation was playing in this sheet.


Would rather the OGs honestly.
Liked the winds but playable Hounds woulf be more interesting.

Chapters before 19 are done.

The first teleport position for Griss is the right corner, am I right?


Just a quick question…how would you do the promotions system in GBA?

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Does anyone want to help us improve the quality of the battle animation?


I can probably help with animations. I’ve done a lot of animations for the repo


Similiar to the original engage. But you know there will be some difficulties.

You know what I want to say!


Almost done for every character.

Thanks to @Alice we can engage globally to further improve our animation to make them more similar to the original Engage.


This is so peak, i cant wait to play it

Engage status.


Almost done with every emblem. Can you recognize them?


All of them. Including the engage with all rings, like Grand Zi-O.


Converting all the icons from the original engage to GBA style, the quality is a huge problem. Some of them are pretty good, but most of them are bad. Here are some examples:

Original iron sword:

Feb version:

So we need to edit it manually.


I’ve actually ported some Engage Weapon icons myself when experimenting with my own hack. They may not be amazing, but it could help. In order, it’s the Iron Sword, Slim Sword, Steel Sword, Silver Sword, Iron Blade, Steel Blade, Silver Blade, Brave Sword, and Slim Axe.

I could make more in the future, but feel free to use these. A proper sprite artist could probably do better.


Thank you very much!!! I can also share my program for all of you who want to convert the icon to Feb style without import/export. It can handle all the images you want to change. First, convert it to 16 by 16, then fill the blank with “green”. In the end, the pixels will be converted to GBA style.

Here it is: image.ipynb - Google Drive

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I got bored, made even more. Armorslayer, Wyrmslayer, Iron Greatlance, Steal Greatlance, Silver Greatlance, Hand Axe, Tomahawk, and the Iron Dagger. Decent placeholders. Once again, feel free to use these until you get better ones made. Should be default palette compliant unless I missed a color in editing.

even more