FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Do you have the patch that fixes weapon range display if you have altered them to something like 1A?

What does the sword and magic fix patch do for fe6?

About “melee and magic fix” patch?

In GBAFE, if you try to use sword and magic, that is, melee and range together, it will behave strangely in battle animation.
This is to fix it.

However, this patch has side effects.
If you enable sword and magic at the same time, only the magical weapon level is always displayed on the status screen.

Several patches have been proposed for FE 8 to eliminate this side effect.
However, it is not proposed in FE 6.

This patch is unnecessary unless you make characters that can use swords and magic at the same time.
And even if you make a character that can use the sword and magic at the same time, this is enough if you can ignore the status screen problem.

Do you have the patch that fixes weapon range display if you have altered them to something like 1A?

As far as I know it does not exist.
It works normally up to 1-3.
If it exceeds it, the display of attackable area becomes strange.
I do not know the patch to fix this.

Here is the patch in .ups https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/48334-fe7fe8-range-patch-fix/, I was asking if there is another way to apply the patch since that patch to a vanilla rom so I could use it for my hack when I discovered it since I was already too far into the hack to consider starting over for such a small issue.

What about the strength stat? Would it still read as “MAG” or “STR” but actually count as both?

I was asking if there is another way to apply the patch since that patch to a vanilla rom so I could use it for my hack when I discovered it since I was already too far into the hack to consider starting over for such a small issue.

If a patch exists, it may be supported someday.

Older patches without source code are troublesome.
Separate and keep changes to a minimum.
I think I can support it with FEBuilderGBA, but it takes time.

What about the strength stat? Would it still read as “MAG” or “STR” but actually count as both?

Please write a more concretely.
I can not understand the meaning of the question.
For me, because English is a foreign language, some meaning is lost in the process of translating.
In short sentences, meaning is lost and I can not understand the meaning of the question.

Therefore, please emphasize more important things.
If you point out the part of the problem with the image, it is easier to understand.

Does that mean that you want to separate STR and MAG?

A separation patch of STR and MAG exists in FE8J.
I do not know whether there is anything else.

As FEBuilderGBA, I would like to make it as easy as possible to add as many patches as possible.
However, it requires a considerable amount of labor.

I apologize for not writing my question in a more proper way.

I meant about the melee and magic fix.
If I had a class that used Melee, and Magic, do they both use the same stat?

In GBAFE, there is only one STR parameter.

If it is a wizard, the parameter of STR is written as MAG.
If it is not a wizard, STR parameters are denoted STR.

It is different only in the name of the same parameter.
Parameter variables are identical.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException can not necessarily be reproduced in the map size change dialog of the map editor.
Sometimes this error is reported, but I’m not sure how to reproduce this error.
If you encounter this error please send me an ups patch to reproduce it with discord.
In order to avoid this error, I am paying attention to setting the value, but I still can not understand the condition for error.

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException Value of ‘xx’ is not valid for ‘Value’.
‘Value’ should be between ‘Minimum’ and ‘Maximum’.

I edited weapons to boost health. However, when healed with a staff (healing with items have no problem) it only restores to the character’s original health, leaving the boosted portion blank. A second heal on the same character without them taking damage is possible, but freezes the game. What is the problem?

How many amplifications did you specify for each item?
If specific information is not written, I can not answer the question.
I can not be reproduced either.

I can only guess.
To recover and receive damage is thought to have caused HP to over-amplify, overflow and become a negative number.

The important thing is information to reproduce.
If it can not be reproduced, the problem can not be solved.
Please make a concrete description of how to reproduce.
Or send me an ups patch and sav data to reproduce the bug.

It didn’t matter the boost amount. If the unit is equipped with a weapon that boosted health and is heal with a staff, the glitch occurs. Here is a patch where you can see the glitch. Just equip Erika with the iron sword, then try and heal her with Seth.

Thanks for the ups patch.
The problem was reproduced.

It seems like a bug in SkillSystems.

If you make a statbooster that raises the upper limit of HP and recover with heal, it will recover ignoring HP’s upper limit.

It does not occur in vanilla.
It occurs when I insert SkillSystem.
It occurs in both SkillSystems 20171130 and SkillSystems 20180214.

It also occurred on the boss rush stage of the latest version skill system downloaded from github.
I think that this is not a problem of FEBuilderGBA.

I gave a bug report to SkillSystems.

I think that bugs will be fixed in the future,
In the current SkillSystems, please do not make items to increase HP if equipped.

The issue should new be fixed in the github (only one skill was changed, Live to Serve), I tested every scenario I could think of and it seems to be fixed, please let me know if the problem persists.

I have found another bug with weapons in fe6.
I have tried to add new items to the game, but there is an issue with the battle animation.
It works on some classes, like lord, but for other classes, such as social knight, the new weapons play the wrong animation, and this causes a glitch.

This is true even if the weapons have 1 range. The magic animation is set to FFFFF, just like the rest of the melee weapons.

It is very hard to make SkillSystems patches, so please wait a while.

Can you send me an ups file?
I would like to confirm what Magic Animation and Battle Animation settings are like.
Since other items are working correctly, there should be some reason why only this item is not good.

Sent you a patch and some additional information over a private message.

This is a problem that is occurring because the magical weapon level is set to Class: 0x20 Cavalier.

Class: 0x20 Cavalier has both weapon and magic weapon levels set to 255.
Please set the magical weapon level to 0.

Correcting like this will solve the problem.
Always indirect attack animation was loaded because it was judged as a magic occupation.
This is the specification of FE.

At first, I thought that the work memory was contaminated by an excessive icon, I made a misplaced debugging and used a lot of time.
However, the cause was very simple.
It is a problem that is occurring due to incorrect setting of the weapon level of the class.