How to edit Events in FeBuilder it’s very confusing and if I do anything it shows 2 Errors anyone please help
Need more detail than what you provided to be able to help you with anything specific.
Here’s a couple videos that might help.
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It’s good to doubt
I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am
Nice a quote about being human coming from an eevee(yanking the chain here to be funny)
Thank you bro i will check this out
Its in my laptop and in beginning stage I will release it when it is completed
TheGreatNothing meant show us the error you’re having so we know what to help with. You need to give some context of what the problem you’re getting is (such as a description of what’s going on, the specific error FEBuilder is showing you, and/or a screenshot of the event, etc.). Otherwise it’ll be difficult to help since it could be any number of things if you don’t give any specifics.
Alright I will take a picture of it and upload it here tomorrow bro
For some reason its not showing up properly.
Sorry bro I tried but the error is coming as you can’t embed media items in post
If I recall you have to make an introduction post to get out of the “basic” member status, then you are able to post links.
As for deploying more enemy units, you can edit the unit placement in the Unit Placer window. Select the group of units you want to edit and click Data Expansion and set it to however many units you want to place (there are limits, can’t remember for enemy but I think NPC/green can only have 20 on the map).
If you want to add a separate event to add reinforcements or something, you can click Alloc New Space, set the unit data, and call that set of units in your event.
Bro I did do it that is what is giving me that error
Then if I can deploy enemy units using unit placer then can I also use the same unit placer to allot new space and deploy npc units like(5 helberiars or paladins)
Yes, all unit placement is done through the unit placer. Any changes you make in there to existing data will be reflected in the associated event.
However, if you are create a new space in the event editor you have to point a unit placer command (such as “Load units and move. If player unit, join party”) in the event editor which references the data you want. If it isn’t referenced in the event editor it won’t be loaded.
Then when adding enemy units in unit placer i have to edit that in the events as well.ok i understood