Duty Calls – [COMPLETE] 25 Chapter Hack

Hmmm I see. In that case, can I get the daunt skill, and build a B support between Dawson and Brandon over time? Or are there not normal C and B support for them at all?

No, they have no C or B support, only the A support from the event.

Damn, alright. In that case do Avery and Brandon have a romantic support pairing? That’s all I need to know to make my decision, I won’t disturb you anymore (tonight)

I’m afraid the Brandon x Avery support is not yet in the game. It will be added later.

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Welp, Dawson and Brandon it is. I’ll save her for a second playthrough. Thanks for everything, you had a lot patience.

Oh let me pause my playthrough because it will be just my luck I get people in my final party who don’t have supports lol

Maaaan, chapter 17 is awesome!

The only flaw I can find is that Maria doesn’t have a battle conversation with Lysandra, Dawson and Brandon. You know, Lysandra being the woman who stayed with Angus (and Maria hates her, remember chapter 11), Brandon the son she never had with the man she loves and Dawson being like a reminiscence of David, the man she had to endure for 15 years. The battle conversations between those 3 and Angus are great tho, specially Lysandra’s.

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Ooh, I hadn’t considered that… maybe I’ll include them in a future update. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Found a bug. You know when Edmund gives Clayton a super powerful lance? I guess it is the S rank lance in this game… And I say “guess” he didn’t give it to him :rofl:. Not in Clayton’s inventory, not in the supply.

Thank you, I will look into this tomorrow.

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Also, I just noticed: in chapter 22, the breakable wall on the left repairs itself after each hit. This means you have to destroy it in one hit or by using a brave lance.

Yes, you are not the first to report this. However, I was unable to replicate it, and believe it may be an emulator issue. Which emulator are you using?

It’s mGBA.

That’s… odd. I am unable to replicate. There must be some unique condition that is causing this bug that I am unaware of.

Sorry to bother, but if possible, could you tell me the specifics of the situation, or perhaps send me your save file so I can understand what is causing it?

I will look into these 2 bugs further tomorrow.

Thank you, @LewynCollins. I have just released v0.93, which includes the following:

  • Fixed a bug where you wouldn’t get the S lance if you unlocked a certain event in chapter 10
  • Fixed an issue where the breakable walls in chapter 22 would have two separate health bars
  • Added conversations to the Austin x Aldric support line (more supports to come)
  • Fixed an issue where units would retain their support with Clarus even after his death in the story

  • Added a reaction quote for Clarus in the event of Lydia’s death

  • Maria now has battle quotes with both Dawson, and Lysandra


Ch 4 gives you 15000 gold again if you restart it…

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Also, i don’t want any spoilers, but can anyone tell me if it is a mistake to feed most of my stat boosters to angus? It seems like he will be underpowered late game unless i do so

I would recommend giving some of them to other units as well.

Ah, of course, my mistake. :man_facepalming:
I just uploading v0.94—this is fixed now.

On a side note, as of this version, supports are now 50% complete, with 33 out of 66 pairings. I also included the improved cavalier animation by SALVAGED:


Hello, what are the tips about promotions? It’s best to early (lvl 10) mid (lvl 15) or late (lvl 20) promotions?

Depends on difficulty, as normal mode gives +20% exp, and lunatic gives -20%. I would say level 18–20 for normal, level 15–18 for hard, and level 12–15 for lunatic.

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