Dancer ring status effects not clearing when loading autosave


I’m working on an FE8 hack using FE Builder. I have the Autosave patch by 7743, aera, and FE8 Girls installed. When a dancer ring is used on my unit, the status effect is correctly cleared at the start of the next player phase. However, if I close the game and load an autosave, the game loads in at that player phase without clearing the status effect. I can prevent the status from ever clearing by loading an autosave every turn.

I tried using 7743’s patch to save after recovery and poison damage handling, but doing so disables autosaving altogether.

Then I tried running ASMC ExecuteSuppendSave QuickSave at the start of every player phase using a turn event, but the status issue persisted.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

Thanks :+1:

Please send a report7z

This is probably going to be a bug with autosave
As is pointed out, the game saves at the start of the phase before the phase banner and turn-start damage/heal/etc effects are applied and is loading in the state of after these are applied without doing the in-between (turn events also happen before these are applied, which is why that wouldn’t change anything), which is likely caused by something set incorrectly in the suspend save data.
A report would definitely assist in debugging the issue, expecially if the bug were to be caused by some conflict with autosave and something else

Thanks! Here is my Report file. I also submitted one to the discord.

When the Aim staff, a reskined dancer ring, is used on my unit, the status effect is correctly cleared at the start of the next player phase. However, if I close the game and load an autosave, the game loads in at that player phase without clearing the status effect. I can prevent the status from ever clearing by loading an autosave every turn.

This happens in any chapter. You get the staff in Chapter 7.

I have the Autosave patch by 7743, aera, and FE8 Girls installed.

I tried using 7743’s patch to save after recovery and poison damage handling, but doing so disables autosaving altogether.

You finally sent report7z.
I’ve been waiting to see when you would send a report7z since I got the link to this primelet from vesly.
If you post it in the FEBuilderGBA thread, I won’t have to miss it.

Reinstall the Autosave patch.
That will solve the problem.


Thank you very much! Sorry about that; I’ve never sent a report before so I wasn’t aware of the FEBuilderGBA thread. I will remember that in the future.

I really appreciate your help!