Choose Your Legends: Round Nine

This is the year to mix things up.

The winners have been announced.

That is all.

The full results haven’t been released yet, and I’ll make a more detailed analysis post when they are, but the top twenties have been released.

Men's Top Twenty

Women's Top Twenty


Oh my god theses winner picks are somehow worse then last years, and it have fuckin Bernadetta.

Like why are three of our winners all from Heroes? Why the hell are people voting for Baldr? She barely likes two months old. Same things goes for Eikþyrnir. Not even a year old as well. How the hell did Male Byleth won over Sigurd? Sigurd fans get cheated again this year. Lastly and most importantly. Did Engage seriously lose two cyls in a row.

And the worst part for me at least. Female Alear has no chance to even win next year cyl. If there will be a next year? I only voted for her just so her Brave alt would be her epilogue outfit seen in the credits of Engage. But that outfit is never going to get in the game at this rate. Which means i have to forever settle on these two artworks of her with the outfit. Because that all i ever going to get out of it and that make me sad.

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Fomortiis and Sigurd will win next year !! (i hope)

I like the precedent that is set by Eikpyrnir winning but i’m not a fan of the fact that Byleth is the only non-heroes winner

Baldr’s win pretty much guarantees that we’ll see even more gacha-esque OC designs moving forward


Looks like CYL’s results from here on out are gonna be more a reflection of the FEH playerbase rather than the playerbase of the franchise as a whole. :pensive: We kinda saw that creeping in with Gullveig winning 1st for the women’s side two years ago, but its more obvious now and not any less a disappointment


The same reason than for Gullveig sadly ._.


The full results have finally been announced, and with them, my final conclusions.

I’m not going to pretend to be a neutral party: I am not happy with these results. I’ve no love for the Heroes OCs and Byleth isn’t much better, while Sigurd is my favourite Fire Emblem character. But no amount of complaining on an internet forum is going to reverse that 4,000 vote gap between Byleth and Sigurd: the people have spoken.

As usual, beyond Sigurd I voted for various Jugdral absentees. They ranked as follows:

  • Sigurd: 5th, 10,597 votes
  • Lana: =201st, 232 votes
  • Oifaye: 159th, 319 votes
  • Mana: =281st, 121 votes
  • Dagda: =361st, 38 votes
  • Manfloy: =360th, 39 votes
  • Linoan: 193rd, 245 votes

To update the graphics in the OP (in text), Nino has replaced Sonia (who plunged down to 150 votes: the previous total seemed unusual) as top of FE7, Fomortiis has displaced Lyon, and Ivy overtook Yunaka.

For the top missing new units, the top threes (alt hell counts as being present) now look like:

  • Akaneia: Etzel (214 votes), Yubello (179 votes), Raddy (152 votes)
  • FE2: Jesse (158 votes), Noma (26 votes), and those are the last two
  • FE4: Oifaye (319 votes), Lana (232 votes), Corple (157 votes)
  • FE5: Linoan (245 votes), Machua (161 votes), Misha (137 votes)
  • FE6: Lance (133 votes), Alan (120 votes), Shin (117 votes)
  • FE7: Lowen (192 votes), Marcus (136 votes), Dart (118 votes). Note Athos was added mid-poll.
  • FE8: Franz (380 votes), Garcia (286 votes), Ismaire (243 votes, post-game bonus), Moulder (136 votes)
  • Tellius: Stefan (939 votes), Volug (396 votes), Kieran (314 votes)
  • Awakening has every playable character present in some capacity.
  • Fates: Scarlet (648 votes), Mitama (348 votes), Shura (341 votes)
  • Fodlan: Rodrigue (561 votes), Alois (175 votes), Lambert (173 votes, NPC), Miklan (167 votes, boss), Hanneman (140 votes)
  • Engage: Nil (694 votes), Amber (538 votes), Zelkov (508 votes)
  • TMS: Touma (2,421 votes), Maiko (853 votes, NPC), Yashiro (535 votes)

And a small bit of random trivia:

  • Alfred, at 53rd, is the last character with over 1,000 votes.
  • The cutoff for 100th, Leonie this year, is 541 votes.
  • Luke, with five votes, is the least popular playable character.
  • Dead last is split between Veld the generic final boss of FE5 and Dahha (officially Barth, not to be confused with the FE6 armour) the random FE2 pirate boss, with two votes apiece.
  • The final placement given is 397th. Taking 198th as the median results in a tie between Engage character Madeline and Heroes OC Laevatein.
  • The threshold for 100 votes is exactly 300th: a six-way tie.

That’s all from me for the annual CYL reporting. Will I be back next year?
Of course! Brave Sigurd for CYL10 surely: it’ll be the thirtieth anniversary of FE4 next year. What better timing could there be?