Bloodlines Hype šŸŖ”

The day has come, grab your ale and for you kiddos grab your sodie-pops, the much awaited for Bloodlines update is around the corner.

What are you guys hoping to see in this update? Anything you hope gets implemented?

Iā€™m just here refreshing FEU every 15, straight fiending on the refresh, waiting for the update :triumph:


Iā€™m hoping to see the conclusion of Act 2, the Promoted Class for Bram and Dewey, some new playable characters, and some more backstory of Bram. Thatā€™s what I have been waiting for.


Iā€™m hoping for more wacky non-human classes, personally. Or just more bears, because FE needs more bears.

Iā€™m really glad to see Bloodlines back tbh, itā€™s definitely one of those ā€œcertified hood classicā€ hacks IMO. And the new version of Bloodlines is coming out literally the day after my favorite fanfic updated! Everything seems to be turning up roses for me this week. :smiley:

Letā€™s keep this hype train rolling!


@Silver-Star Backstory for Bram is a big one Iā€™m looking forward, too as well!

@AstraCrits Iā€™m glad youā€™ve been having a good month! Bloodlines is definitely gonna be the cherry on top.

Maybe Iā€™m too hyped, just really excited weā€™re gonna get an update to, like astra said, a certified hood classic. I think itā€™ll be interesting if Ghast decides to keep using FE7 as a base! Definitely keepin it a classic that way


Iā€™m pretty hyped, I didnā€™t know that so much about the hack has already been revealed. Did you guys actually play it yet or did the creator put out more videos on it that I havenā€™t seen yet?

Just from the Bloodlines threads :slight_smile: For me anyway


hey i just wanted to say that this thread was a very kind gesture and it warmed my heart when i seen it yesterday. thank you kindly!


Of course, ghast! The overall quality of this update has been astonishing and Iā€™m looking forward to see what else you have in place for your work :metal:t4::black_heart: