Why isn't this condition working :c


im pretty sure AllNotesGet is just wrong as hell. But Idk how I would format a condition that checks something that checks somethign that checks something otherwise reset. I don’t know if the condition checks in that specific order too, the order shouldn’t matter, as long as the event checks for it everyturn?

IFET 0x00 0x2C
ELSE 0x01
ENIF 0x00
ENUF 0x32
ENIF 0x01
IFET 0x02 0x22
ELSE 0x03
ENIF 0x02
ENUF 0x36
ENIF 0x03
IFET 0x04 0x2D
ELSE 0x05
ENIF 0x04
ENUF 0x36
ENIF 0x05
IFET 0x06 0x2F
ELSE 0x07
ENIF 0x06
ENUF 0x36
ENIF 0x07
IFET 0x08 0x2E
ENUT 0x35//
ELSE 0x09
ENIF 0x08
ENUF 0x36
ENIF 0x09

i think i’m getting closer…

You probably want ENUF 0x36, not ENUF 0x32.

Also, the order of the turn events does matter. When I activated each event ID checked in the Opening_event and tested them in the order you have (OpenFinal → AllNotesGet), the true branch (correct term?) for OpenFinal isn’t followed until turn 3, but the true branch for AllNotesGet is followed on turn 2. If the order is reversed (AllNotesGet → OpenFinal), both of the true branches are followed on turn 2.

okay so i reversed the labels

TURN 0x36 AllNotesGet [01, 99] 0x8 0x00
TURN 0x38 OpenFinal [01, 99] 0x8 0x00

im gonna try this out now

aaaah no! :frowning:

okay but i think i have a hunch,

IFET 0x02 0x22
ELSE 0x03
ENIF 0x02
ENUF 0x36
ENIF 0x03
IFET 0x04 0x2D
ELSE 0x05
ENIF 0x04
ENUF 0x36
ENIF 0x05
IFET 0x06 0x2F
ELSE 0x07
ENIF 0x06
ENUF 0x36
ENIF 0x07
IFET 0x08 0x2E
ENUT 0x35//
ELSE 0x09
ENIF 0x08
ENUF 0x36
ENIF 0x09

if 0x2E gets triggered in any order, no matter what. That will be the trigger that causes OpenFinal to activate the next turn. I’m guessing I put my ENUT 0x35 in the wrong place? Where does it go?


this still isn’t working UFGH

If you want to check that all four conditions are met, you need to put the IFET consecutively. This setup is not consecutive. You’re actually checking each condition separately, and even if one of them is met, there’s no code to act on the condition being met.

Try something like this instead:

Edit: goofed some conditional ids in there, but those are arbitrary.

prime is the GOAT


pls (coming next EA…)

Unless your idea of GOTO is wildly different, EA already has that functionality with JUMP.


Prime is rite

I mean ifs, enifs, and elses native work in FE’s event engine as conditional gotos, labels, and gotos respectively.