Welcome to the Library of Alexandria

I’m pretty sure we’ve made more advances in a month than SF has made in the last like… two years.


Seriously. It’s kinda amazing, and kinda depressing.


Also, fyi, the way i found this place was because I saw on Youtube that Arch had uploaded something like, for the first time in forever(it was the branched promotion in FireShell), and I was like, “That’s really cool! I guess the hacking community is having a revival or something? What’s FireShell?” I looked around more of his videos and found the ranged weapon test and the link to FireShell. And FEU2… FEU is a powerful name, and this just seemed so much like a revival and the atmosphere seems nice… And then I joined and had crazy asm hax sprout out of me…


wasn’t FEditor posted on FEU first too


before the EA even

I can’t really recall which came first. They were both first posted on FEU, though.

Both came into existence while I worked on FE4A, but I remember doing the early stages with a text parser and some old graphics editor that GBAGE replaced for portraits.

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Sorry for the downtime, everybody! I tried installing some plugins (which requires you to use a shell console), and obviously failed in doing so.


These were the three I tried to grab. A checklist markdown, tags for topics, and shared edits. Maybe I’ll give it another go sometime, now that I’ve got a proper backup/know how to get the forum back.

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FEU has always been the fandom innovator. All the most important tools in the Japanese and English communities sprouted from FEU first.

I posted about this in the EN thread over on Serenes, but I just wanted to mention here too (since this forum’s my baby) that I’ll be without a home internet connection for the next few months. Real life shit hits the fan at the most opportune times, ya know. My mother’s being served divorce papers by her 2nd husband; we’re gonna be moving out of our house in the very near future, and living a very financially minimalist lifestyle.

During my leave of absence, @CT075 is the interim admin of FEU. There’ll be no coup d’tats, no mob rule; no elections will be held. This is Marshall Law mafuckas.

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all shall bow before me


(A-at temp admin, not Arch’s real life shenanigans)

New year new dictatorship I suppose.

Oh look at that. The forum will be dead for two months by the time you return then :frowning:


Joke’s on you, Klok. I’m fond of all the green numbers; except, of course, “emails sent.” Just a reminder that y’all can set preferences for that!

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fukin nub

you dun even know how gone I was bruh


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I keep meaning to ask, didn’t the original Library of Alexandria get burned down by people who didn’t like the knowledge stored inside?

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are you hinting at some sort of impending attack from 4ch or something

(not that it would matter - our library is a lot more likely to self-destruct from arch forgetting to pay for hosting kek)

Also we have backups of the library too, so.

[quote=“CopyBotJ, post:1, topic:930”]
Hey FEU! About 4 months ago, a bunch of FE fans from 4chan came up with an idea to make a shitty hack from a bunch of our stupid characters.[/quote]
already happened


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implying that it’s all bad there