Weapon Icon repository

This is the best possible license I have ever, ever read.


So, after a grueling several hours, I’ve managed to make a compilation of all of the icons that I’ve made over the years that are free for anyone to use. Since most of them are old (probably averaging from around 2008-2009, but there are ones that are even older on here), I’m not even going to care if people want to tweak them to their needs.

I’m going to link this solely as a Dropbox link as, should I make something else that’s free to use, I will simply update the file and append in an edit to this post (unless it locks you out after a certain length of time) noting what’s been added. (I also very rarely do stuff with my Dropbox, so the link should always be valid.)

Link/image here:

(Background color legend:
Green = adaptation of existing FE weapons/icons (mostly FE9/10 stuff)
Yellow = icons made for Arch for Elibean Nights (that are completely new and not versions of things like the Rusty Coin) that he has allowed to be free to use
Blue = icons that I’ve done over the years either for myself or defunct projects (some of which may have been appropriated by Arch or other projects since)

I’ll also tease that I have an enormous project that I’m ever so slowly chipping away at that is going to be an entire package of free-to-use icons. I’m just not nearly close enough to show it yet. :wink:

EDIT (5/23/15) - I’ve updated the sheet with a new icon that I forgot when initially compiling the sheet, my take on FE6’s Eckesachs.
EDIT (3/29/17) - Link updated to due Dropbox being dumb.
EDIT (Jul 7, 2017) - Ditto the previous update. >:o
Also, at some point I did a new version of the Bolt Axe and added that to the sheet as well.
EDIT (Nov 25, 2017) - Remembered a few old icons that I hadn’t included on the sheet as well as a new version of the Cleave Bow for EN since the old one was absolutely ancient.


So, these aren’t really weapon icons, per se, but they’re similar enough, so I’m throwing them in here.

I made these a long while back for A Sacred Dawn, but seeing as they’re not being used and they’re basically just GBA versions of icons from FE10, I’ve decided to make them available for anyone that wants to use them. (I would have uploaded them sooner, but I legitimately forgot that I even did them to begin with.) They use a different palette than the default one that GBAFE uses, so I included the one that mine uses on the left-hand side in dot form.

(Earth replaces Anima and the design on Ice is actually completely new - think of it like a hybrid between GBAFE’s Ice Affinity and FE10’s Water Affinity.)


I love your licensing :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember making that aaaaages ago.

Like, that’s some original FEU and FEND shit right there.

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These are all free to use/edit. It’ll probably be updated for as long as I continue to make them.


Even though I’ve long since stopped playing Heroes, I felt the desire to make these a little while back and since Heroes will be in Cipher’s new set coming out this week, I wanted to get these finished before it came out (timing felt appropriate, given that I had four of the five done as of two days ago).

Given how difficult a couple of them were, I’m in a happy mood from finishing, so I’m going to post them for anyone to use (should you have a reason to do so…?).
(Heck, make a short hack featuring the Heroes characters to learn the ropes or something, I dunno.)


(Update 5/18/18: Replaced link with new version. Now no longer features the 4x scale versions on it.)


Here are some of mine that I’ve made. Some are better than others.

I’m sorry they’re not perfectly organized like the rest of you overachievers. I tried then got lazy.
They’re open source.
You’ve got some bluey thunder, some new fire tomes, complete wind tomes, water tomes, some new light and dark tomes, devil sword, spear, and bow, iron, steel, and silver short and long bows, lanceslayer, axeslayer, and arms scroll.


I just started working on updating previous weapon sprites to match their new FE:Heroes counterparts.

Sol Katti:
Murgleis (AKA Mulagir, the bow that Brave Lyn uses in FE:Heroes):

They look much more accurate to their canon and FE:Heroes versions.

Edit: Audhulma has just now been done and I lengthened the blade on Durandal. I went back and used the Awakening icon of Sol Katti for reference in making a much better version, replaced the old one and uploaded a better Siegmund.


Yoo these are free to use right? i may use them in The Sacred War

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Yeah of course! I just have fun experimenting around and making whatever. You don’t have to give me credit or anything and you can edit them or do whatever you want with them. I also just finished bringing over some 3DS and console title weapons as well, here they are,

Beloved Zofia:
Alm’s Falchion:
Hauteclere Heroes/DS version :
Vague Katti:
Mercurius DS version:
Mercurius Awakening version:
The Binding Blade:

And I’m currently working on Jaffar’s heroes dagger, some other Echoes weapons, and Siegfried. I may do Vidofnir as well and I plan on doing further work on Parthia, Armads, and Vague Katti since I’m not 100% pleased with them yet.


Here, have some more random weapons!

Includes some weapons from FE4, some from FE14, Radiant Dawn swords and knives, Ragnell, Rex tomes, Golden Dagger and Master Sword from LoZ.


I went through and added all the icons in this thread to the Repo, however the link for these FE5 icons is dead. Does anyone have a copy?

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This is over a month late but I was sorting through some old stuff and noticed I had the FE5 icons downloaded from a long time ago so here’s a mirror.

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I actually made some effort on my part of editing FE9/10 weapons!

They are quite the challenge and they are my first time making an actual weapon icon for the GBA but they were worth it.

(I think I made the closest imitation of the Amiti)
(Yeah I know, GBA doesn’t have pink but the handle and hilt come close)
(Not sure how accurate it looks on shape wise but I did my best)
Tempest Blade:
(Let me tell ya’ll, I did not made it from scratch)
Venin Edge:
(Again the palatte color but the hilt and handle works great)

You’re probably wondering, did I made these from scratch? No.
I legit grabbed the FE10 Weapon Icons and just crop out the weapons I wanted, which is what you can see up there. (A bit difficult to get the size of crop right on these weapons but was worth it.)
Resize them to the GBA’s 16x16 size, insert them, save them and by this guide right here http://feuniverse.us/t/basic-weapon-icon-editing-and-insertion/ for me to use the right tools for FE8’s weapon colors. I picked the colors that somewhat matched and inserted them for the Amiti, Florete, Stiletto and Venin Edge (as best as I see fit from the colors given).
Surprisingly, Tempest Blade actually worked just fine minus the little mess of colors it gave off. All I had to do for it was clean off those unnecessary colors and it just works like a charm, so if you like them use them. Course if anybody here who is skilled are welcome to polish up Amiti and the others.

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I divided the image of the icon icon of Weapon Icons (All F2U) of Animation Repository into 16x16 so that it can be imported into FEBuilderGBA.
//Those which are too different in format are not transplanted.
//convert -crop 16x16 foo.png icon_%03d.png



Flame%20Sword Flame Sword
Luna%20Sword Luna Sword
Shield%20axe Shield Axe
Snake%20Spirit Snake Spirit
blar%20snake%20spirit dark%20snake gronnsnake%20spirit red%20snake Blár, Svartr, Gronn & Rauðr Snake Spirit


Rau%C3%B0rserpent%20icon Rauðrserpent
Blarserpent%20icon Blarserpent
Gronnserpent%20icon Gronnserpent
Hvitrserpent%20icon Hvitrserpent
Svartrserpent Svartrserpent


Kilji Kilji
tusk Elephant Tusk
Estoc Estoc
Khanda Khanda
Scimitar Scimitar
Scissor%20axe Scissor Axe
Medusa%20Bow Medusa Bow
Cursed%20Lance Valter’s Cursed Lance
gba_227%40E3_01416D30 Brave Spear


Have some more sprites: 0
3 second Edit: forgot an Axe. Tomahawk