Void's Blitzarre Adventure: Blitz Tendency (Earlygame Polish Released)

What is Git?

When working on a project, it’s not very optimal to keep passing along a whole project directory for changes. Also, having only one, central master copy can slow down progress. This is especially true when many people are editing different files.

What Git does is instead of having each person modify the master copy in turn, each person submits a series of diffs. A diff basically just said “I changed this file on these lines.” That way if multiple people work on the same project, it keeps conflicts to a minimum and they can all work at the same time!

Installing Git

If you have a Linux environment in some form (e.g. MinGW, Cygwin), then you almost certainly already have Git. Assuming you don’t though, there are multiple Windows installations for Git. Here is one.

Basic Concepts

In Git, we have branches. Each branch is basically a copy of the project, with a log of history of changes. We can create a new branch to work off a copy of the current state of the project, then merge it back in later, after some other people have made their changes.

Setting up

GitHub has a button that says Clone or Download. Go to a directory and in whatever you used to install git, just say

git clone <url>

and provide you GitHub credentials.

Making a Branch

By default you are on the master branch. You do not want to be doing work on this branch. The way I have the repository set up, you will actually want to branch off the develop branch. Issue the following commands:

git checkout develop
git branch <name of your branch>
git checkout <name of your branch>

What this says in order is:

  • switch to working off the “develop” version of the project
  • make a branch based on that state
  • switch to the branch you just made

Committing Your Changes

After you make changes to files, you need to send it back to the repository (so we can use them or do other things with them).

git commit -am "<summary of your changes>"

This creates a diff (technically, it creates a commit, which is a collection of diffs), and saves it locally. If you’re adding a new file, or removing an existing file, you need to:

git add <path to file>
git rm <path to file>

It is not sufficient to just create or delete the file.

All your changes are committed locally, but you need to send the diffs to the server. Use:

git push

To send the diffs to the repository.

Note the first time you push, you need to set the “upstream branch”. This just means that you have these changes on your computer, and Git needs to know what they correspond to in others’ computers. It should be sufficient to just say:

git push -u origin <name of your branch>

Changing Branches

It’s common to be working on multiple different features at a time. You generally don’t want to do them in the same branch. Swap between them (after committing you changes) with git checkout.

git checkout <second branch>

swaps to the second branch, and

git checkout <first branch>

switches back.

Creating a Pull Request

When a branch passes tests and looks goo to go to make its way into the master copy, it’s time to create a pull request. Go to Github and click the Pull Requests button. Then click “New Pull Request”. For base, select develop, and for compare, select the branch you think is ready. Then create the pull request, and let me know that you did.

If you understand and think you can do all of the above, then you’re able to be a team member. I encourage you to learn a bit more nuanced control (such as using git status / git add instead of just git commit -am), but these are just the bare basics.

There are also good GUI tools to do Git. I’m not familiar with any of them myself, but if you find one that works, and you can branch/commit/push with it, then you also meet the qualifications to be a team member.


Sorry, i need to do this


This should be a fun summer for FEU!


We need fanart now.


Can’t wait for Golden Blitz on 2020

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Gonna leave this here as reassurance for those who want to do chapters but not writing/a warning to those to follow the “Blitz Lore” because any writing I do will indeed follow “Quantity over Quality” mentality


While I won’t be participating in this, a blitz lead by a proper leader does have my attention. Make Blitzes Great Again!

All the starting documentation has been completed (for now), and the repository is in a buildable state.

Thus I’m officially opening the blitz to contributions.

Make mugs, maps, whatever. Claim a chapter to make. Just read the 2nd post on how (hint: add yourself to the spreadsheet).

I’ll be on Discord to coordinate things or to answer questions.

Made a small pack of F2U mugs from some F2U projects that I’ve worked on, one dead project and some other stuff that I had around. Feel free to use as long as credit is given! Credit to NickT too for some of their assets being used in the creation of these as well.

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One thing to be noted it that people can use the GitHub desktop, instead of the Git bash command line.

Daily update:

Many mugs have been created. Maps for several chapters have been completed. Almost all chapters have been claimed. A working Ch3 has been submitted, and the prologue runs.

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I’m not sure what to do here. I have a chapter map I want to contribute, but I’m unsure what step to take first. It seems like I have to go onto the spreadsheet and put my name there and what I did, but do I do that after I send the map to a team member? And how do I contact a team member and give them my map? Even after reading the rules for contributions, I’m still confused on how to do this. I don’t know where else to ask about it.

Yes just get into contact with any team member. Discord is preferred, but you can also post it here and I’ll try to add it.

I guess I’ll just post it here then. I don’t know what format to post it in, so I’ll just post it as a .tmx file.

We need weapon icons!

  • Blitz Axe (Lord Prf, stats are loosely a wolf beil with less mt but more hit)

  • Slaying Bow (Bow super effective vs armors)

  • Hunter’s Bow (Bow super effective vs cavalry)

  • Blitz of Aja (the Blitz Axe but with a red stone of Aja in it)

  • Runic Bow (Bow super effective vs magic users)

Maybe more later, I’ll keep this post updated

Daily update:
Prologue and Chapter 1 practically complete, Many more maps are complete, several mugs inserted, several icons created.

Tomorrow I will be checking up on the rest of the first 10 chapters to make sure progress is done, and potentially reassign chapters.

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Daily Update: Palette issues fixed, spell association issues fixed, chapter 9 materials submitted. More work on later maps.

Daily Update: A few new tools added, some item tweaks, some bugs squashed (assembly level).

Chapters still in need of a pull request:
- Chapter 2 ( @P33RL355#0108 )
- Chapter 4 ( @Zaim#0800 )
- Chapter 5 ( @Snakey1#4148 )
- Chapter 7 ( @circleseverywhere#1423 )
- Chapter 8 ( @Alusq#2370 )
- Chapter 10 ( @Vennobennu#3821 )

Chapters with an incomplete pull request or under review:
- Chapter 9 ( @Sme#3942 ) (https://github.com/FireEmblemUniverse/VBA-Blitz-Tendency/pull/16)

Merged, beatable chapters:
- Prologue ( @Colorz💜#1337 )
- Chapter 1 ( @Zaim#0800 )
- Chapter 3 ( @Darrman#2798 )
- Chapter 6 ( @Colorz💜#1337 )

I’m told all the chapters are at least partway through eventing.

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Daily Update: Added chapter names, added Void’s transformation on promotion. Merged together many chapters.
Ownership of Peerless’s chapters hhve been handed to Wan.

Chapters still in need of a pull request:
- Chapter 2 ( @Your Wife. You know who.  )
- Chapter 5 ( @Snakey1 | mov r15, r13 )
- Chapter 7 ( @Circles | Resident S̛ane͠ Person )

Chapters with an incomplete pull request or under review:
- Chapter 4 ( @Zaim is Zoof ) (https://github.com/FireEmblemUniverse/VBA-Blitz-Tendency/pull/31)
- Chapter 8 ( @Alusq 🍞💗 ) (https://github.com/FireEmblemUniverse/VBA-Blitz-Tendency/pull/35)
- Chapter 9 ( @Smegbert (SD9k's Dad) ) (https://github.com/FireEmblemUniverse/VBA-Blitz-Tendency/pull/16)

Merged, beatable chapters:
- Prologue ( @ザ・可愛さ )
- Chapter 1 ( @Zaim is Zoof ) 
- Chapter 3 ( @Darr wants you on Team Zigludo )
- Chapter 6 ( @ザ・可愛さ )
- Chapter 10 ( @Vennobennu ) 

I’m told chapter 2 is mostly completed, and chapter 5 is mostly completed. I’m told Chapter 7 will be finished tomorrow.


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