Tile Change problem

Hi, guys! I’m having some problems with tile changes.

In my tile changes text file, i wrote just one tile change. Here’s the file.

#include EAstdlib.event
#include TilesDefinitions.txt

org 0xCE2244+(4*0x42)

POIN TileChanges

org 0x31A380

CODE $00
CODE $00

CODE 0x04 0x00

okay so. tiles definitions is exactly as arch wrote in his hacking tutorial for dummies.
when i try to assemble, i get 8 errors.

8 errors encountered:
File: TilesDefinitions.txt, Line: 3: Resefining TileMap: #define TileMap(TCN,X1,Y1,L1,L2,TilePointer) "CODE TCN X1 Y1 L1 L2; CODE L2 0x00 0x00 0x00; POIN TilePointer
File Ch10 Tile Map Changes.txt, Line 4, Column 1: No code named org found.
File Ch10 Tile Map Changes.txt, Line 8, Column 1: No code named org found.
File Ch10 Tile Map Changes.txt, Line 11, Column 1: No code named Tilemap found.
File Ch10 Tile Map Changes.txt, Line 12, Column 1: No code named CODE found.
File Ch10 Tile Map Changes.txt, Line 13, Column 1: No code named CODE found.
File Ch10 Tile Map Changes.txt, Line 14, Column 1: No code named CODE found.
File Ch10 Tile Map Changes.txt, Line 17, Column 1: No code named CODE found.

No data written to output.

So i don’t have any idea on how to resolve those problems. Probably they’re elemental things, but please, guys, help me.
thanks in advance :slight_smile:

It looks like you’re using outdated commands since I’m pretty sure CODE is deprecated. I recommend you download something like Aurawolf’s map package and look at the tile change examples he has to give you a better idea of what to do. Or I think WORD is what’s used instead?

Also I think org needs to be in all caps so it should be ORG and Tilemap should be TileMap instead.

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Okay, thanks! I’ll download that package and see if i manage to do something.

alternatively use an older version of EA for tilechanges

and org should be ORG, Tilemap should be TileMap, and you shouldn’t need TilesDefinitions.txt(the re-defining error)

Everything else is fine(although I’d recommend

CODE 0x04 0x00 CODE $00
this so you can see clearly where your separator is.

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I’ll try when i’ll be able to.