Thumblib V0.2

This is a language raw file for use with the Everything Event Assembler.
I’d consider it in alpha stages, so be sure to check back often, post issues, etc.

thumblib v.02

thumblib v.02 includes the Thumb.txt raw file, a basic readme, thumblib.event, which is a set of macros and definitions, and antihuffman.txt, which is the antihuffman patch in thumblib format.

All thumb opcodes are included, although many remain odd to use due to mnemonic differences from their original thumb opcodes and strange formatting. A basic explanation of what each does is included in the Thumb.txt file.

Here’s a list of currently added macros (which also demonstrate use) that make using some codes more intuitive:

adc(Rd,Rn) //Rd=Rd+Rn+C

adn(Rd,Rd,num) //Rd=Rd+num
adn(Rd,Rn,num) //Rd=Rn+num
ade //add r8,r8
adp(Rd,num) //Rd=(PC&0xFFFFFFFC)+num
ads(Rd,num) //Rd=SP+num
add(Rd,Rd,Rn) //Rd=Rd+Rn
add(Rd,Rm,Rn) //Rd=Rn+Rm
add(lo,lo,hi) //lo=lo+hi
add(hi,hi,lo) //hi=hi+lo

asrn(Rd,Rs,num) //Rd=Rs>>num
asr(Rd,Rs) //Rd=Rd>>Rs

and(r3,r4) //Rd=Rd&Rm

b(label) //PC=label


This post will be for version changes and bug fixes.

  • v.01 Original release, all thumb codes in raw form
  • v.02 All ‘a’ macros done
  • Fixed branched, apparently I missed a bit.