Thracia 776 style escape chapters

Well, some people asked me to post this in order for it to be saved here, so here’s my method for Fe5 style escape chapters with no ASM required.

I have an conditional ID for each of the character outside of Leif himself, in the AREA event of the escape tile I use use IFs to know the character ids, and for example Olwen is the one escaping, I trigger her corresponding conditional ID. Once Leif escapes I check if the condional IDs of the characters are active or not, if they are, good, if not, they are simply released from memory.
If later on I decide to implement a “get them back” chapter(the one in Thracia were your captured units could be gotten back) I can instead use Permanent Conditional IDs that will carry over to all the game and later on check for which units were captured.

Here you are, the method is quite simply, it’s only boring to make conditionals for all characters.
Have fun with making different chapter goals now.


If can use asm, FEBuilderGBA has a routine that implements exit like FE 5.

The following two patches need to be adapted.
EVENTSCRIPT_COND Last Escapee //alone
EVENTSCRIPT_Withdrawal the operation character //ridatu

if (COND Last Escapee)  //alone
{//End the chapter for the last one.
{//executes withdrawal processing.
	Withdrawal the operation character(); //ridatu

This is based on asm created by aera in FE8J.
I transplanted to FE8U.
Original source code for FE8J

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That’s neat, will probably help a lot of people that don’t like messing with events, I’m using buildfiles though, but that’s pretty good.
My seal of approval

Yes, except that only seems to make the last escapee end the chapter, whereas in FE5 it only ends when leif seizes, and everyone left behind becomes unusable.

Of course, strictly speaking it is different.
Withdrawal of FE 5, leaf must be withdrawn at the end.
Otherwise, the remaining members will be sent to the POW camp (ch21x / 捕虜収容所).
If one player unit is taken by prisoner of war, you can go to ch21x, so when we play FE 5, we need to hand out several ally friendly units on purpose.

In this withdrawal routine it is possible to create a limitation that a particular unit must be removed last.
Writing the pseudocode will result in the following.

if (COND Last Escapee)  //alone
{//End the chapter for the last one.
{//executes withdrawal processing.
	if (CHECK_ACTIVE Eirika)
	{//Eirika has to leave last.
	Withdrawal the operation character(); //ridatu