The Under

Yes, I’m inclined to agree.

p l s g i b

Also, I peeked at the OP of that SF thread’s profile, and he’s like 11.

So uh, yeah.

Uh, question. How can I make recolors? Like I want to take an animation out, recolor it, then up the index in FEditor and insert it there. I recolored the sheets, but I don’t think that’s what needed.
I apologize in advance if this is super simple and I’m a dunce.

why not just add the palette into the game via a hex editor and just have the character’s palette association point to it instead?

How can I do that? Add in a palette I mean.

it’s just a series of hexadecimal numbers; you can get them from FERecolor and just paste it into anywhere that’s free space.

Here right?

that does look like a palette yeah
you should be able to link it via the palette association in the character editor and the actual palette pointer editor

Separate it by bytes though, not words (4 bytes)

I’m not sure I get what you’re saying
also I don’t think FE6 has a palette pointer editor module.
Again, sorry if these are obvious things I’m missing.

It’s in the Animation folder, it’s called the FE6 Battle Palette Reference Module

Crazy means in your hex editor, separate rows into bytes, not words. It makes things easier to read. See how the first thing says 82D982DC? It’d be easier to read if it said 82 D9 82 DC. It should be an option in the view menu or something.

So how would I find my palette in the reference module?

Guise I did it I inserted a mug through EA


What are these dark powers?

also got reply #900 goddamnit

Only 121 more to a round number!

I got 901 so I can kinda make an outdated it’s over 9000 joke tho

(not rly)


We all know Wikipedia. Even the spellchecker knows. What you mightn’t know, is the existence of the Simple English Wikipedia, with articles containing “simple words”. The page for Fire Emblem is here, and it’s bad. Not counting bot edits, it hasn’t been edited since 2013 and is really stubby. Just take a look at the two line descriptors for every game! However, it’s nothing compared to the Smash article they have…

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