The Under

I find any place, especially on the internet, that gets popular tends to be proportionately filled with idiots and cunts who yell loudest.

I used to go to FunnyJunk for all my funny pictures but found the place to be filled with retards, went to Imgur instead.
I used to go to Imgur for all my funny pictures but found the place to be filled with retards, went to 9gag instead.
I used to go to 9gag for all my funny pictures but found the place to be filled with retards, went to Reddit instead.
Now Iā€™m sitting here wondering why the fuck Iā€™m hanging out with all these retards?

I hate Serenes because despite being around for years I never fell in with the popular kids, probably not helped by my attitude half of the time and my lack of ability to aptly contribute to the communities I wanted to be apart of, so over-time I became a fence-sitter and that didnā€™t really help the situation any further.

I havenā€™t mentioned it yet, but the ultimate reason as to why I left was because someone was asking for fixes on their mugs for a hack, I privately messaged him with a couple fixes which he then put up and slowly more people began adding their help towards it. For fun I posted a couple of non-serious fixes in the topic directly whilst still private-messaging him ones I took a little more seriously, people called me out for crap and I gave shit back.

Most of those people wouldnā€™t have said shit if that one person didnā€™t start helping, everyoneā€™s time is so important, so precious. It took me like, an hour to help out and re-do a single of his mugs and itā€™s still being used as the main character, so fuck it?

Itā€™s why despite my respect for their craft I have an underlying resetment of the spriters on Serenes because theyā€™ve formed this click clique that just self inflates their ego. I was never a good spriter, never really a good anything but Iā€™ve been around long enough to enjoy the little pockets of places that I felt were a lot nicer to be apart of. Itā€™s why I avoided FESS and FEPlanet which were the bigger communities.

Thereā€™s also those times where Aeo and others would enter the splicing contest whenever I entered. I thought I was just being paranoid until Merc mentioned that exact thing to Aeo as she recorded herself doing the sprite. Made me chuckle.

As for Fire Emblem specifically, itā€™s attracting more of the Animu crowd, so look forward to all your bishi and waifu posts from here on. I know someone said earlier that Fire Emblem has always been anime inspired but Iā€™ve never really seen that correlation until now. Soon thereā€™ll be body pillows and those mouse-mats with the tits on them.

Canā€™t be fucked checking if this shit makes sense, Iā€™ve got JPN music to weeb to and MMO raids to ruin as a half-arsed DPS.


ā€¦ Wait, what

You do know that Imgur was literally originally built to host images for Reddit, yeah? Like, I get that they have their own community now, but itā€™s tiny compared to Reddit, always was tiny compared to Reddit at the time, and is generally seen as kind of ā€œadorableā€ by a lot of Redditors because of their apparent ignorance of that history.


But also, if youā€™re literally only going somewhere to get the funny pictures, who gives a shit about the surrounding community?

Iā€™m not getting what is ā€œwait, whatā€ worthy?
Like, you even said that you know Imgur has a community.
Itā€™s more or less I just went along the train of reposts. FJ posted a lot from Imgur, Imgur is filled with Reddit and Tumblr and 9gag is just the bile of meme-obsessed kids and teenagers.

And I get irrationally angry and frustrated when I read stupid things. Plus I like commenting on the pictures and having discussions.

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9gag is good, as long as you keep off the comment sectionā€¦ Thatā€™s pure cancer.

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Ugh, Imgurā€¦ I recently started browsing the front page again in moments of boredom for the first time in a while, and everyone posts ā€œdumpsā€ now, which are just people re-posting their entire favourites folder for karma. RIP the OC. >implying there ever was OC in the first place

As for FunnyJunk, the only good memory I have of that is watching my first Flash video (End of ze World) over a decade ago. Shit, how/why is that site still alive after so long?
Reddit makes it easy to filter out the rŠµtards, which I appreciate.

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'das the one. Mi stupido el some-time-o.

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Get on my level.

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when u realise u been working with the same song all along


Is my browser messing with me, everything after 19 seconds is silence.

no i forgot to trim it down is all

Ok, good, I am relieved.

You canā€™t hear the spooky voice whispering ā€œKill them all, Klok. Kill them all.ā€?

Oh uh, god.

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Does anyone have an old-ass version of FEditor?

Serenesā€™ fan projects section in a nutshell. 10/10 best hack


No. I have MANY oldass versions of feditor.


Enough with the shade at SF
I let it slide with all the previous posts because this is the shitpost place but seriously
stop playing in the mud and grow up